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Test / Coverage / e2e/basic.TestInspectApp (from e2e_basic)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #43 )
Took 0.13 sec.

Error Message



=== RUN   TestInspectApp
--- FAIL: TestInspectApp (0.13s)
    commands_test.go:172: assertion failed: 
        Command:  docker app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --output /tmp/TestInspectApp-559195849/simple-bundle.json --tag simple-app:1.0.0
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --output
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app [OPTIONS] COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              --version   Print version information
        Management Commands:
          image       Manage application images
          build       Build service images for the application
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          ls          List the installations and their last known installation result
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          rm          Remove an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error