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+ ./gotestsum-linux --format short-verbose --junitfile e2e-linux.xml --raw-command -- ./test2json-linux -t -p e2e/linux ./docker-app-e2e-linux -test.v --e2e-path=e2e
PASS e2e/linux.TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomDockerStatusAction (4.60s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomStandardStatusAction (3.12s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCallCustomStatusAction/missingCustomStatusAction (3.05s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCallCustomStatusAction (10.77s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCnabParameters (3.19s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestExitErrorCode (0.06s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestRender/envvariables/stdout (1.87s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestRender/envvariables/file (1.62s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestRender/envvariables (3.48s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestRender (3.48s)
=== RUN   TestRenderFormatters
--- FAIL: TestRenderFormatters (0.06s)
    commands_test.go:79: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app render --formatter json testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestRenderFormatters (0.06s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestInit (0.12s)
=== RUN   TestDetectApp
--- FAIL: TestDetectApp (0.06s)
    commands_test.go:163: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app inspect
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   services.front.deploy.replicas must be a integer
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestDetectApp (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestBundle/simple-bundle
    --- FAIL: TestBundle/simple-bundle (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:231: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --output /tmp/TestBundle-081320673/simple-bundle.json
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
            * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
            ExitCode was 1 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestBundle/simple-bundle (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestBundle/bundle-with-tag
    --- FAIL: TestBundle/bundle-with-tag (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:231: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --tag myimage:mytag --output /tmp/TestBundle-081320673/bundle-with-tag.json
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
            * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
            ExitCode was 1 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestBundle/bundle-with-tag (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestBundle
--- FAIL: TestBundle (7.16s)
FAIL e2e/linux.TestBundle (7.16s)
=== RUN   TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (8.34s)
        commands_test.go:285: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app install testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withBindMounts
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
            * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"
FAIL e2e/linux.TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (8.34s)
=== RUN   TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts (8.50s)
        commands_test.go:285: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app install testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withoutBindMounts
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
            * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"
FAIL e2e/linux.TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts (8.50s)
=== RUN   TestDockerAppLifecycle
--- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle (16.84s)
FAIL e2e/linux.TestDockerAppLifecycle (16.84s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCredentials/missing (0.08s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCredentials/full (1.49s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCredentials/mixed-credstore (1.50s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCredentials/mixed-local-cred (1.50s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCredentials/overload (0.06s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestCredentials (4.62s)
=== RUN   TestRenderWithEnvFile
--- FAIL: TestRenderWithEnvFile (0.06s)
    envfile_test.go:16: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app render testdata/envfile/envfile.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   open myvars.env: no such file or directory
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected stdout to contain "version: \"3.7\"\nservices:\n  db:\n    environment:\n      COMPANY: mycompany\n      SOME_FILE: /some/file\n      USER: myuser\n    image: busybox:1.30.1"
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestRenderWithEnvFile (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestExamplesAreValid
--- FAIL: TestExamplesAreValid (0.06s)
    example_test.go:18: Validate example: ../examples/cnab-simple/hello.dockerapp
    example_test.go:20: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app validate ../examples/cnab-simple/hello.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestExamplesAreValid (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestImageList
--- FAIL: TestImageList (15.10s)
    images_test.go:33: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --tag b-simple-app --output /tmp/-095744104/simple-bundle.json
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestImageList (15.10s)
=== RUN   TestImageRm
--- FAIL: TestImageRm (15.04s)
    images_test.go:33: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --tag b-simple-app --output /tmp/-676894065/simple-bundle.json
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestImageRm (15.04s)
=== RUN   TestImageTag
--- FAIL: TestImageTag (12.08s)
    images_test.go:109: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --tag a-simple-app --output /tmp/-757628334/simple-bundle.json
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestImageTag (12.08s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestInvokePluginFromCLI (0.20s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushArchs/default (3.44s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushArchs/all-platforms (1.01s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushArchs (16.05s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushInsecureRegistry (17.67s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushInstall (16.62s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushPullInstall (17.07s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushInstallBundle/push-bundle (5.23s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushInstallBundle/push-ref (1.32s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushInstallBundle/push-bundleref (1.93s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestPushInstallBundle (21.43s)
FAIL e2e/linux

=== Failed
=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestRenderFormatters (0.06s)
    commands_test.go:79: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app render --formatter json testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestDetectApp (0.06s)
    commands_test.go:163: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app inspect
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   services.front.deploy.replicas must be a integer
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestBundle/simple-bundle (0.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestBundle/simple-bundle (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:231: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --output /tmp/TestBundle-081320673/simple-bundle.json
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
            * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
            ExitCode was 1 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestBundle/bundle-with-tag (0.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestBundle/bundle-with-tag (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:231: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --tag myimage:mytag --output /tmp/TestBundle-081320673/bundle-with-tag.json
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
            * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
            ExitCode was 1 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestBundle (7.16s)

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (8.34s)
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (8.34s)
        commands_test.go:285: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app install testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withBindMounts
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
            * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts (8.50s)
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts (8.50s)
        commands_test.go:285: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app install testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withoutBindMounts
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
            * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestDockerAppLifecycle (16.84s)

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestRenderWithEnvFile (0.06s)
    envfile_test.go:16: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app render testdata/envfile/envfile.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   open myvars.env: no such file or directory
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected stdout to contain "version: \"3.7\"\nservices:\n  db:\n    environment:\n      COMPANY: mycompany\n      SOME_FILE: /some/file\n      USER: myuser\n    image: busybox:1.30.1"
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestExamplesAreValid (0.06s)
    example_test.go:18: Validate example: ../examples/cnab-simple/hello.dockerapp
    example_test.go:20: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app validate ../examples/cnab-simple/hello.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestImageList (15.10s)
    images_test.go:33: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --tag b-simple-app --output /tmp/-095744104/simple-bundle.json
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestImageRm (15.04s)
    images_test.go:33: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --tag b-simple-app --output /tmp/-676894065/simple-bundle.json
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestImageTag (12.08s)
    images_test.go:109: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-671/src/ app bundle testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --tag a-simple-app --output /tmp/-757628334/simple-bundle.json
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   1 error(s) decoding:
        * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: ${web_port}
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

DONE 41 tests, 13 failures in 177.761s
time="2019-10-04T13:32:48Z" level=warning msg="failed to lookup go version for junit xml" error="exec: \"go\": executable file not found in $PATH"