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Console Output

12:06:32 + make -e test
12:06:32 docker build -t "dockerbuildbot/libcompose:2a046c0bdbf256adf1d6fe107f5ab64770368af1" .
12:06:32 Sending build context to Docker daemon  6.576MB

12:06:32 Step 1/14 : FROM golang:1.12.7
12:06:32  ---> be63d15101cb
12:06:32 Step 2/14 : RUN apt-get update &&     apt-get install -y iptables build-essential --no-install-recommends &&     apt-get install -y python-pip &&     pip install virtualenv
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> ac32a6af0bc1
12:06:32 Step 3/14 : RUN GO111MODULE=off go get &&     GO111MODULE=off go get &&     GO111MODULE=off go get
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> 0197d7e822eb
12:06:32 Step 4/14 : ENV DOCKER_VERSIONS 1.9.1 1.10.3 1.13.1 17.03.2 17.06.0
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> 0c5c284b6af9
12:06:32 Step 5/14 : ENV DEFAULT_DOCKER_VERSION 17.03.2
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> 0d94c7d587b0
12:06:32 Step 6/14 : RUN set -e; set -x;     for v in $(echo ${DOCKER_VERSIONS} | cut -f1); do         if test "${v}" = "1.9.1" || test "${v}" = "1.10.3"; then            mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/docker-${v}/;            curl${v} -o /usr/local/bin/docker-${v}/docker;            chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-${v}/docker;         elif test "${v}" = "1.13.1"; then            curl${v}.tgz -o docker-${v}.tgz;              tar xzf docker-${v}.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/;              mv /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/docker-${v};              rm docker-${v}.tgz;         else              curl${v}-ce.tgz -o docker-${v}.tgz;              tar xzf docker-${v}.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/;              mv /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/docker-${v};              rm docker-${v}.tgz;         fi     done
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> 5de95b94ca80
12:06:32 Step 7/14 : RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-${DEFAULT_DOCKER_VERSION} /usr/local/bin/docker
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> f3720aca4edd
12:06:32 Step 8/14 : WORKDIR /go/src/
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> cc78b7416318
12:06:32 Step 9/14 : ENV COMPOSE_COMMIT 1.9.0
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> 5a43dd4377d3
12:06:32 Step 10/14 : RUN virtualenv venv &&     git clone venv/compose &&     cd venv/compose &&     git checkout -q "$COMPOSE_COMMIT" &&     ../bin/pip install                -r requirements.txt                -r requirements-dev.txt
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> 2e25effa23dd
12:06:32 Step 11/14 : ENV COMPOSE_BINARY /go/src/
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> 74a69ff8454c
12:06:32 Step 12/14 : ENV USER root
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> aae04cb7e5c1
12:06:32 Step 13/14 : ENTRYPOINT ["hack/dind"]
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> 442fdfff171c
12:06:32 Step 14/14 : COPY . /go/src/
12:06:32  ---> Using cache
12:06:32  ---> a855da89c5b5
12:06:32 Successfully built a855da89c5b5
12:06:32 Successfully tagged dockerbuildbot/libcompose:2a046c0bdbf256adf1d6fe107f5ab64770368af1
12:06:32 docker run --rm -i  --privileged -e DAEMON_VERSION="all" -e OS_PLATFORM_ARG -e OS_ARCH_ARG -e DOCKER_TEST_HOST -e TESTDIRS -e TESTFLAGS -e SHOWWARNING -e TESTVERBOSE -v "/home/ubuntu/workspace/libcompose_master/bundles:/go/src/" "dockerbuildbot/libcompose:2a046c0bdbf256adf1d6fe107f5ab64770368af1" ./hack/ binary test-unit test-integration test-acceptance
12:06:32 ---> Making bundle: binary (in .)
12:06:32 go: finding v0.0.0-20160708172513-aabc10ec26b7
12:06:32 go: finding v1.0.1
12:06:32 go: finding v0.3.0
12:06:32 go: finding v0.0.0-20190426062206-aaeac12a7ffc
12:06:32 go: finding v0.3.8
12:06:32 go: finding v0.0.0-20190725163905-fa8dd90ceb7b
12:06:32 go: finding v0.8.6
12:06:32 go: finding v0.0.0-20181218153428-b84716841b82
12:06:32 go: finding v0.0.0-20170929234023-d6e3b3328b78
12:06:33 go: finding v0.0.0-20190613194153-d28f0bde5980
12:06:33 go: finding v0.8.0
12:06:33 go: finding v0.0.0-20190711175710-5b38d82aa076
12:06:33 go: finding v0.0.0-20180127040702-4e3ac2762d5f
12:06:33 go: finding v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd
12:06:33 go: finding v2.7.1+incompatible
12:06:33 go: finding v0.4.0
12:06:34 go: finding v0.0.0-20161109192122-51371867a01c
12:06:34 go: finding v0.0.0-20190308202827-9d24e82272b4
12:06:34 go: finding v0.0.0-20150515145356-3f9db97f8568
12:06:34 go: finding v0.0.0-20170106003457-a6d0ee40d420
12:06:34 go: finding v0.0.0-20150511174710-5cf931ef8f76
12:06:34 go: finding v1.21.0
12:06:35 go: finding v1.1.0
12:06:35 go: finding v1.1.1
12:06:35 go: finding v1.2.0
12:06:35 go: finding v0.0.0-20180127040603-bd5ef7bd5415
12:06:35 go: finding v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2
12:06:35 go: finding v0.6.3
12:06:36 go: finding v1.1.0
12:06:36 go: finding v0.0.0-20160317213430-0eeaf8392f5b
12:06:36 go: finding v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793
12:06:36 go: finding v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33
12:06:37 go: finding v0.0.0-20170113033406-39771216ff4c
12:06:37 go: finding v0.6.0
12:06:37 go: finding v1.2.2
12:06:37 go: finding v0.0.0-20190129233127-fd36f4220a90
12:06:37 go: finding v2.2.0+incompatible
12:06:38 go: finding v1.1.1
12:06:38 go: finding v1.0.1
12:06:38 go: finding v1.3.0
12:06:38 go: finding v0.0.0-20170515205857-f03dbe35d449
12:06:39 go: finding v0.4.0
12:06:39 go: finding v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a
12:06:39 go: finding v0.3.1
12:06:39 go: finding v1.0.1
12:06:39 go: finding v0.0.0-20190801041406-cbf593c0f2f3
12:06:40 go: finding v1.22.1
12:06:40 go: finding v2.2.2
12:06:40 go: finding v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405
12:06:40 go: finding v0.0.0-20140226030751-b84e30acd515
12:06:40 go: finding v1.3.1
12:06:40 go: finding v2.2.6
12:06:40 go: finding v1.2.0
12:06:40 go: finding v2.2.1
12:06:41 go: finding v0.0.0-20190311183353-d8887717615a
12:06:41 go: finding v1.0.0
12:06:42 go: finding v1.1.0
12:06:42 go: finding v0.0.0-20160126235308-23def4e6c14b
12:06:42 go: finding v0.0.0-20161129095857-cc309e4a2223
12:06:42 go: finding v1.0.1
12:06:42 go: finding v0.3.0
12:06:42 go: finding v1.3.2
12:06:42 go: finding v1.1.0
12:06:42 go: finding v1.1.1
12:06:42 go: finding v0.0.3
12:06:42 go: finding v0.8.0
12:06:43 go: finding v0.1.1
12:06:43 go: finding v0.3.4
12:06:43 go: finding v0.2.0
12:06:43 go: finding v1.1.7
12:06:43 go: finding v1.2.0
12:06:43 go: finding v0.26.0
12:06:43 go: finding v0.1.0
12:06:44 go: finding v0.0.0-20181221193216-37e7f081c4d4
12:06:44 go: finding v0.0.0-20181108010431-42b317875d0f
12:06:44 go: finding v1.1.1
12:06:44 go: finding v0.0.0-20180817151627-c66870c02cf8
12:06:44 go: finding v1.0.0
12:06:44 go: finding v0.0.0-20190313153728-d0100b6bd8b3
12:06:44 go: finding v0.0.0-20180228061459-e0a39a4cb421
12:06:44 go: finding v0.3.0
12:06:44 go: finding v1.0.0
12:06:44 go: finding v0.0.0-20180701023420-4b7aa43c6742
12:06:45 go: finding v1.0.0
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20190524140312-2c0ae7006135
12:06:45 go: finding v0.4.1
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20181116152217-5ac8a444bdc5
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.2
12:06:45 go: finding v1.1.6
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20180821212333-d2e6202438be
12:06:45 go: finding v0.9.1
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20180321164747-3a771d992973
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20160405071501-a0175ee3bccc
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20151022065526-2efee857e7cf
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20180712105110-5c3871d89910
12:06:45 go: finding v0.0.0-20181005140218-185b4288413d
12:06:45 go: finding v1.8.0
12:06:46 go: finding v0.0.0-20181114220301-adae6a3d119a
12:06:46 go: finding v0.3.0
12:06:46 go: finding v0.0.0-20190311212946-11955173bddd
12:06:54 go: finding v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58
12:06:56 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190613194153-d28f0bde5980
12:06:56 go: downloading v0.4.0
12:06:56 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190725163905-fa8dd90ceb7b
12:06:56 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190711175710-5b38d82aa076
12:06:56 go: downloading v1.2.0
12:06:56 go: downloading v0.3.0
12:06:56 go: extracting v1.2.0
12:06:56 go: downloading v2.2.2
12:06:56 go: extracting v0.4.0
12:06:56 go: extracting v0.3.0
12:06:57 go: extracting v2.2.2
12:06:57 go: downloading v1.21.0
12:06:57 go: extracting v1.21.0
12:06:58 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190613194153-d28f0bde5980
12:06:59 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190711175710-5b38d82aa076
12:06:59 go: downloading v0.8.0
12:06:59 go: extracting v0.8.0
12:07:00 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190725163905-fa8dd90ceb7b
12:07:00 go: downloading v0.0.0-20161109192122-51371867a01c
12:07:00 go: downloading v2.7.1+incompatible
12:07:00 go: downloading v0.0.0-20150515145356-3f9db97f8568
12:07:00 go: downloading v1.1.0
12:07:00 go: downloading v0.0.0-20170106003457-a6d0ee40d420
12:07:00 go: downloading v0.6.3
12:07:00 go: downloading v1.1.1
12:07:00 go: extracting v0.6.3
12:07:00 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190801041406-cbf593c0f2f3
12:07:00 go: downloading v0.0.0-20170113033406-39771216ff4c
12:07:00 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2
12:07:00 go: downloading v1.22.1
12:07:00 go: extracting v0.0.0-20150515145356-3f9db97f8568
12:07:00 go: extracting v0.0.0-20170106003457-a6d0ee40d420
12:07:00 go: extracting v0.0.0-20170113033406-39771216ff4c
12:07:00 go: extracting v1.1.0
12:07:01 go: extracting v0.0.0-20161109192122-51371867a01c
12:07:01 go: downloading v0.0.0-20170515205857-f03dbe35d449
12:07:01 go: extracting v0.0.0-20170515205857-f03dbe35d449
12:07:02 go: extracting v2.7.1+incompatible
12:07:02 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190308202827-9d24e82272b4
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190426062206-aaeac12a7ffc
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.0.0-20180127040603-bd5ef7bd5415
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.0.0-20160317213430-0eeaf8392f5b
12:07:02 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190308202827-9d24e82272b4
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.0.0-20181218153428-b84716841b82
12:07:02 go: extracting v0.0.0-20181218153428-b84716841b82
12:07:02 go: downloading v1.1.0
12:07:02 go: extracting v0.0.0-20180127040603-bd5ef7bd5415
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.0.0-20180127040702-4e3ac2762d5f
12:07:02 go: extracting v0.0.0-20160317213430-0eeaf8392f5b
12:07:02 go: downloading v1.1.1
12:07:02 go: extracting v1.22.1
12:07:02 go: extracting v0.0.0-20180127040702-4e3ac2762d5f
12:07:02 go: extracting v1.1.1
12:07:02 go: downloading v1.3.2
12:07:02 go: extracting v1.1.0
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.6.0
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190129233127-fd36f4220a90
12:07:02 go: downloading v0.0.3
12:07:03 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190129233127-fd36f4220a90
12:07:03 go: downloading v0.0.0-20180817151627-c66870c02cf8
12:07:03 go: extracting v0.0.3
12:07:03 go: downloading v1.0.1
12:07:03 go: extracting v0.6.0
12:07:03 go: downloading v1.0.1
12:07:03 go: extracting v1.0.1
12:07:03 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190426062206-aaeac12a7ffc
12:07:03 go: downloading v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58
12:07:03 go: extracting v1.0.1
12:07:03 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58
12:07:03 go: extracting v0.0.0-20190801041406-cbf593c0f2f3
12:07:03 go: extracting v1.3.2
12:07:04 go: extracting v1.1.1
12:07:04 go: extracting v0.0.0-20180817151627-c66870c02cf8
12:07:19 ---> Making bundle: test-unit (in .)
12:07:19 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:07:41 ok	1.122s	coverage: 88.2% of statements
12:07:41 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:07:41 go: downloading v1.3.0
12:07:41 go: extracting v1.3.0
12:07:41 go: downloading v1.0.0
12:07:41 go: downloading v1.1.1
12:07:41 go: extracting v1.0.0
12:07:41 go: extracting v1.1.1
12:07:43 ok	1.533s	coverage: 66.0% of statements
12:07:43 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:07:46 ok	1.036s	coverage: 89.0% of statements
12:07:46 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:07:49 ok	1.244s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
12:07:49 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:07:50 ok	1.027s	coverage: 90.9% of statements
12:07:50 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:07:54 ok	1.035s	coverage: 15.9% of statements
12:07:54 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:07:56 ok	1.025s	coverage: 23.5% of statements
12:07:56 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:07:58 ok	1.007s	coverage: 16.0% of statements
12:07:58 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:08:00 ok	1.016s	coverage: 91.9% of statements
12:08:00 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:08:03 ok	1.070s	coverage: 31.9% of statements
12:08:03 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:08:04 ok	1.006s	coverage: 10.2% of statements
12:08:04 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:08:05 ok	1.006s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
12:08:05 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:08:07 ok	1.011s	coverage: 41.3% of statements
12:08:07 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:08:08 ok	1.009s	coverage: 0.0% of statements [no tests to run]
12:08:08 + go test -race -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:08:10 ok	1.023s	coverage: 72.1% of statements
12:08:10 Run non-race test (if any)
12:08:10 + go test  -cover -coverprofile=cover.out
12:08:17 ok	0.004s	coverage: 56.0% of statements
12:08:17 Test success
12:08:17 ---> Making bundle: test-integration (in .)
12:08:17 Running integration test against 1.9.1
12:08:17 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-start (in .)
12:08:17 +++ exec docker daemon --debug --host unix:///go/src/ --storage-driver vfs --pidfile ./ --userland-proxy=true --graph=/var/lib/docker/1.9.1
12:08:18 Client:
12:08:18  Version:      1.9.1
12:08:18  API version:  1.21
12:08:18  Go version:   go1.4.3
12:08:18  Git commit:   a34a1d5
12:08:18  Built:        Fri Nov 20 17:56:04 UTC 2015
12:08:18  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:08:18 Server:
12:08:18  Version:      1.9.1
12:08:18  API version:  1.21
12:08:18  Go version:   go1.4.3
12:08:18  Git commit:   a34a1d5
12:08:18  Built:        Fri Nov 20 17:56:04 UTC 2015
12:08:18  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:08:18 go: downloading v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405
12:08:18 go: downloading v0.0.0-20150511174710-5cf931ef8f76
12:08:18 go: extracting v0.0.0-20150511174710-5cf931ef8f76
12:08:19 go: extracting v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405
12:08:25 SKIP: api_event_test.go:16: APISuite.TestEvents (Not(Test requires the daemon version to be 1.9))
12:08:25 time="2021-06-16T12:08:25Z" level=info msg="[0/1] [service]: Starting "
12:08:25 Pulling service (busybox)...
12:08:25 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:08:25 0f0fa77a4c1e: Pulling fs layer
12:08:25 4e762df69681: Pulling fs layer
12:08:25 0f0fa77a4c1e: Verifying Checksum
12:08:25 0f0fa77a4c1e: Download complete
12:08:25 4e762df69681: Verifying Checksum
12:08:25 4e762df69681: Download complete
12:08:25 0f0fa77a4c1e: Pull complete
12:08:25 4e762df69681: Pull complete
12:08:25 Digest: sha256:3601b6c6b893707baa92046ce91e643574a7fb9c8fa04536aaa0e8aaf7cc501e
12:08:25 Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest
12:08:26 time="2021-06-16T12:08:25Z" level=info msg="[1/1] [service]: Started "
12:08:26 PASS: api_test.go:20: APISuite.TestVolumeWithoutComposeFile	0.677s
12:08:26 PASS: build_test.go:13: CliSuite.TestBuild	0.525s
12:08:27 PASS: build_test.go:85: CliSuite.TestBuildWithArgs	0.661s
12:08:27 PASS: build_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache1	0.144s
12:08:28 PASS: build_test.go:49: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache2	0.568s
12:08:28 PASS: build_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache3	0.512s
12:08:28 time="2021-06-16T12:08:28Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlckymsr -f - create]"
12:08:28 PASS: create_test.go:58: CliSuite.TestContainerName	0.129s
12:08:28 time="2021-06-16T12:08:28Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectpfhufhk -f - create]"
12:08:28 time="2021-06-16T12:08:28Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectpfhufhk -f - scale hello=2]"
12:08:28 PASS: create_test.go:72: CliSuite.TestContainerNameWithScale	0.135s
12:08:29 PASS: env_test.go:12: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvInCurrentDir	0.467s
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqjbfolz -f - create]"
12:08:29 PASS: env_test.go:38: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvNotInCurrentDir	0.080s
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Creating "
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Creating "
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Created "
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Created "
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Created "
12:08:29 PASS: create_test.go:241: CliSuite.TestDefaultMultipleComposeFiles	0.346s
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectnzwrnwo -f - up -d]"
12:08:29 time="2021-06-16T12:08:29Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectnzwrnwo -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:08:42 time="2021-06-16T12:08:39Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectnzwrnwo -f - rm --force]"
12:08:42 PASS: rm_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDelete	10.370s
12:08:42 time="2021-06-16T12:08:39Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqbrzjwq -f - up -d]"
12:08:42 time="2021-06-16T12:08:40Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectqbrzjwq -f - stop bye --timeout 0]"
12:08:52 time="2021-06-16T12:08:50Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectqbrzjwq -f - rm --force]"
12:08:52 PASS: rm_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestDeleteOnlyRemovesStopped	10.537s
12:08:52 time="2021-06-16T12:08:50Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectcurehqp -f - up -d]"
12:08:52 time="2021-06-16T12:08:50Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectcurehqp -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:09:01 time="2021-06-16T12:09:00Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectcurehqp -f - rm --force -v]"
12:09:01 PASS: rm_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestDeleteWithVol	10.367s
12:09:01 time="2021-06-16T12:09:01Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectlqnyomd -f - up -d]"
12:09:01 time="2021-06-16T12:09:01Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectlqnyomd -f - down]"
12:09:11 PASS: down_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDown	10.346s
12:09:11 time="2021-06-16T12:09:11Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectavemewr -f - up -d]"
12:09:11 time="2021-06-16T12:09:11Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectavemewr -f - scale hello=2]"
12:09:11 time="2021-06-16T12:09:11Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectavemewr -f - down]"
12:09:24 PASS: down_test.go:24: CliSuite.TestDownMultiple	10.609s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:21Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectkqbwvfg -f - create]"
12:09:24 PASS: create_test.go:31: CliSuite.TestEmptyEntrypoint	0.125s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectdpghsgn -f - create]"
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqgsduby -f - create]"
12:09:24 PASS: create_test.go:146: CliSuite.TestFieldTypeConversions	0.160s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectfwkdnrd -f - create]"
12:09:24 PASS: create_test.go:14: CliSuite.TestFields	0.077s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectadskbfa -f - create]"
12:09:24 PASS: create_test.go:45: CliSuite.TestHelloWorld	0.080s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectwtqyxti -f - create]"
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecthngexow -f - create]"
12:09:24 PASS: create_test.go:86: CliSuite.TestInterpolation	0.156s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecthisbbpj -f - create]"
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectphzmfao -f - create]"
12:09:24 PASS: create_test.go:112: CliSuite.TestInterpolationWithExtends	0.160s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:22Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojecttwjgfrv -f - up -d]"
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:23Z" level=info msg="Running kill [--verbose -p testprojecttwjgfrv -f - kill]"
12:09:24 PASS: kill_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestKill	0.341s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:23Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectvfhfayl -f - up -d]"
12:09:24 PASS: up_test.go:260: CliSuite.TestLink	0.416s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:23Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:23Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:23Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:23Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:09:24 PASS: create_test.go:176: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesOneTwo	0.399s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:09:24 PASS: create_test.go:204: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesTwoOne	0.357s
12:09:24 time="2021-06-16T12:09:24Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwmmuyte -f - up -d]"
12:09:25 PASS: volume_test.go:62: CliSuite.TestNamedVolume	0.207s
12:09:25 time="2021-06-16T12:09:25Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectiafiaaz -f - up -d]"
12:09:25 time="2021-06-16T12:09:25Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectiafiaaz -f - pause]"
12:09:25 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestPause	0.225s
12:09:25 time="2021-06-16T12:09:25Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectkxlyqir -f - up -d]"
12:09:25 time="2021-06-16T12:09:25Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectkxlyqir -f - pause]"
12:09:25 time="2021-06-16T12:09:25Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectkxlyqir -f - pause]"
12:09:25 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:26: CliSuite.TestPauseAlreadyPausedService	0.229s
12:09:25 time="2021-06-16T12:09:25Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectfysxmee -f - up -d]"
12:09:26 time="2021-06-16T12:09:26Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectfysxmee -f - ps]"
12:09:26 PASS: ps_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestPs	0.244s
12:09:26 time="2021-06-16T12:09:26Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectsmxvehq -f - up -d]"
12:09:26 time="2021-06-16T12:09:26Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectsmxvehq -f - ps -q]"
12:09:26 PASS: ps_test.go:22: CliSuite.TestPsQuiet	0.226s
12:09:26 time="2021-06-16T12:09:26Z" level=info msg="Running pull [--verbose -p testprojectaxqhnrq -f - pull]"
12:09:26 PASS: pull_test.go:7: CliSuite.TestPull	0.162s
12:09:26 time="2021-06-16T12:09:26Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectokiqbim -f - up -d]"
12:09:27 time="2021-06-16T12:09:26Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectokiqbim -f - up -d]"
12:09:27 time="2021-06-16T12:09:26Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectokiqbim -f - up -d]"
12:09:27 time="2021-06-16T12:09:27Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectokiqbim -f - up -d]"
12:09:27 time="2021-06-16T12:09:27Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectokiqbim -f - up -d]"
12:09:27 time="2021-06-16T12:09:27Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectokiqbim -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:09:28 time="2021-06-16T12:09:27Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectokiqbim -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:09:28 PASS: up_test.go:105: CliSuite.TestRecreate	1.626s
12:09:28 time="2021-06-16T12:09:28Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectarrqgdk -f - up -d]"
12:09:28 time="2021-06-16T12:09:28Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectarrqgdk -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:09:29 PASS: up_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestRecreateForceRecreate	0.553s
12:09:29 time="2021-06-16T12:09:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectlsjhitm -f - up -d]"
12:09:30 time="2021-06-16T12:09:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectlsjhitm -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:09:30 time="2021-06-16T12:09:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectlsjhitm -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:09:30 time="2021-06-16T12:09:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectlsjhitm -f - up -d]"
12:09:30 time="2021-06-16T12:09:30Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectlsjhitm -f - rm -f]"
12:09:30 PASS: up_test.go:207: CliSuite.TestRecreateImageChanging	1.156s
12:09:30 time="2021-06-16T12:09:30Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqyqtcft -f - up -d]"
12:09:30 time="2021-06-16T12:09:30Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqyqtcft -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:09:30 PASS: up_test.go:84: CliSuite.TestRecreateNoRecreate	0.215s
12:09:30 time="2021-06-16T12:09:30Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectghbvtga -f - up -d]"
12:09:31 time="2021-06-16T12:09:30Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectghbvtga -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:09:31 PASS: up_test.go:53: CliSuite.TestRecreateVols	0.573s
12:09:31 time="2021-06-16T12:09:31Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectyqafobl -f - up -d]"
12:09:32 PASS: volume_test.go:43: CliSuite.TestRelativeVolume	0.228s
12:09:32 time="2021-06-16T12:09:31Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectkvxgjwr -f - up -d]"
12:09:32 time="2021-06-16T12:09:32Z" level=info msg="Running restart [--verbose -p testprojectkvxgjwr -f - restart --timeout 0]"
12:09:44 PASS: restart_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestRestart	10.429s
12:09:44 PASS: run_test.go:19: CliSuite.TestRun	0.342s
12:09:44 time="2021-06-16T12:09:42Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectzwgmlbt -f - up -d]"
12:09:44 time="2021-06-16T12:09:42Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectzwgmlbt -f - scale hello=2]"
12:09:44 time="2021-06-16T12:09:43Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectzwgmlbt -f - scale --timeout 0 hello=1]"
12:09:54 PASS: scale_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestScale	10.586s
12:09:54 time="2021-06-16T12:09:53Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectjkkmrpo -f - up -d]"
12:09:54 time="2021-06-16T12:09:53Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectjkkmrpo -f - scale test=2]"
12:09:54 PASS: scale_test.go:46: CliSuite.TestScaleWithHostPortWarning	0.578s
12:09:54 time="2021-06-16T12:09:54Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectwjlowuh -f - create]"
12:09:54 time="2021-06-16T12:09:54Z" level=info msg="Running start [--verbose -p testprojectwjlowuh -f - start]"
12:09:54 PASS: start_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStart	0.257s
12:09:54 time="2021-06-16T12:09:54Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectancpwbn -f - up -d]"
12:09:54 time="2021-06-16T12:09:54Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectancpwbn -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:10:07 PASS: stop_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStop	10.339s
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:04Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectgnnahsp -f - up -d]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:05Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectgnnahsp -f - pause]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:05Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectgnnahsp -f - unpause]"
12:10:07 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:51: CliSuite.TestUnpause	0.251s
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:05Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectmgiyere -f - up -d]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:05Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectmgiyere -f - unpause]"
12:10:07 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:76: CliSuite.TestUnpauseNotPausedService	0.230s
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:05Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectjrodddr -f - up -d]"
12:10:07 PASS: up_test.go:15: CliSuite.TestUp	0.218s
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:06Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrjyyexr -f - up -d]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:06Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrjyyexr -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:10:07 PASS: up_test.go:177: CliSuite.TestUpAfterImageTagDeleted	0.248s
12:10:07 PASS: up_test.go:291: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildFailIfImageNotPresent	0.011s
12:10:07 PASS: up_test.go:299: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildShouldWorkIfImageIsPresent	0.381s
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojecttjgnise -f - up -d]"
12:10:07 PASS: up_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestUpNotExistService	0.215s
12:10:07 SKIP: volume_test.go:79: CliSuite.TestV2Volume (Not(Test requires the daemon version to be 1.9))
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectwczhgbu -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectwczhgbu -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectkuyxetp -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectkuyxetp -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    build: .\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectexipmah -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectexipmah -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:10:07 PASS: create_test.go:262: CliSuite.TestValidation	0.025s
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecttkndhun -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecttkndhun -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectkjczjqr -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectkjczjqr -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:10:07 PASS: create_test.go:297: CliSuite.TestValidationV2	0.014s
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectnhonmgf -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectnhonmgf -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlbrmpco -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectlbrmpco -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqlknvzm -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectqlknvzm -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectwiwocwe -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectwiwocwe -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:10:07 PASS: create_test.go:327: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtends	0.028s
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecthpxtmbs -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecthpxtmbs -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectenciszb -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectenciszb -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectbepevno -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectbepevno -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectmsxbqvt -f - create]"
12:10:07 time="2021-06-16T12:10:07Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectmsxbqvt -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:10:07 PASS: create_test.go:380: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtendsV2	0.034s
12:10:07 PASS: volume_test.go:11: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromService	0.245s
12:10:08 PASS: volume_test.go:27: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromServiceWithContainerName	0.237s
12:10:08 OK: 57 passed, 2 skipped
12:10:08 PASS
12:10:08 coverage: 38.9% of statements
12:10:08 ok	102.766s
12:10:08 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-stop (in .)
12:10:08 ++++ cat ./
12:10:08 +++ kill 6629
12:10:08 Running integration test against 1.10.3
12:10:08 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-start (in .)
12:10:08 +++ exec docker daemon --debug --host unix:///go/src/ --storage-driver vfs --pidfile ./ --userland-proxy=true --graph=/var/lib/docker/1.10.3
12:10:08 Client:
12:10:08  Version:      1.10.3
12:10:08  API version:  1.22
12:10:08  Go version:   go1.5.3
12:10:08  Git commit:   20f81dd
12:10:08  Built:        Thu Mar 10 21:49:11 2016
12:10:08  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:10:08 Server:
12:10:08  Version:      1.10.3
12:10:08  API version:  1.22
12:10:08  Go version:   go1.5.3
12:10:08  Git commit:   20f81dd
12:10:08  Built:        Thu Mar 10 21:49:11 2016
12:10:08  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:10:10 time="2021-06-16T12:10:09Z" level=info msg="[0/2] [another]: Starting "
12:10:10 time="2021-06-16T12:10:09Z" level=info msg="[0/2] [simple]: Starting "
12:10:10 Pulling simple (busybox:latest)...
12:10:10 Pulling another (busybox:latest)...
12:10:10 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:10:10 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Pulling fs layer
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Pulling fs layer
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Verifying Checksum
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Download complete
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Verifying Checksum
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Download complete
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:10:10 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:10:10 Digest: sha256:930490f97e5b921535c153e0e7110d251134cc4b72bbb8133c6a5065cc68580d
12:10:10 Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest
12:10:10 Digest: sha256:930490f97e5b921535c153e0e7110d251134cc4b72bbb8133c6a5065cc68580d
12:10:10 Status: Image is up to date for busybox:latest
12:10:10 time="2021-06-16T12:10:10Z" level=info msg="[1/2] [simple]: Started "
12:10:11 time="2021-06-16T12:10:10Z" level=info msg="[2/2] [another]: Started "
12:10:11 PASS: api_event_test.go:16: APISuite.TestEvents	1.095s
12:10:11 time="2021-06-16T12:10:11Z" level=info msg="[0/1] [service]: Starting "
12:10:11 time="2021-06-16T12:10:11Z" level=info msg="[1/1] [service]: Started "
12:10:11 PASS: api_test.go:20: APISuite.TestVolumeWithoutComposeFile	0.256s
12:10:12 PASS: build_test.go:13: CliSuite.TestBuild	0.543s
12:10:13 PASS: build_test.go:85: CliSuite.TestBuildWithArgs	0.772s
12:10:13 PASS: build_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache1	0.162s
12:10:13 PASS: build_test.go:49: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache2	0.618s
12:10:14 PASS: build_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache3	0.536s
12:10:14 time="2021-06-16T12:10:14Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectfeqyknw -f - create]"
12:10:14 PASS: create_test.go:58: CliSuite.TestContainerName	0.121s
12:10:14 time="2021-06-16T12:10:14Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectbisubnu -f - create]"
12:10:14 time="2021-06-16T12:10:14Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectbisubnu -f - scale hello=2]"
12:10:14 PASS: create_test.go:72: CliSuite.TestContainerNameWithScale	0.139s
12:10:14 PASS: env_test.go:12: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvInCurrentDir	0.279s
12:10:14 time="2021-06-16T12:10:14Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectmvclqbz -f - create]"
12:10:14 PASS: env_test.go:38: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvNotInCurrentDir	0.079s
12:10:14 time="2021-06-16T12:10:14Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:10:14 time="2021-06-16T12:10:14Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Creating "
12:10:14 time="2021-06-16T12:10:14Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Creating "
12:10:15 time="2021-06-16T12:10:15Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Created "
12:10:15 time="2021-06-16T12:10:15Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Created "
12:10:15 time="2021-06-16T12:10:15Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Created "
12:10:15 PASS: create_test.go:241: CliSuite.TestDefaultMultipleComposeFiles	0.346s
12:10:15 time="2021-06-16T12:10:15Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectdypanfq -f - up -d]"
12:10:15 time="2021-06-16T12:10:15Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectdypanfq -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:10:27 time="2021-06-16T12:10:25Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectdypanfq -f - rm --force]"
12:10:27 PASS: rm_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDelete	10.383s
12:10:27 time="2021-06-16T12:10:25Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojecthwhkqiq -f - up -d]"
12:10:27 time="2021-06-16T12:10:26Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojecthwhkqiq -f - stop bye --timeout 0]"
12:10:37 time="2021-06-16T12:10:36Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojecthwhkqiq -f - rm --force]"
12:10:37 PASS: rm_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestDeleteOnlyRemovesStopped	10.595s
12:10:37 time="2021-06-16T12:10:36Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectlnccaxj -f - up -d]"
12:10:37 time="2021-06-16T12:10:36Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectlnccaxj -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:10:47 time="2021-06-16T12:10:46Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectlnccaxj -f - rm --force -v]"
12:10:47 PASS: rm_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestDeleteWithVol	10.380s
12:10:47 time="2021-06-16T12:10:46Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwfuxkyb -f - up -d]"
12:10:47 time="2021-06-16T12:10:46Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectwfuxkyb -f - down]"
12:10:57 PASS: down_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDown	10.398s
12:10:57 time="2021-06-16T12:10:57Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojecthdflybx -f - up -d]"
12:10:57 time="2021-06-16T12:10:57Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojecthdflybx -f - scale hello=2]"
12:10:57 time="2021-06-16T12:10:57Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojecthdflybx -f - down]"
12:11:09 PASS: down_test.go:24: CliSuite.TestDownMultiple	10.667s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectrzylhtv -f - create]"
12:11:09 PASS: create_test.go:31: CliSuite.TestEmptyEntrypoint	0.125s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:07Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectyqnnfrj -f - create]"
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectdincsng -f - create]"
12:11:09 PASS: create_test.go:146: CliSuite.TestFieldTypeConversions	0.165s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectszvwtal -f - create]"
12:11:09 PASS: create_test.go:14: CliSuite.TestFields	0.084s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlnyfnvc -f - create]"
12:11:09 PASS: create_test.go:45: CliSuite.TestHelloWorld	0.082s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlfuqlij -f - create]"
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectrygyyhb -f - create]"
12:11:09 PASS: create_test.go:86: CliSuite.TestInterpolation	0.161s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqotrzeg -f - create]"
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectuvccywx -f - create]"
12:11:09 PASS: create_test.go:112: CliSuite.TestInterpolationWithExtends	0.189s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectlkhqukf -f - up -d]"
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:08Z" level=info msg="Running kill [--verbose -p testprojectlkhqukf -f - kill]"
12:11:09 PASS: kill_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestKill	0.367s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:09Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectafmdfkc -f - up -d]"
12:11:09 PASS: up_test.go:260: CliSuite.TestLink	0.467s
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:09Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:09Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:09Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:11:09 time="2021-06-16T12:11:09Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:09Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:11:10 PASS: create_test.go:176: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesOneTwo	0.485s
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:11:10 PASS: create_test.go:204: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesTwoOne	0.433s
12:11:10 time="2021-06-16T12:11:10Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectxuhxbef -f - up -d]"
12:11:11 PASS: volume_test.go:62: CliSuite.TestNamedVolume	0.219s
12:11:11 time="2021-06-16T12:11:11Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectoncrmvy -f - up -d]"
12:11:11 time="2021-06-16T12:11:11Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectoncrmvy -f - pause]"
12:11:11 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestPause	0.266s
12:11:11 time="2021-06-16T12:11:11Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectfqvwyse -f - up -d]"
12:11:11 time="2021-06-16T12:11:11Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectfqvwyse -f - pause]"
12:11:11 time="2021-06-16T12:11:11Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectfqvwyse -f - pause]"
12:11:12 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:26: CliSuite.TestPauseAlreadyPausedService	0.258s
12:11:12 time="2021-06-16T12:11:11Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwbunpif -f - up -d]"
12:11:12 time="2021-06-16T12:11:12Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectwbunpif -f - ps]"
12:11:12 PASS: ps_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestPs	0.287s
12:11:12 time="2021-06-16T12:11:12Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaolysjx -f - up -d]"
12:11:12 time="2021-06-16T12:11:12Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectaolysjx -f - ps -q]"
12:11:12 PASS: ps_test.go:22: CliSuite.TestPsQuiet	0.246s
12:11:12 time="2021-06-16T12:11:12Z" level=info msg="Running pull [--verbose -p testprojectglsijkj -f - pull]"
12:11:12 PASS: pull_test.go:7: CliSuite.TestPull	0.102s
12:11:12 time="2021-06-16T12:11:12Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuckvxou -f - up -d]"
12:11:13 time="2021-06-16T12:11:13Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuckvxou -f - up -d]"
12:11:13 time="2021-06-16T12:11:13Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuckvxou -f - up -d]"
12:11:13 time="2021-06-16T12:11:13Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuckvxou -f - up -d]"
12:11:14 time="2021-06-16T12:11:13Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuckvxou -f - up -d]"
12:11:14 time="2021-06-16T12:11:13Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuckvxou -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:11:14 time="2021-06-16T12:11:14Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuckvxou -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:11:15 PASS: up_test.go:105: CliSuite.TestRecreate	1.826s
12:11:15 time="2021-06-16T12:11:14Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectgclluna -f - up -d]"
12:11:15 time="2021-06-16T12:11:15Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectgclluna -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:11:15 PASS: up_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestRecreateForceRecreate	0.660s
12:11:15 time="2021-06-16T12:11:15Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrxqyukd -f - up -d]"
12:11:16 time="2021-06-16T12:11:16Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrxqyukd -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:11:16 time="2021-06-16T12:11:16Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrxqyukd -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:11:16 time="2021-06-16T12:11:16Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrxqyukd -f - up -d]"
12:11:17 time="2021-06-16T12:11:16Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectrxqyukd -f - rm -f]"
12:11:17 PASS: up_test.go:207: CliSuite.TestRecreateImageChanging	1.227s
12:11:17 time="2021-06-16T12:11:17Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectjmkhvbj -f - up -d]"
12:11:17 time="2021-06-16T12:11:17Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectjmkhvbj -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:11:17 PASS: up_test.go:84: CliSuite.TestRecreateNoRecreate	0.248s
12:11:17 time="2021-06-16T12:11:17Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrivbiup -f - up -d]"
12:11:17 time="2021-06-16T12:11:17Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrivbiup -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:11:18 PASS: up_test.go:53: CliSuite.TestRecreateVols	0.655s
12:11:18 time="2021-06-16T12:11:18Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectajpciej -f - up -d]"
12:11:18 PASS: volume_test.go:43: CliSuite.TestRelativeVolume	0.252s
12:11:18 time="2021-06-16T12:11:18Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectliaqjiu -f - up -d]"
12:11:18 time="2021-06-16T12:11:18Z" level=info msg="Running restart [--verbose -p testprojectliaqjiu -f - restart --timeout 0]"
12:11:31 PASS: restart_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestRestart	10.492s
12:11:31 PASS: run_test.go:19: CliSuite.TestRun	0.366s
12:11:31 time="2021-06-16T12:11:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectapyislr -f - up -d]"
12:11:31 time="2021-06-16T12:11:29Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectapyislr -f - scale hello=2]"
12:11:31 time="2021-06-16T12:11:30Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectapyislr -f - scale --timeout 0 hello=1]"
12:11:41 PASS: scale_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestScale	10.666s
12:11:41 time="2021-06-16T12:11:40Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrxxxswe -f - up -d]"
12:11:41 time="2021-06-16T12:11:40Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectrxxxswe -f - scale test=2]"
12:11:41 PASS: scale_test.go:46: CliSuite.TestScaleWithHostPortWarning	0.597s
12:11:41 time="2021-06-16T12:11:41Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectxgijqll -f - create]"
12:11:41 time="2021-06-16T12:11:41Z" level=info msg="Running start [--verbose -p testprojectxgijqll -f - start]"
12:11:41 PASS: start_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStart	0.278s
12:11:41 time="2021-06-16T12:11:41Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectkmftamo -f - up -d]"
12:11:42 time="2021-06-16T12:11:41Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectkmftamo -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:11:52 PASS: stop_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStop	10.349s
12:11:52 time="2021-06-16T12:11:52Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectezejkps -f - up -d]"
12:11:52 time="2021-06-16T12:11:52Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectezejkps -f - pause]"
12:11:52 time="2021-06-16T12:11:52Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectezejkps -f - unpause]"
12:11:52 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:51: CliSuite.TestUnpause	0.277s
12:11:52 time="2021-06-16T12:11:52Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectfcvwuup -f - up -d]"
12:11:52 time="2021-06-16T12:11:52Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectfcvwuup -f - unpause]"
12:11:53 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:76: CliSuite.TestUnpauseNotPausedService	0.261s
12:11:53 time="2021-06-16T12:11:52Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectimylekf -f - up -d]"
12:11:53 PASS: up_test.go:15: CliSuite.TestUp	0.229s
12:11:53 time="2021-06-16T12:11:53Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectblshsqh -f - up -d]"
12:11:53 time="2021-06-16T12:11:53Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectblshsqh -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:11:53 PASS: up_test.go:177: CliSuite.TestUpAfterImageTagDeleted	0.279s
12:11:53 PASS: up_test.go:291: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildFailIfImageNotPresent	0.010s
12:11:54 PASS: up_test.go:299: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildShouldWorkIfImageIsPresent	0.386s
12:11:54 time="2021-06-16T12:11:54Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectejkvkrz -f - up -d]"
12:11:54 PASS: up_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestUpNotExistService	0.238s
12:11:54 time="2021-06-16T12:11:54Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrxevglv -f - up -d]"
12:11:55 PASS: volume_test.go:79: CliSuite.TestV2Volume	0.331s
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectwftmeci -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectwftmeci -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectmzxgmez -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectmzxgmez -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    build: .\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectixegiek -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectixegiek -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:11:55 PASS: create_test.go:262: CliSuite.TestValidation	0.024s
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecttyhltei -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecttyhltei -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectnyeldnn -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectnyeldnn -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:11:55 PASS: create_test.go:297: CliSuite.TestValidationV2	0.015s
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectcxeuwov -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectcxeuwov -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectszyyzil -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectszyyzil -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectnyvykpw -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectnyvykpw -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectahuhhhf -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectahuhhhf -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:11:55 PASS: create_test.go:327: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtends	0.028s
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectzvcyhgr -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectzvcyhgr -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectrsqfysf -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectrsqfysf -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectmdxgrdt -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectmdxgrdt -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectesjpbou -f - create]"
12:11:55 time="2021-06-16T12:11:55Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectesjpbou -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:11:55 PASS: create_test.go:380: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtendsV2	0.029s
12:11:55 PASS: volume_test.go:11: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromService	0.251s
12:11:55 PASS: volume_test.go:27: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromServiceWithContainerName	0.242s
12:11:55 OK: 59 passed
12:11:55 PASS
12:11:55 coverage: 33.3% of statements
12:11:55 ok	105.705s
12:11:55 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-stop (in .)
12:11:55 ++++ cat ./
12:11:55 +++ kill 9501
12:11:55 Running integration test against 1.13.1
12:11:55 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-start (in .)
12:11:55 /usr/local/bin/docker-1.13.1/dockerd
12:11:55 +++ exec dockerd --debug --host unix:///go/src/ --storage-driver vfs --pidfile ./ --userland-proxy=true --graph=/var/lib/docker/1.13.1
12:11:58 Client:
12:11:58  Version:      1.13.1
12:11:58  API version:  1.26
12:11:58  Go version:   go1.7.5
12:11:58  Git commit:   092cba3
12:11:58  Built:        Wed Feb  8 08:47:51 2017
12:11:58  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:11:58 Server:
12:11:58  Version:      1.13.1
12:11:58  API version:  1.26 (minimum version 1.12)
12:11:58  Go version:   go1.7.5
12:11:58  Git commit:   092cba3
12:11:58  Built:        Wed Feb  8 08:47:51 2017
12:11:58  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:11:58  Experimental: false
12:11:59 time="2021-06-16T12:11:59Z" level=info msg="[0/2] [another]: Starting "
12:11:59 time="2021-06-16T12:11:59Z" level=info msg="[0/2] [simple]: Starting "
12:11:59 Pulling simple (busybox:latest)...
12:11:59 Pulling another (busybox:latest)...
12:11:59 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:11:59 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:11:59 b71f96345d44: Pulling fs layer
12:11:59 b71f96345d44: Pulling fs layer
12:11:59 b71f96345d44: Download complete
12:11:59 b71f96345d44: Download complete
12:11:59 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:11:59 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:11:59 Digest: sha256:930490f97e5b921535c153e0e7110d251134cc4b72bbb8133c6a5065cc68580d
12:11:59 Digest: sha256:930490f97e5b921535c153e0e7110d251134cc4b72bbb8133c6a5065cc68580d
12:11:59 Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest
12:11:59 Status: Image is up to date for busybox:latest
12:12:00 time="2021-06-16T12:11:59Z" level=info msg="[1/2] [simple]: Started "
12:12:00 time="2021-06-16T12:12:00Z" level=info msg="[2/2] [another]: Started "
12:12:00 PASS: api_event_test.go:16: APISuite.TestEvents	0.932s
12:12:00 time="2021-06-16T12:12:00Z" level=info msg="[0/1] [service]: Starting "
12:12:00 time="2021-06-16T12:12:00Z" level=info msg="[1/1] [service]: Started "
12:12:00 PASS: api_test.go:20: APISuite.TestVolumeWithoutComposeFile	0.265s
12:12:02 PASS: build_test.go:13: CliSuite.TestBuild	1.487s
12:12:04 PASS: build_test.go:85: CliSuite.TestBuildWithArgs	1.747s
12:12:04 PASS: build_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache1	0.100s
12:12:06 PASS: build_test.go:49: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache2	1.898s
12:12:08 PASS: build_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache3	2.000s
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectftxgwtp -f - create]"
12:12:08 PASS: create_test.go:58: CliSuite.TestContainerName	0.099s
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlqcmviy -f - create]"
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectlqcmviy -f - scale hello=2]"
12:12:08 PASS: create_test.go:72: CliSuite.TestContainerNameWithScale	0.120s
12:12:08 PASS: env_test.go:12: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvInCurrentDir	0.244s
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqjpctpp -f - create]"
12:12:08 PASS: env_test.go:38: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvNotInCurrentDir	0.053s
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Creating "
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Creating "
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Created "
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Created "
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Created "
12:12:08 PASS: create_test.go:241: CliSuite.TestDefaultMultipleComposeFiles	0.249s
12:12:08 time="2021-06-16T12:12:08Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectmoasuje -f - up -d]"
12:12:09 time="2021-06-16T12:12:09Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectmoasuje -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:12:21 time="2021-06-16T12:12:19Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectmoasuje -f - rm --force]"
12:12:21 PASS: rm_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDelete	10.402s
12:12:21 time="2021-06-16T12:12:19Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuytfstg -f - up -d]"
12:12:21 time="2021-06-16T12:12:19Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectuytfstg -f - stop bye --timeout 0]"
12:12:31 time="2021-06-16T12:12:29Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectuytfstg -f - rm --force]"
12:12:31 PASS: rm_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestDeleteOnlyRemovesStopped	10.541s
12:12:31 time="2021-06-16T12:12:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectdgxlnoa -f - up -d]"
12:12:31 time="2021-06-16T12:12:30Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectdgxlnoa -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:12:41 time="2021-06-16T12:12:40Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectdgxlnoa -f - rm --force -v]"
12:12:41 PASS: rm_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestDeleteWithVol	10.414s
12:12:41 time="2021-06-16T12:12:40Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectvnuwsbz -f - up -d]"
12:12:41 time="2021-06-16T12:12:40Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectvnuwsbz -f - down]"
12:12:51 PASS: down_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDown	10.399s
12:12:51 time="2021-06-16T12:12:50Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrloiojd -f - up -d]"
12:12:51 time="2021-06-16T12:12:50Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectrloiojd -f - scale hello=2]"
12:12:51 time="2021-06-16T12:12:51Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectrloiojd -f - down]"
12:13:03 PASS: down_test.go:24: CliSuite.TestDownMultiple	10.749s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:01Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectvuirgqw -f - create]"
12:13:03 PASS: create_test.go:31: CliSuite.TestEmptyEntrypoint	0.095s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:01Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectovgkjox -f - create]"
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:01Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectwrdbppb -f - create]"
12:13:03 PASS: create_test.go:146: CliSuite.TestFieldTypeConversions	0.113s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:01Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectxfmxxtv -f - create]"
12:13:03 PASS: create_test.go:14: CliSuite.TestFields	0.056s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:01Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectvkbzdbp -f - create]"
12:13:03 PASS: create_test.go:45: CliSuite.TestHelloWorld	0.058s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:01Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectmgkhnzp -f - create]"
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:01Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectugjbkrt -f - create]"
12:13:03 PASS: create_test.go:86: CliSuite.TestInterpolation	0.112s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:01Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectehpywjp -f - create]"
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:02Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectmuclinv -f - create]"
12:13:03 PASS: create_test.go:112: CliSuite.TestInterpolationWithExtends	0.118s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:02Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojecttgcocfj -f - up -d]"
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:02Z" level=info msg="Running kill [--verbose -p testprojecttgcocfj -f - kill]"
12:13:03 PASS: kill_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestKill	0.400s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:02Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectdqahvjk -f - up -d]"
12:13:03 PASS: up_test.go:260: CliSuite.TestLink	0.511s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:13:03 PASS: create_test.go:176: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesOneTwo	0.327s
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:13:03 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:13:04 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:13:04 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:13:04 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:13:04 PASS: create_test.go:204: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesTwoOne	0.287s
12:13:04 time="2021-06-16T12:13:03Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuheejub -f - up -d]"
12:13:04 PASS: volume_test.go:62: CliSuite.TestNamedVolume	0.263s
12:13:04 time="2021-06-16T12:13:04Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectpqgcter -f - up -d]"
12:13:04 time="2021-06-16T12:13:04Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectpqgcter -f - pause]"
12:13:04 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestPause	0.254s
12:13:04 time="2021-06-16T12:13:04Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuyzbies -f - up -d]"
12:13:05 time="2021-06-16T12:13:05Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectuyzbies -f - pause]"
12:13:05 time="2021-06-16T12:13:05Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectuyzbies -f - pause]"
12:13:05 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:26: CliSuite.TestPauseAlreadyPausedService	0.263s
12:13:05 time="2021-06-16T12:13:05Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectdzvwmgq -f - up -d]"
12:13:05 time="2021-06-16T12:13:05Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectdzvwmgq -f - ps]"
12:13:05 PASS: ps_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestPs	0.266s
12:13:05 time="2021-06-16T12:13:05Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectvogamar -f - up -d]"
12:13:05 time="2021-06-16T12:13:05Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectvogamar -f - ps -q]"
12:13:06 PASS: ps_test.go:22: CliSuite.TestPsQuiet	0.257s
12:13:06 time="2021-06-16T12:13:05Z" level=info msg="Running pull [--verbose -p testprojectkbesxjd -f - pull]"
12:13:06 PASS: pull_test.go:7: CliSuite.TestPull	0.085s
12:13:06 time="2021-06-16T12:13:06Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaqeglwz -f - up -d]"
12:13:06 time="2021-06-16T12:13:06Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaqeglwz -f - up -d]"
12:13:06 time="2021-06-16T12:13:06Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaqeglwz -f - up -d]"
12:13:06 time="2021-06-16T12:13:06Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaqeglwz -f - up -d]"
12:13:07 time="2021-06-16T12:13:07Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaqeglwz -f - up -d]"
12:13:07 time="2021-06-16T12:13:07Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaqeglwz -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:13:07 time="2021-06-16T12:13:07Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaqeglwz -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:13:08 PASS: up_test.go:105: CliSuite.TestRecreate	1.804s
12:13:08 time="2021-06-16T12:13:07Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectloynwfk -f - up -d]"
12:13:08 time="2021-06-16T12:13:08Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectloynwfk -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:13:08 PASS: up_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestRecreateForceRecreate	0.707s
12:13:08 time="2021-06-16T12:13:08Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaofhyqt -f - up -d]"
12:13:09 time="2021-06-16T12:13:09Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaofhyqt -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:13:09 time="2021-06-16T12:13:09Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaofhyqt -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:13:09 time="2021-06-16T12:13:09Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaofhyqt -f - up -d]"
12:13:10 time="2021-06-16T12:13:09Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectaofhyqt -f - rm -f]"
12:13:10 PASS: up_test.go:207: CliSuite.TestRecreateImageChanging	1.163s
12:13:10 time="2021-06-16T12:13:10Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwrewzfb -f - up -d]"
12:13:10 time="2021-06-16T12:13:10Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwrewzfb -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:13:10 PASS: up_test.go:84: CliSuite.TestRecreateNoRecreate	0.288s
12:13:10 time="2021-06-16T12:13:10Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectanbhlma -f - up -d]"
12:13:10 time="2021-06-16T12:13:10Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectanbhlma -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:13:11 PASS: up_test.go:53: CliSuite.TestRecreateVols	0.609s
12:13:11 time="2021-06-16T12:13:11Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectpireviz -f - up -d]"
12:13:11 PASS: volume_test.go:43: CliSuite.TestRelativeVolume	0.265s
12:13:11 time="2021-06-16T12:13:11Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwooxmoz -f - up -d]"
12:13:11 time="2021-06-16T12:13:11Z" level=info msg="Running restart [--verbose -p testprojectwooxmoz -f - restart --timeout 0]"
12:13:22 PASS: restart_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestRestart	10.541s
12:13:22 PASS: run_test.go:19: CliSuite.TestRun	0.367s
12:13:22 time="2021-06-16T12:13:22Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectnkfsrvq -f - up -d]"
12:13:23 time="2021-06-16T12:13:22Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectnkfsrvq -f - scale hello=2]"
12:13:23 time="2021-06-16T12:13:23Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectnkfsrvq -f - scale --timeout 0 hello=1]"
12:13:35 PASS: scale_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestScale	10.653s
12:13:35 time="2021-06-16T12:13:33Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectanjfkod -f - up -d]"
12:13:35 time="2021-06-16T12:13:33Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectanjfkod -f - scale test=2]"
12:13:35 PASS: scale_test.go:46: CliSuite.TestScaleWithHostPortWarning	0.701s
12:13:35 time="2021-06-16T12:13:34Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectvxukykg -f - create]"
12:13:35 time="2021-06-16T12:13:34Z" level=info msg="Running start [--verbose -p testprojectvxukykg -f - start]"
12:13:35 PASS: start_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStart	0.255s
12:13:35 time="2021-06-16T12:13:34Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojecthjmjnoc -f - up -d]"
12:13:35 time="2021-06-16T12:13:34Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojecthjmjnoc -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:13:45 PASS: stop_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStop	10.387s
12:13:45 time="2021-06-16T12:13:45Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectflkruio -f - up -d]"
12:13:45 time="2021-06-16T12:13:45Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectflkruio -f - pause]"
12:13:45 time="2021-06-16T12:13:45Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectflkruio -f - unpause]"
12:13:45 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:51: CliSuite.TestUnpause	0.286s
12:13:45 time="2021-06-16T12:13:45Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectmdpdmlg -f - up -d]"
12:13:45 time="2021-06-16T12:13:45Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectmdpdmlg -f - unpause]"
12:13:46 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:76: CliSuite.TestUnpauseNotPausedService	0.254s
12:13:46 time="2021-06-16T12:13:45Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectvolpasu -f - up -d]"
12:13:46 PASS: up_test.go:15: CliSuite.TestUp	0.259s
12:13:46 time="2021-06-16T12:13:46Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojecteczchwt -f - up -d]"
12:13:46 time="2021-06-16T12:13:46Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojecteczchwt -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:13:46 PASS: up_test.go:177: CliSuite.TestUpAfterImageTagDeleted	0.265s
12:13:46 PASS: up_test.go:291: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildFailIfImageNotPresent	0.010s
12:13:47 PASS: up_test.go:299: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildShouldWorkIfImageIsPresent	0.384s
12:13:47 time="2021-06-16T12:13:47Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrsnyofy -f - up -d]"
12:13:47 PASS: up_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestUpNotExistService	0.249s
12:13:47 time="2021-06-16T12:13:47Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectbtsfsmc -f - up -d]"
12:14:05 PASS: volume_test.go:79: CliSuite.TestV2Volume	15.346s
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectoiinbeh -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectoiinbeh -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecteoqxjos -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecteoqxjos -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    build: .\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlxszksi -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectlxszksi -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:14:05 PASS: create_test.go:262: CliSuite.TestValidation	0.023s
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecttndhgsj -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecttndhgsj -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectzalvbqn -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectzalvbqn -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:14:05 PASS: create_test.go:297: CliSuite.TestValidationV2	0.014s
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectfqgcihv -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectfqgcihv -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectonwgzsd -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectonwgzsd -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecthvqommf -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecthvqommf -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectrvxbgzt -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectrvxbgzt -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:14:05 PASS: create_test.go:327: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtends	0.028s
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecthxmfwzq -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecthxmfwzq -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecttqdglte -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecttqdglte -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectutffbxx -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectutffbxx -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectcuzfpml -f - create]"
12:14:05 time="2021-06-16T12:14:03Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectcuzfpml -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:14:05 PASS: create_test.go:380: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtendsV2	0.029s
12:14:05 PASS: volume_test.go:11: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromService	0.190s
12:14:05 PASS: volume_test.go:27: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromServiceWithContainerName	0.180s
12:14:05 OK: 59 passed
12:14:05 PASS
12:14:05 coverage: 33.3% of statements
12:14:05 ok	124.299s
12:14:05 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-stop (in .)
12:14:05 ++++ cat ./
12:14:05 +++ kill 12024
12:14:05 Running integration test against 17.03.2
12:14:05 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-start (in .)
12:14:05 /usr/local/bin/docker-17.03.2/dockerd
12:14:05 +++ exec dockerd --debug --host unix:///go/src/ --storage-driver vfs --pidfile ./ --userland-proxy=true --graph=/var/lib/docker/17.03.2
12:14:06 Client:
12:14:06  Version:      17.03.2-ce
12:14:06  API version:  1.27
12:14:06  Go version:   go1.7.5
12:14:06  Git commit:   f5ec1e2
12:14:06  Built:        Tue Jun 27 01:35:00 2017
12:14:06  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:14:06 Server:
12:14:06  Version:      17.03.2-ce
12:14:06  API version:  1.27 (minimum version 1.12)
12:14:06  Go version:   go1.7.5
12:14:06  Git commit:   f5ec1e2
12:14:06  Built:        Tue Jun 27 01:35:00 2017
12:14:06  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:14:06  Experimental: false
12:14:08 time="2021-06-16T12:14:08Z" level=info msg="[0/2] [simple]: Starting "
12:14:08 time="2021-06-16T12:14:08Z" level=info msg="[0/2] [another]: Starting "
12:14:08 Pulling another (busybox:latest)...
12:14:08 Pulling simple (busybox:latest)...
12:14:08 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:14:08 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:14:08 b71f96345d44: Pulling fs layer
12:14:08 b71f96345d44: Pulling fs layer
12:14:08 b71f96345d44: Verifying Checksum
12:14:08 b71f96345d44: Verifying Checksum
12:14:08 b71f96345d44: Download complete
12:14:08 b71f96345d44: Download complete
12:14:08 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:14:08 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:14:08 Digest: sha256:930490f97e5b921535c153e0e7110d251134cc4b72bbb8133c6a5065cc68580d
12:14:08 Digest: sha256:930490f97e5b921535c153e0e7110d251134cc4b72bbb8133c6a5065cc68580d
12:14:08 Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest
12:14:08 Status: Image is up to date for busybox:latest
12:14:09 time="2021-06-16T12:14:08Z" level=info msg="[1/2] [simple]: Started "
12:14:09 time="2021-06-16T12:14:09Z" level=info msg="[2/2] [another]: Started "
12:14:09 PASS: api_event_test.go:16: APISuite.TestEvents	0.935s
12:14:09 time="2021-06-16T12:14:09Z" level=info msg="[0/1] [service]: Starting "
12:14:09 time="2021-06-16T12:14:09Z" level=info msg="[1/1] [service]: Started "
12:14:09 PASS: api_test.go:20: APISuite.TestVolumeWithoutComposeFile	0.261s
12:14:11 PASS: build_test.go:13: CliSuite.TestBuild	1.484s
12:14:13 PASS: build_test.go:85: CliSuite.TestBuildWithArgs	1.707s
12:14:13 PASS: build_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache1	0.091s
12:14:15 PASS: build_test.go:49: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache2	1.908s
12:14:17 PASS: build_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache3	2.000s
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectafchxyc -f - create]"
12:14:17 PASS: create_test.go:58: CliSuite.TestContainerName	0.092s
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectnurdlso -f - create]"
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectnurdlso -f - scale hello=2]"
12:14:17 PASS: create_test.go:72: CliSuite.TestContainerNameWithScale	0.121s
12:14:17 PASS: env_test.go:12: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvInCurrentDir	0.219s
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectrkfaeqz -f - create]"
12:14:17 PASS: env_test.go:38: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvNotInCurrentDir	0.053s
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Creating "
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Creating "
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Created "
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Created "
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Created "
12:14:17 PASS: create_test.go:241: CliSuite.TestDefaultMultipleComposeFiles	0.247s
12:14:17 time="2021-06-16T12:14:17Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectowpgujb -f - up -d]"
12:14:18 time="2021-06-16T12:14:18Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectowpgujb -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:14:30 time="2021-06-16T12:14:28Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectowpgujb -f - rm --force]"
12:14:30 PASS: rm_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDelete	10.402s
12:14:30 time="2021-06-16T12:14:28Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwhxcszv -f - up -d]"
12:14:30 time="2021-06-16T12:14:28Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectwhxcszv -f - stop bye --timeout 0]"
12:14:40 time="2021-06-16T12:14:38Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectwhxcszv -f - rm --force]"
12:14:40 PASS: rm_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestDeleteOnlyRemovesStopped	10.551s
12:14:40 time="2021-06-16T12:14:38Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectjskvzwk -f - up -d]"
12:14:40 time="2021-06-16T12:14:39Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectjskvzwk -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:14:50 time="2021-06-16T12:14:49Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectjskvzwk -f - rm --force -v]"
12:14:50 PASS: rm_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestDeleteWithVol	10.428s
12:14:50 time="2021-06-16T12:14:49Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuppgepd -f - up -d]"
12:14:50 time="2021-06-16T12:14:49Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectuppgepd -f - down]"
12:15:00 PASS: down_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDown	10.379s
12:15:00 time="2021-06-16T12:14:59Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrltlmks -f - up -d]"
12:15:00 time="2021-06-16T12:14:59Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectrltlmks -f - scale hello=2]"
12:15:00 time="2021-06-16T12:15:00Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectrltlmks -f - down]"
12:15:12 PASS: down_test.go:24: CliSuite.TestDownMultiple	10.745s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectiavdhqi -f - create]"
12:15:12 PASS: create_test.go:31: CliSuite.TestEmptyEntrypoint	0.099s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecteggqlzb -f - create]"
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqframsd -f - create]"
12:15:12 PASS: create_test.go:146: CliSuite.TestFieldTypeConversions	0.110s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectcgwjwuc -f - create]"
12:15:12 PASS: create_test.go:14: CliSuite.TestFields	0.053s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectzblqowv -f - create]"
12:15:12 PASS: create_test.go:45: CliSuite.TestHelloWorld	0.053s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectsozwcck -f - create]"
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectivkixjp -f - create]"
12:15:12 PASS: create_test.go:86: CliSuite.TestInterpolation	0.105s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqcuxkpg -f - create]"
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:10Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectioahkzd -f - create]"
12:15:12 PASS: create_test.go:112: CliSuite.TestInterpolationWithExtends	0.128s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:11Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectkuhitld -f - up -d]"
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:11Z" level=info msg="Running kill [--verbose -p testprojectkuhitld -f - kill]"
12:15:12 PASS: kill_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestKill	0.398s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:11Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectuxvinui -f - up -d]"
12:15:12 PASS: up_test.go:260: CliSuite.TestLink	0.513s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:15:12 PASS: create_test.go:176: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesOneTwo	0.317s
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:15:12 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:15:13 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:15:13 PASS: create_test.go:204: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesTwoOne	0.282s
12:15:13 time="2021-06-16T12:15:12Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectmhvpygc -f - up -d]"
12:15:13 PASS: volume_test.go:62: CliSuite.TestNamedVolume	0.281s
12:15:13 time="2021-06-16T12:15:13Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectiscjprh -f - up -d]"
12:15:13 time="2021-06-16T12:15:13Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectiscjprh -f - pause]"
12:15:13 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestPause	0.311s
12:15:13 time="2021-06-16T12:15:13Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrpmjhyr -f - up -d]"
12:15:14 time="2021-06-16T12:15:14Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectrpmjhyr -f - pause]"
12:15:14 time="2021-06-16T12:15:14Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectrpmjhyr -f - pause]"
12:15:14 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:26: CliSuite.TestPauseAlreadyPausedService	0.320s
12:15:14 time="2021-06-16T12:15:14Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectztgvlhw -f - up -d]"
12:15:14 time="2021-06-16T12:15:14Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectztgvlhw -f - ps]"
12:15:14 PASS: ps_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestPs	0.288s
12:15:14 time="2021-06-16T12:15:14Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectemerqem -f - up -d]"
12:15:15 time="2021-06-16T12:15:14Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectemerqem -f - ps -q]"
12:15:15 PASS: ps_test.go:22: CliSuite.TestPsQuiet	0.267s
12:15:15 time="2021-06-16T12:15:15Z" level=info msg="Running pull [--verbose -p testprojectgffxxvc -f - pull]"
12:15:15 PASS: pull_test.go:7: CliSuite.TestPull	0.093s
12:15:15 time="2021-06-16T12:15:15Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrcdxhov -f - up -d]"
12:15:15 time="2021-06-16T12:15:15Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrcdxhov -f - up -d]"
12:15:15 time="2021-06-16T12:15:15Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrcdxhov -f - up -d]"
12:15:15 time="2021-06-16T12:15:15Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrcdxhov -f - up -d]"
12:15:16 time="2021-06-16T12:15:16Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrcdxhov -f - up -d]"
12:15:16 time="2021-06-16T12:15:16Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrcdxhov -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:15:16 time="2021-06-16T12:15:16Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrcdxhov -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:15:17 PASS: up_test.go:105: CliSuite.TestRecreate	1.865s
12:15:17 time="2021-06-16T12:15:17Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectkkotugd -f - up -d]"
12:15:17 time="2021-06-16T12:15:17Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectkkotugd -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:15:18 PASS: up_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestRecreateForceRecreate	0.683s
12:15:18 time="2021-06-16T12:15:17Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectshftaya -f - up -d]"
12:15:18 time="2021-06-16T12:15:18Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectshftaya -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:15:18 time="2021-06-16T12:15:18Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectshftaya -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:15:18 time="2021-06-16T12:15:18Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectshftaya -f - up -d]"
12:15:19 time="2021-06-16T12:15:19Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectshftaya -f - rm -f]"
12:15:19 PASS: up_test.go:207: CliSuite.TestRecreateImageChanging	1.105s
12:15:19 time="2021-06-16T12:15:19Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectyucddmj -f - up -d]"
12:15:19 time="2021-06-16T12:15:19Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectyucddmj -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:15:19 PASS: up_test.go:84: CliSuite.TestRecreateNoRecreate	0.290s
12:15:19 time="2021-06-16T12:15:19Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectftfumzm -f - up -d]"
12:15:20 time="2021-06-16T12:15:19Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectftfumzm -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:15:20 PASS: up_test.go:53: CliSuite.TestRecreateVols	0.635s
12:15:20 time="2021-06-16T12:15:20Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectazrgirp -f - up -d]"
12:15:20 PASS: volume_test.go:43: CliSuite.TestRelativeVolume	0.278s
12:15:20 time="2021-06-16T12:15:20Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectezjbooa -f - up -d]"
12:15:21 time="2021-06-16T12:15:21Z" level=info msg="Running restart [--verbose -p testprojectezjbooa -f - restart --timeout 0]"
12:15:33 PASS: restart_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestRestart	10.542s
12:15:33 PASS: run_test.go:19: CliSuite.TestRun	0.386s
12:15:33 time="2021-06-16T12:15:31Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectogxsryk -f - up -d]"
12:15:33 time="2021-06-16T12:15:32Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectogxsryk -f - scale hello=2]"
12:15:33 time="2021-06-16T12:15:32Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectogxsryk -f - scale --timeout 0 hello=1]"
12:15:43 PASS: scale_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestScale	10.681s
12:15:43 time="2021-06-16T12:15:42Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectbexiirq -f - up -d]"
12:15:43 time="2021-06-16T12:15:42Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectbexiirq -f - scale test=2]"
12:15:43 PASS: scale_test.go:46: CliSuite.TestScaleWithHostPortWarning	0.789s
12:15:43 time="2021-06-16T12:15:43Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectxzoagjx -f - create]"
12:15:43 time="2021-06-16T12:15:43Z" level=info msg="Running start [--verbose -p testprojectxzoagjx -f - start]"
12:15:44 PASS: start_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStart	0.261s
12:15:44 time="2021-06-16T12:15:44Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqrbbfub -f - up -d]"
12:15:44 time="2021-06-16T12:15:44Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectqrbbfub -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:15:54 PASS: stop_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStop	10.409s
12:15:54 time="2021-06-16T12:15:54Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectjfpcqcd -f - up -d]"
12:15:54 time="2021-06-16T12:15:54Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectjfpcqcd -f - pause]"
12:15:54 time="2021-06-16T12:15:54Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectjfpcqcd -f - unpause]"
12:15:55 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:51: CliSuite.TestUnpause	0.302s
12:15:55 time="2021-06-16T12:15:54Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectaffdupp -f - up -d]"
12:15:55 time="2021-06-16T12:15:55Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectaffdupp -f - unpause]"
12:15:55 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:76: CliSuite.TestUnpauseNotPausedService	0.272s
12:15:55 time="2021-06-16T12:15:55Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectgpjspxn -f - up -d]"
12:15:55 PASS: up_test.go:15: CliSuite.TestUp	0.259s
12:15:55 time="2021-06-16T12:15:55Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectfkcqakk -f - up -d]"
12:15:56 time="2021-06-16T12:15:55Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectfkcqakk -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:15:56 PASS: up_test.go:177: CliSuite.TestUpAfterImageTagDeleted	0.266s
12:15:56 PASS: up_test.go:291: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildFailIfImageNotPresent	0.010s
12:15:56 PASS: up_test.go:299: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildShouldWorkIfImageIsPresent	0.381s
12:15:56 time="2021-06-16T12:15:56Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectsetzieu -f - up -d]"
12:15:57 PASS: up_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestUpNotExistService	0.258s
12:15:57 time="2021-06-16T12:15:56Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectsitrmny -f - up -d]"
12:16:15 PASS: volume_test.go:79: CliSuite.TestV2Volume	15.359s
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectnjsljtu -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectnjsljtu -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojecthuvysvt -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojecthuvysvt -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    build: .\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectwvdrdvv -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectwvdrdvv -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:16:15 PASS: create_test.go:262: CliSuite.TestValidation	0.025s
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectkpsuhlx -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectkpsuhlx -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectezwmcqq -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectezwmcqq -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:16:15 PASS: create_test.go:297: CliSuite.TestValidationV2	0.015s
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectfjvmzdb -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectfjvmzdb -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectzjkhnqg -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectzjkhnqg -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectyujzjwv -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectyujzjwv -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectdepyiui -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectdepyiui -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:16:15 PASS: create_test.go:327: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtends	0.029s
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectsbtpacg -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectsbtpacg -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectiysudfm -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectiysudfm -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectvdzdbzb -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectvdzdbzb -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectogipljl -f - create]"
12:16:15 time="2021-06-16T12:16:12Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectogipljl -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:16:15 PASS: create_test.go:380: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtendsV2	0.030s
12:16:15 PASS: volume_test.go:11: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromService	0.197s
12:16:15 PASS: volume_test.go:27: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromServiceWithContainerName	0.179s
12:16:15 OK: 59 passed
12:16:15 PASS
12:16:15 coverage: 33.3% of statements
12:16:15 ok	124.655s
12:16:15 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-stop (in .)
12:16:15 ++++ cat ./
12:16:15 +++ kill 16537
12:16:15 Running integration test against 17.06.0
12:16:15 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-start (in .)
12:16:15 /usr/local/bin/docker-17.06.0/dockerd
12:16:15 +++ exec dockerd --debug --host unix:///go/src/ --storage-driver vfs --pidfile ./ --userland-proxy=true --graph=/var/lib/docker/17.06.0
12:16:16 Client:
12:16:16  Version:      17.06.0-ce
12:16:16  API version:  1.30
12:16:16  Go version:   go1.8.3
12:16:16  Git commit:   02c1d87
12:16:16  Built:        Fri Jun 23 21:15:15 2017
12:16:16  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:16:16 Server:
12:16:16  Version:      17.06.0-ce
12:16:16  API version:  1.30 (minimum version 1.12)
12:16:16  Go version:   go1.8.3
12:16:16  Git commit:   02c1d87
12:16:16  Built:        Fri Jun 23 21:51:55 2017
12:16:16  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:16:16  Experimental: false
12:16:17 time="2021-06-16T12:16:17Z" level=info msg="[0/2] [simple]: Starting "
12:16:17 time="2021-06-16T12:16:17Z" level=info msg="[0/2] [another]: Starting "
12:16:17 Pulling simple (busybox:latest)...
12:16:17 Pulling another (busybox:latest)...
12:16:17 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:16:17 latest: Pulling from library/busybox
12:16:17 b71f96345d44: Pulling fs layer
12:16:17 b71f96345d44: Pulling fs layer
12:16:18 b71f96345d44: Download complete
12:16:18 b71f96345d44: Download complete
12:16:18 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:16:18 b71f96345d44: Pull complete
12:16:18 Digest: sha256:930490f97e5b921535c153e0e7110d251134cc4b72bbb8133c6a5065cc68580d
12:16:18 Digest: sha256:930490f97e5b921535c153e0e7110d251134cc4b72bbb8133c6a5065cc68580d
12:16:18 Status: Image is up to date for busybox:latest
12:16:18 Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest
12:16:18 time="2021-06-16T12:16:18Z" level=info msg="[1/2] [simple]: Started "
12:16:18 time="2021-06-16T12:16:18Z" level=info msg="[2/2] [another]: Started "
12:16:18 PASS: api_event_test.go:16: APISuite.TestEvents	0.955s
12:16:18 time="2021-06-16T12:16:18Z" level=info msg="[0/1] [service]: Starting "
12:16:19 time="2021-06-16T12:16:18Z" level=info msg="[1/1] [service]: Started "
12:16:19 PASS: api_test.go:20: APISuite.TestVolumeWithoutComposeFile	0.279s
12:16:21 PASS: build_test.go:13: CliSuite.TestBuild	2.067s
12:16:23 PASS: build_test.go:85: CliSuite.TestBuildWithArgs	1.723s
12:16:23 PASS: build_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache1	0.116s
12:16:25 PASS: build_test.go:49: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache2	1.883s
12:16:27 PASS: build_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestBuildWithNoCache3	2.000s
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectxpujeff -f - create]"
12:16:27 PASS: create_test.go:58: CliSuite.TestContainerName	0.098s
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlazivaa -f - create]"
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectlazivaa -f - scale hello=2]"
12:16:27 PASS: create_test.go:72: CliSuite.TestContainerNameWithScale	0.106s
12:16:27 PASS: env_test.go:12: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvInCurrentDir	0.280s
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectixamtck -f - create]"
12:16:27 PASS: env_test.go:38: CliSuite.TestCreateWithEnvNotInCurrentDir	0.059s
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Creating "
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Creating "
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [another]: Created "
12:16:27 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [yetanother]: Created "
12:16:28 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="[0/3] [simple]: Created "
12:16:28 PASS: create_test.go:241: CliSuite.TestDefaultMultipleComposeFiles	0.243s
12:16:28 time="2021-06-16T12:16:27Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwykzzed -f - up -d]"
12:16:28 time="2021-06-16T12:16:28Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectwykzzed -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:16:38 time="2021-06-16T12:16:38Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectwykzzed -f - rm --force]"
12:16:38 PASS: rm_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDelete	10.439s
12:16:38 time="2021-06-16T12:16:38Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectxzmknsh -f - up -d]"
12:16:38 time="2021-06-16T12:16:38Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectxzmknsh -f - stop bye --timeout 0]"
12:16:50 time="2021-06-16T12:16:48Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectxzmknsh -f - rm --force]"
12:16:50 PASS: rm_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestDeleteOnlyRemovesStopped	10.602s
12:16:50 time="2021-06-16T12:16:49Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectanhtreo -f - up -d]"
12:16:50 time="2021-06-16T12:16:49Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectanhtreo -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:17:00 time="2021-06-16T12:16:59Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectanhtreo -f - rm --force -v]"
12:17:00 PASS: rm_test.go:65: CliSuite.TestDeleteWithVol	10.421s
12:17:00 time="2021-06-16T12:16:59Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectomvsrdn -f - up -d]"
12:17:00 time="2021-06-16T12:16:59Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectomvsrdn -f - down]"
12:17:10 PASS: down_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestDown	10.407s
12:17:10 time="2021-06-16T12:17:09Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectrxbldlb -f - up -d]"
12:17:10 time="2021-06-16T12:17:10Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectrxbldlb -f - scale hello=2]"
12:17:10 time="2021-06-16T12:17:10Z" level=info msg="Running down [--verbose -p testprojectrxbldlb -f - down]"
12:17:20 PASS: down_test.go:24: CliSuite.TestDownMultiple	10.775s
12:17:20 time="2021-06-16T12:17:20Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectdoaciwm -f - create]"
12:17:20 PASS: create_test.go:31: CliSuite.TestEmptyEntrypoint	0.097s
12:17:20 time="2021-06-16T12:17:20Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectuacoatu -f - create]"
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:20Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectgkfviuw -f - create]"
12:17:21 PASS: create_test.go:146: CliSuite.TestFieldTypeConversions	0.114s
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:20Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectrvbkgdk -f - create]"
12:17:21 PASS: create_test.go:14: CliSuite.TestFields	0.065s
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:20Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectpigaqdy -f - create]"
12:17:21 PASS: create_test.go:45: CliSuite.TestHelloWorld	0.057s
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:21Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectdbrsopc -f - create]"
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:21Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectwwpnbyo -f - create]"
12:17:21 PASS: create_test.go:86: CliSuite.TestInterpolation	0.115s
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:21Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectzclxwjt -f - create]"
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:21Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectbkxyszq -f - create]"
12:17:21 PASS: create_test.go:112: CliSuite.TestInterpolationWithExtends	0.128s
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:21Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectxtuxdzx -f - up -d]"
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:21Z" level=info msg="Running kill [--verbose -p testprojectxtuxdzx -f - kill]"
12:17:21 PASS: kill_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestKill	0.392s
12:17:21 time="2021-06-16T12:17:21Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectzhiwsxt -f - up -d]"
12:17:22 PASS: up_test.go:260: CliSuite.TestLink	0.528s
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:17:22 PASS: create_test.go:176: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesOneTwo	0.327s
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Creating "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Creating "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Creating "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Creating "
12:17:22 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [another]: Created "
12:17:23 time="2021-06-16T12:17:22Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [multiple]: Created "
12:17:23 time="2021-06-16T12:17:23Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [yetanother]: Created "
12:17:23 time="2021-06-16T12:17:23Z" level=info msg="[0/4] [simple]: Created "
12:17:23 PASS: create_test.go:204: CliSuite.TestMultipleComposeFilesTwoOne	0.274s
12:17:23 time="2021-06-16T12:17:23Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwqfgals -f - up -d]"
12:17:23 PASS: volume_test.go:62: CliSuite.TestNamedVolume	0.271s
12:17:23 time="2021-06-16T12:17:23Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwtmhqgp -f - up -d]"
12:17:24 time="2021-06-16T12:17:23Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectwtmhqgp -f - pause]"
12:17:24 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestPause	0.300s
12:17:24 time="2021-06-16T12:17:24Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectowffigh -f - up -d]"
12:17:24 time="2021-06-16T12:17:24Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectowffigh -f - pause]"
12:17:24 time="2021-06-16T12:17:24Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectowffigh -f - pause]"
12:17:24 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:26: CliSuite.TestPauseAlreadyPausedService	0.299s
12:17:24 time="2021-06-16T12:17:24Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectmvrbhub -f - up -d]"
12:17:24 time="2021-06-16T12:17:24Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectmvrbhub -f - ps]"
12:17:25 PASS: ps_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestPs	0.287s
12:17:25 time="2021-06-16T12:17:24Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwdyhcpc -f - up -d]"
12:17:25 time="2021-06-16T12:17:25Z" level=info msg="Running ps [--verbose -p testprojectwdyhcpc -f - ps -q]"
12:17:25 PASS: ps_test.go:22: CliSuite.TestPsQuiet	0.290s
12:17:25 time="2021-06-16T12:17:25Z" level=info msg="Running pull [--verbose -p testprojectxrntkwx -f - pull]"
12:17:25 PASS: pull_test.go:7: CliSuite.TestPull	0.077s
12:17:25 time="2021-06-16T12:17:25Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqmdfodc -f - up -d]"
12:17:25 time="2021-06-16T12:17:25Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqmdfodc -f - up -d]"
12:17:25 time="2021-06-16T12:17:25Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqmdfodc -f - up -d]"
12:17:26 time="2021-06-16T12:17:26Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqmdfodc -f - up -d]"
12:17:26 time="2021-06-16T12:17:26Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqmdfodc -f - up -d]"
12:17:26 time="2021-06-16T12:17:26Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqmdfodc -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:17:27 time="2021-06-16T12:17:26Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectqmdfodc -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:17:27 PASS: up_test.go:105: CliSuite.TestRecreate	1.969s
12:17:27 time="2021-06-16T12:17:27Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectbpqycwq -f - up -d]"
12:17:28 time="2021-06-16T12:17:27Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectbpqycwq -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:17:28 PASS: up_test.go:33: CliSuite.TestRecreateForceRecreate	0.709s
12:17:28 time="2021-06-16T12:17:28Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwxmmktb -f - up -d]"
12:17:29 time="2021-06-16T12:17:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwxmmktb -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:17:29 time="2021-06-16T12:17:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwxmmktb -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:17:29 time="2021-06-16T12:17:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectwxmmktb -f - up -d]"
12:17:29 time="2021-06-16T12:17:29Z" level=info msg="Running rm [--verbose -p testprojectwxmmktb -f - rm -f]"
12:17:29 PASS: up_test.go:207: CliSuite.TestRecreateImageChanging	1.152s
12:17:29 time="2021-06-16T12:17:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectyrkrkvr -f - up -d]"
12:17:30 time="2021-06-16T12:17:29Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectyrkrkvr -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:17:30 PASS: up_test.go:84: CliSuite.TestRecreateNoRecreate	0.280s
12:17:30 time="2021-06-16T12:17:30Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectvhvozra -f - up -d]"
12:17:30 time="2021-06-16T12:17:30Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectvhvozra -f - up --force-recreate -d]"
12:17:31 PASS: up_test.go:53: CliSuite.TestRecreateVols	0.701s
12:17:31 time="2021-06-16T12:17:30Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectbwujjej -f - up -d]"
12:17:31 PASS: volume_test.go:43: CliSuite.TestRelativeVolume	0.290s
12:17:31 time="2021-06-16T12:17:31Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectsjtvrua -f - up -d]"
12:17:31 time="2021-06-16T12:17:31Z" level=info msg="Running restart [--verbose -p testprojectsjtvrua -f - restart --timeout 0]"
12:17:43 PASS: restart_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestRestart	10.567s
12:17:43 PASS: run_test.go:19: CliSuite.TestRun	0.387s
12:17:43 time="2021-06-16T12:17:42Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectlaezert -f - up -d]"
12:17:43 time="2021-06-16T12:17:42Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectlaezert -f - scale hello=2]"
12:17:43 time="2021-06-16T12:17:42Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectlaezert -f - scale --timeout 0 hello=1]"
12:17:53 PASS: scale_test.go:10: CliSuite.TestScale	10.710s
12:17:53 time="2021-06-16T12:17:53Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectyblrqmb -f - up -d]"
12:17:53 time="2021-06-16T12:17:53Z" level=info msg="Running scale [--verbose -p testprojectyblrqmb -f - scale test=2]"
12:17:54 PASS: scale_test.go:46: CliSuite.TestScaleWithHostPortWarning	0.711s
12:17:54 time="2021-06-16T12:17:54Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectbzyihif -f - create]"
12:17:54 time="2021-06-16T12:17:54Z" level=info msg="Running start [--verbose -p testprojectbzyihif -f - start]"
12:17:54 PASS: start_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStart	0.289s
12:17:54 time="2021-06-16T12:17:54Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectgxwvypf -f - up -d]"
12:17:54 time="2021-06-16T12:17:54Z" level=info msg="Running stop [--verbose -p testprojectgxwvypf -f - stop --timeout 0]"
12:18:07 PASS: stop_test.go:9: CliSuite.TestStop	10.394s
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:04Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectooweccr -f - up -d]"
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:05Z" level=info msg="Running pause [--verbose -p testprojectooweccr -f - pause]"
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:05Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectooweccr -f - unpause]"
12:18:07 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:51: CliSuite.TestUnpause	0.322s
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:05Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectttidwtg -f - up -d]"
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:05Z" level=info msg="Running unpause [--verbose -p testprojectttidwtg -f - unpause]"
12:18:07 PASS: pause_unpause_test.go:76: CliSuite.TestUnpauseNotPausedService	0.275s
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:05Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectcznugmz -f - up -d]"
12:18:07 PASS: up_test.go:15: CliSuite.TestUp	0.266s
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:06Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectobhrczu -f - up -d]"
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:06Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectobhrczu -f - up --no-recreate -d]"
12:18:07 PASS: up_test.go:177: CliSuite.TestUpAfterImageTagDeleted	0.297s
12:18:07 PASS: up_test.go:291: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildFailIfImageNotPresent	0.012s
12:18:07 PASS: up_test.go:299: CliSuite.TestUpNoBuildShouldWorkIfImageIsPresent	0.406s
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:07Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectxarrmfk -f - up -d]"
12:18:07 PASS: up_test.go:25: CliSuite.TestUpNotExistService	0.270s
12:18:07 time="2021-06-16T12:18:07Z" level=info msg="Running up [--verbose -p testprojectgiuxyeg -f - up -d]"
12:18:25 PASS: volume_test.go:79: CliSuite.TestV2Volume	15.372s
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqaefdwn -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectqaefdwn -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectahdznqi -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectahdznqi -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    build: .\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectbmjwkjy -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectbmjwkjy -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:18:25 PASS: create_test.go:262: CliSuite.TestValidation	0.026s
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectowhhdpu -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectowhhdpu -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectyesywbm -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectyesywbm -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    image: busybox\n    ports: invalid_type\n    links: invalid_type\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n  "
12:18:25 PASS: create_test.go:297: CliSuite.TestValidationV2	0.014s
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:22Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectoawywgc -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectoawywgc -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlsyxoso -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectlsyxoso -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectlduahfn -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectlduahfn -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectrpihful -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectrpihful -f - create]\n with input:\n\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v1.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:18:25 PASS: create_test.go:327: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtends	0.028s
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectkqekpwy -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectkqekpwy -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n    privilege: \"something\"\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectqsjpuxw -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectqsjpuxw -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  base:\n    image: busybox\n  test:\n    extends:\n      service: base\n    links: invalid_type\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectndfcbas -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectndfcbas -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/valid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n    devices:\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n      - /dev/foo:/dev/foo\n\t"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=info msg="Running create [--verbose -p testprojectfrnjaug -f - create]"
12:18:25 time="2021-06-16T12:18:23Z" level=error msg="Failed to run ../bundles/libcompose-cli exit status 1: [--verbose -p testprojectfrnjaug -f - create]\n with input:\n\nversion: '2'\nservices:\n  test:\n    extends:\n      file: ./assets/validation/invalid/docker-compose.v2.yml\n      service: base\n\t"
12:18:25 PASS: create_test.go:380: CliSuite.TestValidationWithExtendsV2	0.030s
12:18:25 PASS: volume_test.go:11: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromService	0.178s
12:18:25 PASS: volume_test.go:27: CliSuite.TestVolumeFromServiceWithContainerName	0.191s
12:18:25 OK: 59 passed
12:18:25 PASS
12:18:25 coverage: 33.3% of statements
12:18:25 ok	125.767s
12:18:25 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-stop (in .)
12:18:25 ++++ cat ./
12:18:25 +++ kill 21068
12:18:25 ---> Making bundle: test-acceptance (in .)
12:18:25 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-start (in .)
12:18:25 /usr/local/bin/docker-17.03.2/dockerd
12:18:25 +++ exec dockerd --debug --host unix:///go/src/ --storage-driver vfs --pidfile ./ --userland-proxy=true --graph=/var/lib/docker/17.03.2
12:18:26 Client:
12:18:26  Version:      17.03.2-ce
12:18:26  API version:  1.27
12:18:26  Go version:   go1.7.5
12:18:26  Git commit:   f5ec1e2
12:18:26  Built:        Tue Jun 27 01:35:00 2017
12:18:26  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:18:26 Server:
12:18:26  Version:      17.03.2-ce
12:18:26  API version:  1.27 (minimum version 1.12)
12:18:26  Go version:   go1.7.5
12:18:26  Git commit:   f5ec1e2
12:18:26  Built:        Tue Jun 27 01:35:00 2017
12:18:26  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
12:18:26  Experimental: false
12:18:26 libcompose-cli version 0.4.0 (2a046c0)
12:18:26 Traceback (most recent call last):
12:18:26   File "/go/src/", line 5, in <module>
12:18:26     from pytest import main
12:18:26   File "/go/src/", line 14, in <module>
12:18:26     from _pytest.config import main, UsageError, _preloadplugins, cmdline
12:18:26   File "/go/src/", line 12, in <module>
12:18:26     from _pytest.core import PluginManager
12:18:26   File "/go/src/", line 11, in <module>
12:18:26     "%s is too old, remove or upgrade 'py'" % (py.__version__))
12:18:26 AssertionError: installation problem: 1.10.0 is too old, remove or upgrade 'py'
12:18:26 /go/src/
12:18:26 ---> Making bundle: .integration-daemon-stop (in .)
12:18:26 ++++ cat ./
12:18:26 +++ kill 25956