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Start of Pipeline - (22 min in block)
withEnv - (22 min in block)GOPROXY, TAG
withEnv block - (22 min in block)
timeout - (22 min in block)
timeout block - (22 min in block)
stage - (11 min in block)Build
stage block (Build) - (11 min in block)
parallel - (11 min in block)
parallel block (Branch: Validate) - (1 ms in block)
stage - (11 min in block)Validate
stage block (Validate) - (11 min in block)
node - (11 min in block)ubuntu-1804 && x86_64 && overlay2
node block - (10 min in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (10 min in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (10 min in block)
checkout - (16 sec in self)
ansiColor - (10 min in block)xterm
ansiColor block - (10 min in block)
sh - (2 min 0 sec in self)make -f docker.Makefile lint
sh - (8 min 7 sec in self)make -f docker.Makefile check-vendor
deleteDir - (0.23 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: Binaries) - (11 ms in block)
stage - (11 min in block)Binaries
stage block (Binaries) - (11 min in block)
node - (11 min in block)ubuntu-1804 && x86_64 && overlay2
node block - (10 min in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (10 min in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (10 min in block)
script - (10 min in block)
script block - (10 min in block)
checkout - (15 sec in self)
ansiColor - (9 min 22 sec in block)xterm
ansiColor block - (9 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (9 min 22 sec in self)make -f docker.Makefile cli-cross cross e2e-cross tars
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (39 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (39 sec in block)
stash - (39 sec in self)binaries
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (0.23 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (0.22 sec in block)
stash - (0.22 sec in self)e2e
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (0.18 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (0.17 sec in block)
stash - (0.17 sec in self)examples
stash - (3.4 sec in self)artifacts
archiveArtifacts - (2.7 sec in self)bin/*.tar.gz
sh - (1 sec in self)
deleteDir - (0.36 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: Build Invocation image) - (3 min 50 sec in block)
stage - (3 min 50 sec in block)Build Invocation image
stage block (Build Invocation image) - (3 min 50 sec in block)
node - (3 min 50 sec in block)ubuntu-1804 && x86_64 && overlay2
node block - (2 min 43 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (2 min 41 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (2 min 41 sec in block)
checkout - (12 sec in self)
ansiColor - (2 min 13 sec in block)xterm
ansiColor block - (2 min 13 sec in block)
sh - (2 min 10 sec in self)make -f docker.Makefile save-invocation-image
sh - (1.7 sec in self)make -f docker.Makefile INVOCATION_IMAGE_TAG=$TAG-coverage OUTPUT=coverage-invocation-image.tar save-invocation-image-tag
sh - (1.3 sec in self)make -f docker.Makefile INVOCATION_IMAGE_TAG=$TAG-coverage-experimental OUTPUT=coverage-experimental-invocation-image.tar save-invocation-image-tag
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (15 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (15 sec in block)
stash - (6.3 sec in self)invocation-image
stash - (4.6 sec in self)coverage-invocation-image
stash - (4.6 sec in self)coverage-experimental-invocation-image
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (1.1 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (1.1 sec in block)
sh - (0.4 sec in self)docker rmi docker/cnab-app-base:$TAG
sh - (0.3 sec in self)docker rmi docker/cnab-app-base:$TAG-coverage
sh - (0.41 sec in self)docker rmi docker/cnab-app-base:$TAG-coverage-experimental
deleteDir - (0.56 sec in self)
stage - (10 min in block)Test
stage block (Test) - (10 min in block)
parallel - (10 min in block)
parallel block (Branch: Coverage) - (6 ms in block)
stage - (10 min in block)Coverage
stage block (Coverage) - (10 min in block)
node - (10 min in block)ubuntu-1804 && x86_64 && overlay2
node block - (10 min in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (10 min in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (10 min in block)
checkout - (11 sec in self)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (10 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (10 sec in block)
unstash - (3.4 sec in self)coverage-invocation-image
sh - (6.9 sec in self)docker load -i coverage-invocation-image.tar
ansiColor - (10 min in block)xterm
ansiColor block - (10 min in block)
sh - (10 min in self)make -f docker.Makefile TAG=$TAG-coverage coverage-run || true
sh - (0.78 sec in self)make -f docker.Makefile TAG=$TAG-coverage coverage-results
archiveArtifacts - (0.29 sec in self)_build/ci-cov/all.out
archiveArtifacts - (0.37 sec in self)_build/ci-cov/coverage.html
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (1.8 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (1.8 sec in block)
sh - (0.29 sec in self)[ ! -e unit-coverage.xml ] || sed -i -E -e 's,"","unit/basic",g; s,"[^"]*)","unit/basic/\1",g' unit-coverage.xml
sh - (0.28 sec in self)[ ! -e e2e-coverage.xml ] || sed -i -E -e 's,"","e2e/basic",g' e2e-coverage.xml
archiveArtifacts - (0.3 sec in self)*.xml
junit - (0.99 sec in self)*.xml
sh - (0.28 sec in self)docker rmi docker/cnab-app-base:$TAG-coverage
deleteDir - (0.25 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: Coverage (experimental)) - (9 ms in block)
stage - (10 min in block)Coverage (experimental)
stage block (Coverage (experimental)) - (10 min in block)
node - (10 min in block)ubuntu-1804 && x86_64 && overlay2
node block - (10 min in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (10 min in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (10 min in block)
checkout - (3.4 sec in self)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (2.8 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (2.8 sec in block)
unstash - (1.6 sec in self)coverage-experimental-invocation-image
sh - (1.2 sec in self)docker load -i coverage-experimental-invocation-image.tar
ansiColor - (10 min in block)xterm
ansiColor block - (10 min in block)
sh - (10 min in self)make EXPERIMENTAL=on TEST_RESULTS_PREFIX="experimental-" -f docker.Makefile TAG=$TAG-coverage-experimental coverage-run || true
sh - (0.78 sec in self)make EXPERIMENTAL=on TEST_RESULTS_PREFIX="experimental-" -f docker.Makefile TAG=$TAG-coverage-experimental coverage-results
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (1.5 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (1.4 sec in block)
sh - (0.28 sec in self)[ ! -e experimental-unit-coverage.xml ] || sed -i -E -e 's,"","unit/experimental",g; s,"[^"]*)","unit/experimental/\1",g' experimental-unit-coverage.xml
sh - (0.27 sec in self)[ ! -e experimental-e2e-coverage.xml ] || sed -i -E -e 's,"","e2e/experimental",g' experimental-e2e-coverage.xml
archiveArtifacts - (0.31 sec in self)*.xml
junit - (0.53 sec in self)*.xml
sh - (0.27 sec in self)docker rmi docker/cnab-app-base:$TAG-coverage-experimental
deleteDir - (0.21 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: Test Linux) - (3 min 54 sec in block)
stage - (3 min 54 sec in block)Test Linux
stage block (Test Linux) - (3 min 54 sec in block)
node - (3 min 54 sec in block)ubuntu-1804 && x86_64 && overlay2
node block - (3 min 54 sec in block)
withEnv - (3 min 54 sec in block)DOCKERAPP_BINARY, DOCKERCLI_BINARY
withEnv block - (3 min 54 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (3 min 53 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (3 min 53 sec in block)
checkout - (2.8 sec in self)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (3.7 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (3.7 sec in block)
unstash - (2.6 sec in self)invocation-image
sh - (1.1 sec in self)docker load -i invocation-image.tar
unstash - (7.4 sec in self)binaries
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (0.16 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (0.15 sec in block)
unstash - (0.14 sec in self)examples
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (0.17 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (0.16 sec in block)
unstash - (0.15 sec in self)e2e
ansiColor - (3 min 38 sec in block)xterm
ansiColor block - (3 min 38 sec in block)
sh - (3 min 38 sec in self)./gotestsum-linux --format short-verbose --junitfile e2e-linux.xml --raw-command -- ./test2json-linux -t -p e2e/linux ./docker-app-e2e-linux -test.v --e2e-path=e2e
archiveArtifacts - (0.18 sec in self)src/
junit - (0.86 sec in self)src/
sh - (0.28 sec in self)docker rmi docker/cnab-app-base:$TAG
deleteDir - (0.29 sec in self)