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Console Output

Skipping 103 KB.. Full Log
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Test)
[Pipeline] parallel
[Pipeline] { (Branch: Coverage)
[Pipeline] { (Branch: Test Linux)
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Coverage)
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Test Linux)
[Pipeline] node
[Pipeline] node
Running on ubuntu-1804-overlay2 (i-0583cc17ce1a5ce1b) in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705
[Pipeline] {
Running on ubuntu-1804-overlay2 (i-06825a8335d9153dc) in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] checkout
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] checkout
using credential docker-jenkins-github-credentials
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and without tags
using credential docker-jenkins-github-credentials
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
Fetching without tags
Checking out Revision 47816e46d6e1ead28c86bcc395b3e2db42bc3f90 (PR-705)
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials docker-jenkins GitHub credentials
 > git fetch --no-tags --progress +refs/pull/705/head:refs/remotes/origin/PR-705
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 47816e46d6e1ead28c86bcc395b3e2db42bc3f90
Cloning repository
 > git init /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials docker-jenkins GitHub credentials
 > git fetch --no-tags --progress +refs/pull/705/head:refs/remotes/origin/PR-705
Fetching without tags
Checking out Revision 47816e46d6e1ead28c86bcc395b3e2db42bc3f90 (PR-705)
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/pull/705/head:refs/remotes/origin/PR-705 # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials docker-jenkins GitHub credentials
 > git fetch --no-tags --progress +refs/pull/705/head:refs/remotes/origin/PR-705
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 47816e46d6e1ead28c86bcc395b3e2db42bc3f90
Commit message: "Introduce --iidfile option"
Commit message: "Introduce --iidfile option"
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] unstash
Unstashed file(s) from
[Pipeline] sh
+ docker load -i invocation-image.tar
Unstashed file(s) from
[Pipeline] sh
+ docker load -i coverage-invocation-image.tar
Loaded image: docker/cnab-app-base:jenkins-app-PR-705-6-coverage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] ansiColor
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
Loaded image: docker/cnab-app-base:jenkins-app-PR-705-6
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] unstash
+ make -f docker.Makefile TAG=jenkins-app-PR-705-6-coverage coverage-run
docker build --build-arg TAG=jenkins-app-PR-705-6-coverage --build-arg COMMIT=47816e46 --build-arg ALPINE_VERSION=3.10.1 --build-arg GOPROXY=direct --target=dev -t docker-app-dev:jenkins-app-PR-705-6 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  76.14MB

Step 1/18 : FROM dockercore/golang-cross:1.12.9@sha256:3ea9dcef4dd2c46d80445c0b22d6177817f4cfce22c523cc12a5a1091cb37705 AS build
 ---> 518d5e4626aa
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ed26c294dca4
Step 3/18 : RUN apt-get install -y -q --no-install-recommends   coreutils   util-linux   uuid-runtime
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 5bfe9c4c5547
Step 4/18 : WORKDIR /go/src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1d79c666ed0b
Step 5/18 : RUN git clone . && git checkout a1b83ffd2cbeefc0752e5aa7a543d49c1ddfd2cb
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e913d347fdab
Step 6/18 : ARG GOPROXY
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 61fddbe7d85f
Step 7/18 : RUN make binary-osx binary-windows binary &&   cp build/docker-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/docker
 ---> Using cache
 ---> bc5d981e1b29
Step 8/18 : WORKDIR /go/src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e610d365e582
Step 9/18 : FROM build AS dev
 ---> e610d365e582
Step 10/18 : ENV PATH=${PATH}:/go/src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e3d361516489
Step 11/18 : ARG DEP_VERSION=v0.5.4
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 6e0ee0dc95a5
Step 12/18 : RUN curl -o /usr/bin/dep -L${DEP_VERSION}/dep-linux-amd64 &&   chmod +x /usr/bin/dep
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 867daa9ce3ae
Step 13/18 : ARG GOTESTSUM_VERSION=v0.3.4
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 016c5ee0825f
Step 14/18 : ARG GOPROXY
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a14674bed8d7
Step 15/18 : RUN mkdir $GOPATH/src/ &&   git clone -q $GOPATH/src/ &&   cd $GOPATH/src/ &&   git -C $GOPATH/src/ checkout -q $GOTESTSUM_VERSION &&   GO111MODULE=on GOOS=linux   go build -o /usr/local/bin/gotestsum-linux &&   GO111MODULE=on GOOS=darwin  go build -o /usr/local/bin/gotestsum-darwin &&   GO111MODULE=on GOOS=windows go build -o /usr/local/bin/gotestsum-windows.exe &&   ln -s gotestsum-linux /usr/local/bin/gotestsum
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4e467c8406ca
Step 16/18 : RUN GOOS=linux   go build -o /usr/local/bin/test2json-linux       cmd/test2json &&   GOOS=darwin  go build -o /usr/local/bin/test2json-darwin      cmd/test2json &&   GOOS=windows go build -o /usr/local/bin/test2json-windows.exe cmd/test2json
 ---> Using cache
 ---> fe1b91bbc4d6
Step 17/18 : RUN go get -d &&   cd /go/src/ &&   go build -v -o /usr/bin/esc . &&   rm -rf /go/src/* /go/pkg/* /go/bin/*
 ---> Using cache
 ---> dca0b5d4c46c
Step 18/18 : COPY . .
 ---> 6d7af46a7dde
[Warning] One or more build-args [COMMIT TAG ALPINE_VERSION] were not consumed
Successfully built 6d7af46a7dde
Successfully tagged docker-app-dev:jenkins-app-PR-705-6
docker run -v /var/run:/var/run:ro --name docker-app-cov-jenkins-app-PR-705-6-coverage --network="host" -t docker-app-dev:jenkins-app-PR-705-6 make COMMIT=47816e46 TAG=jenkins-app-PR-705-6-coverage TEST_RESULTS_PREFIX= coverage
Running unit tests (coverage)...
CGO_ENABLED=0 gotestsum --junitfile _build/test-results/unit-coverage.xml -- -tags= -ldflags="-s -w -X -X -X" -cover -test.coverprofile=_build/cov/unit.out
∅  .
Unstashed file(s) from
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] unstash
Unstashed file(s) from
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] unstash
Unstashed file(s) from
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] ansiColor
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ ./gotestsum-linux --format short-verbose --junitfile e2e-linux.xml --raw-command -- ./test2json-linux -t -p e2e/linux ./docker-app-e2e-linux -test.v --e2e-path=e2e
=== RUN   TestBuild
--- FAIL: TestBuild (21.36s)
    build_test.go:51: failed to parse source file: /go/src/ open /go/src/ no such file or directory
    build_test.go:51: assertion failed: f0f95de9283712a01fd0a1358a255c42dd94650ad696e993ddce4ba671d32f9b (string) != f0f95de9283712a01fd0a1358a255c42dd94650ad696e993ddce4ba671d32f9b (store.ID)
FAIL e2e/linux.TestBuild (21.36s)
=== RUN   TestBuildWithoutTag
--- FAIL: TestBuildWithoutTag (17.67s)
    build_test.go:61: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build -f testdata/build/single.dockerapp testdata/build
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestBuildWithoutTag (17.67s)
=== RUN   TestBuildWithArgs
--- FAIL: TestBuildWithArgs (17.19s)
    build_test.go:92: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build -f testdata/build/single.dockerapp testdata/build --build-arg REPLACE_BY_BUILD_ARG=replaced
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestBuildWithArgs (17.19s)
=== RUN   TestBuildWithArgsDefinedTwice
--- FAIL: TestBuildWithArgsDefinedTwice (17.11s)
    build_test.go:124: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build -f testdata/build/single.dockerapp testdata/build --build-arg REPLACE_BY_BUILD_ARG=replaced --build-arg REPLACE_BY_BUILD_ARG=replaced_twice
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 1
        Expected stderr to contain "'--build-arg REPLACE_BY_BUILD_ARG' is defined twice"
FAIL e2e/linux.TestBuildWithArgsDefinedTwice (17.11s)
=== RUN   TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomDockerStatusAction
    --- FAIL: TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomDockerStatusAction (1.01s)
        cnab_test.go:54: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/cnab-with-docker-status/bundle.json --name validCustomDockerStatusAction
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --name
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomDockerStatusAction (1.01s)
=== RUN   TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomStandardStatusAction
    --- FAIL: TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomStandardStatusAction (0.56s)
        cnab_test.go:54: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/cnab-with-standard-status/bundle.json --name validCustomStandardStatusAction
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --name
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomStandardStatusAction (0.56s)
=== RUN   TestCallCustomStatusAction/missingCustomStatusAction
    --- FAIL: TestCallCustomStatusAction/missingCustomStatusAction (0.56s)
        cnab_test.go:54: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/cnab-without-status/bundle.json --name missingCustomStatusAction
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --name
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCallCustomStatusAction/missingCustomStatusAction (0.56s)
=== RUN   TestCallCustomStatusAction
--- FAIL: TestCallCustomStatusAction (2.13s)
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCallCustomStatusAction (2.13s)
=== RUN   TestCnabParameters
--- FAIL: TestCnabParameters (0.74s)
    cnab_test.go:86: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/cnab-parameters/bundle.json --name cnab-parameters --set boolParam=true --set stringParam=value --set intParam=42 --set floatParam=3.14
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --name
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCnabParameters (0.74s)
=== RUN   TestExitErrorCode
--- FAIL: TestExitErrorCode (0.06s)
    commands_test.go:28: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app unknown_command
        ExitCode: 0
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 0 expected 1
        Expected stderr to contain "\"unknown_command\" is not a docker app command\nSee 'docker app --help'"
FAIL e2e/linux.TestExitErrorCode (0.06s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestRender/envvariables/stdout (2.98s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestRender/envvariables/file (1.56s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestRender/envvariables (4.54s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestRender (4.54s)
∅  cmd/cnab-run
∅  cmd/docker-app
✓  internal (23ms)
✓  internal/cnab (34ms)
=== RUN   TestRenderFormatters
--- FAIL: TestRenderFormatters (17.49s)
    commands_test.go:80: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag a-simple-tag testdata/simple
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestRenderFormatters (17.49s)
=== RUN   TestInit
--- FAIL: TestInit (0.08s)
    commands_test.go:135: assertion failed: 
        --- expected
        +++ actual
        @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
FAIL e2e/linux.TestInit (0.08s)
✓  internal/commands (460ms)
✓  internal/commands/build (33ms)
✓  internal/compose (8ms)
✓  internal/formatter (3ms)
✓  internal/commands/image (41ms)
∅  internal/formatter/driver
∅  internal/formatter/json
∅  internal/formatter/yaml
✓  internal/inspect (165ms)
∅  internal/log
✓  internal/slices (4ms)
=== RUN   TestInspectApp
--- FAIL: TestInspectApp (12.96s)
    commands_test.go:163: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app image inspect
        ExitCode: 0
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 0 expected 1
        Expected stderr to contain "\"docker app image inspect\" requires exactly 1 argument."
FAIL e2e/linux.TestInspectApp (12.96s)
✓  internal/store (28ms)
✓  internal/yaml (9ms)
✓  internal/packager (58ms)
✓  loader (30ms)
✓  render (86ms)
✓  specification (8ms)
✓  types (39ms)
✓  types/metadata (27ms)
✓  types/parameters (4ms)

DONE 231 tests in 125.392s
CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -tags=" testrunmain" -ldflags="-s -w -X -X -X" -coverpkg="./..." -c -o _build/docker-app.cov ./cmd/docker-app
Running e2e tests (coverage)...
DOCKERAPP_BINARY=../e2e/coverage-bin CGO_ENABLED=0 gotestsum --junitfile _build/test-results/e2e-coverage.xml -- -tags= -ldflags="-s -w -X -X -X" -v ./e2e
=== RUN   TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (13.04s)
        commands_test.go:204: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withBindMounts
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"
FAIL e2e/linux.TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (13.04s)
=== RUN   TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts (8.48s)
        commands_test.go:204: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withoutBindMounts
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"
FAIL e2e/linux.TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts (8.48s)
=== RUN   TestDockerAppLifecycle
--- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle (21.53s)
FAIL e2e/linux.TestDockerAppLifecycle (21.53s)
=== RUN   TestCredentials/missing
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/missing (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:320: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential secret1=foo --credential secret3=baz --name missing /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCredentials/missing (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestCredentials/full
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/full (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:335: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential secret1=foo --credential secret2=bar --credential secret3=baz --name full /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCredentials/full (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestCredentials/mixed-credstore
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/mixed-credstore (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:346: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential-set test-creds --credential secret3=xyzzy --name mixed-credstore /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential-set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCredentials/mixed-credstore (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestCredentials/mixed-local-cred
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/mixed-local-cred (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:357: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential-set /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/local/test-creds.yaml --credential secret3=xyzzy --name mixed-local-cred /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential-set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCredentials/mixed-local-cred (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestCredentials/overload
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/overload (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:369: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential-set test-creds --credential secret1=overload --credential secret3=xyzzy --name overload /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential-set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCredentials/overload (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestCredentials
--- FAIL: TestCredentials (0.30s)
FAIL e2e/linux.TestCredentials (0.30s)
=== RUN   TestRenderWithEnvFile
--- FAIL: TestRenderWithEnvFile (1.82s)
    envfile_test.go:16: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app render testdata/envfile/envfile.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   render failed: Action "" failed: failed to load Compose file: open myvars.env: no such file or directory
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected stdout to contain "version: \"3.7\"\nservices:\n  db:\n    environment:\n      COMPANY: mycompany\n      SOME_FILE: /some/file\n      USER: myuser\n    image: busybox:1.30.1"
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestRenderWithEnvFile (1.82s)
PASS e2e/linux.TestExamplesAreValid (0.27s)
=== RUN   TestImageList
--- FAIL: TestImageList (13.15s)
    images_test.go:18: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag testdata/push-pull
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestImageList (13.15s)

=== Failed
=== FAIL: e2e TestBuild (25.09s)
    build_test.go:51: assertion failed: 1febc13167ecbec6ac1aa54100182c27223c5f518d96bc9993cfd58d1c240735 (iid string) != 1febc13167ecbec6ac1aa54100182c27223c5f518d96bc9993cfd58d1c240735 (actualID store.ID)

=== FAIL: e2e TestBuildWithoutTag (25.11s)
panic: stat /tmp: no such file or directory [recovered]
	panic: stat /tmp: no such file or directory

goroutine 57 [running]:
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:830 +0x392
panic(0x140b840, 0xc0003126f0)
	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:522 +0x1b5, 0x6, 0xc0000dcba0, 0x1b, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
	/go/src/ +0x694, 0xc0002b3f88)
	/go/src/ +0x77
	/go/src/ +0x4e
testing.tRunner(0xc0004ea300, 0x1624618)
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:865 +0xc0
created by testing.(*T).Run
	/usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:916 +0x35a
FAIL	25.109s

DONE 2 tests, 2 failures in 28.983s
WARN[0028] failed to lookup go version for junit xml     error="exit status 1"
make: *** [Makefile:96: coverage-test-e2e] Error 1
docker.Makefile:100: recipe for target 'coverage-run' failed
make: *** [coverage-run] Error 2
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // ansiColor
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
Post stage
[Pipeline] dir
Running in /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ [ ! -e unit-coverage.xml ]
[Pipeline] sh
+ [ ! -e e2e-coverage.xml ]
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] junit
Recording test results
No test report files were found. Configuration error?
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
Error when executing always post condition:
hudson.AbortException: No test report files were found. Configuration error?
	at hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitParser$ParseResultCallable.invoke(
	at hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitParser$ParseResultCallable.invoke(
	at hudson.FilePath$
	at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
	at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
	at hudson.remoting.Request$
	at hudson.remoting.InterceptingExecutorService$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	Suppressed: hudson.remoting.Channel$CallSiteStackTrace: Remote call to ubuntu-1804-overlay2 (i-06825a8335d9153dc)
		at hudson.remoting.Channel.attachCallSiteStackTrace(
		at hudson.remoting.UserRequest$ExceptionResponse.retrieve(
		at hudson.FilePath.act(
		at hudson.FilePath.act(
		at hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitParser.parseResult(
		at hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitResultArchiver.parse(
		at hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitResultArchiver.parseAndAttach(
		at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.lambda$start$0(
		at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
		at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
		at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch Coverage
=== RUN   TestImageListQuiet
--- FAIL: TestImageListQuiet (18.09s)
    images_test.go:18: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag testdata/push-pull
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestImageListQuiet (18.09s)
=== RUN   TestImageRm
--- FAIL: TestImageRm (17.59s)
    images_test.go:18: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag testdata/push-pull
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestImageRm (17.59s)
=== RUN   TestImageTag
--- FAIL: TestImageTag (17.68s)
    images_test.go:119: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag a-simple-app testdata/simple
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestImageTag (17.68s)
=== RUN   TestInvokePluginFromCLI
--- FAIL: TestInvokePluginFromCLI (0.42s)
    plugin_test.go:26: assertion failed: 
        --- expected
        +++ actual
        @@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
        -Usage:	docker app [OPTIONS] COMMAND
        +Usage:	docker app COMMAND
         A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
        -      --version   Print version information
        -Management Commands:
        -  image       Manage application images
        -  build       Build service images for the application
        +  bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
        +  completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
           init        Initialize Docker Application definition
        -  ls          List the installations and their last known installation result
        +  inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
        +  install     Install an application
        +  list        List the installations and their last known installation result
        +  merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
           pull        Pull an application package from a registry
           push        Push an application package to a registry
        -  rm          Remove an application
        -  run         Run an application
        -  update      Update a running application
        +  render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
        +  split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
        +  status      Get the installation status of an application
        +  uninstall   Uninstall an application
        +  upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
           validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
        +  version     Print version information
         Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
FAIL e2e/linux.TestInvokePluginFromCLI (0.42s)
=== RUN   TestPushArchs/default
    --- FAIL: TestPushArchs/default (4.74s)
        pushpull_test.go:101: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stdout:   Handling image
            Failure: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
            Stderr:   fixing up "" for push: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
            ExitCode was 1 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestPushArchs/default (4.74s)
=== RUN   TestPushArchs/all-platforms
    --- FAIL: TestPushArchs/all-platforms (0.06s)
        pushpull_test.go:101: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag --all-platforms testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --all-platforms
            See 'docker app push --help'.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestPushArchs/all-platforms (0.06s)
=== RUN   TestPushArchs
--- FAIL: TestPushArchs (17.14s)
FAIL e2e/linux.TestPushArchs (17.14s)
=== RUN   TestPushInsecureRegistry
--- FAIL: TestPushInsecureRegistry (17.36s)
    pushpull_test.go:136: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stdout:   Handling image
        Failure: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        Stderr:   fixing up "" for push: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestPushInsecureRegistry (17.36s)
=== RUN   TestPushInstall
--- FAIL: TestPushInstall (16.40s)
    pushpull_test.go:145: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stdout:   Handling image
        Failure: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        Stderr:   fixing up "" for push: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestPushInstall (16.40s)
=== RUN   TestPushPullInstall
--- FAIL: TestPushPullInstall (22.09s)
    pushpull_test.go:160: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stdout:   Handling image
        Failure: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        Stderr:   fixing up "" for push: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestPushPullInstall (22.09s)
=== RUN   TestPushInstallBundle
--- FAIL: TestPushInstallBundle (12.63s)
    pushpull_test.go:200: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag a-simple-app:1.0.0 testdata/push-pull
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error
FAIL e2e/linux.TestPushInstallBundle (12.63s)
FAIL e2e/linux

=== Failed
=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestBuild (21.36s)
    build_test.go:51: failed to parse source file: /go/src/ open /go/src/ no such file or directory
    build_test.go:51: assertion failed: f0f95de9283712a01fd0a1358a255c42dd94650ad696e993ddce4ba671d32f9b (string) != f0f95de9283712a01fd0a1358a255c42dd94650ad696e993ddce4ba671d32f9b (store.ID)

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestBuildWithoutTag (17.67s)
    build_test.go:61: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build -f testdata/build/single.dockerapp testdata/build
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestBuildWithArgs (17.19s)
    build_test.go:92: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build -f testdata/build/single.dockerapp testdata/build --build-arg REPLACE_BY_BUILD_ARG=replaced
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestBuildWithArgsDefinedTwice (17.11s)
    build_test.go:124: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build -f testdata/build/single.dockerapp testdata/build --build-arg REPLACE_BY_BUILD_ARG=replaced --build-arg REPLACE_BY_BUILD_ARG=replaced_twice
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 1
        Expected stderr to contain "'--build-arg REPLACE_BY_BUILD_ARG' is defined twice"

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomDockerStatusAction (1.01s)
    --- FAIL: TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomDockerStatusAction (1.01s)
        cnab_test.go:54: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/cnab-with-docker-status/bundle.json --name validCustomDockerStatusAction
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --name
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomStandardStatusAction (0.56s)
    --- FAIL: TestCallCustomStatusAction/validCustomStandardStatusAction (0.56s)
        cnab_test.go:54: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/cnab-with-standard-status/bundle.json --name validCustomStandardStatusAction
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --name
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCallCustomStatusAction/missingCustomStatusAction (0.56s)
    --- FAIL: TestCallCustomStatusAction/missingCustomStatusAction (0.56s)
        cnab_test.go:54: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/cnab-without-status/bundle.json --name missingCustomStatusAction
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --name
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCallCustomStatusAction (2.13s)

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCnabParameters (0.74s)
    cnab_test.go:86: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/cnab-parameters/bundle.json --name cnab-parameters --set boolParam=true --set stringParam=value --set intParam=42 --set floatParam=3.14
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --name
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestExitErrorCode (0.06s)
    commands_test.go:28: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app unknown_command
        ExitCode: 0
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 0 expected 1
        Expected stderr to contain "\"unknown_command\" is not a docker app command\nSee 'docker app --help'"

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestRenderFormatters (17.49s)
    commands_test.go:80: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag a-simple-tag testdata/simple
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestInit (0.08s)
    commands_test.go:135: assertion failed: 
        --- expected
        +++ actual
        @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestInspectApp (12.96s)
    commands_test.go:163: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app image inspect
        ExitCode: 0
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 0 expected 1
        Expected stderr to contain "\"docker app image inspect\" requires exactly 1 argument."

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (13.04s)
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (13.04s)
        commands_test.go:204: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withBindMounts
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts (8.48s)
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withoutBindMounts (8.48s)
        commands_test.go:204: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withoutBindMounts
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestDockerAppLifecycle (21.53s)

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCredentials/missing (0.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/missing (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:320: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential secret1=foo --credential secret3=baz --name missing /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCredentials/full (0.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/full (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:335: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential secret1=foo --credential secret2=bar --credential secret3=baz --name full /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCredentials/mixed-credstore (0.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/mixed-credstore (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:346: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential-set test-creds --credential secret3=xyzzy --name mixed-credstore /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential-set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCredentials/mixed-local-cred (0.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/mixed-local-cred (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:357: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential-set /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/local/test-creds.yaml --credential secret3=xyzzy --name mixed-local-cred /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential-set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCredentials/overload (0.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestCredentials/overload (0.06s)
        commands_test.go:369: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run --credential-set test-creds --credential secret1=overload --credential secret3=xyzzy --name overload /tmp/TestCredentials-792625593/bundle.json
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --credential-set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestCredentials (0.30s)

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestRenderWithEnvFile (1.82s)
    envfile_test.go:16: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app render testdata/envfile/envfile.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stderr:   render failed: Action "" failed: failed to load Compose file: open myvars.env: no such file or directory
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected stdout to contain "version: \"3.7\"\nservices:\n  db:\n    environment:\n      COMPANY: mycompany\n      SOME_FILE: /some/file\n      USER: myuser\n    image: busybox:1.30.1"
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestImageList (13.15s)
    images_test.go:18: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag testdata/push-pull
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestImageListQuiet (18.09s)
    images_test.go:18: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag testdata/push-pull
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestImageRm (17.59s)
    images_test.go:18: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag testdata/push-pull
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestImageTag (17.68s)
    images_test.go:119: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag a-simple-app testdata/simple
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestInvokePluginFromCLI (0.42s)
    plugin_test.go:26: assertion failed: 
        --- expected
        +++ actual
        @@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
        -Usage:	docker app [OPTIONS] COMMAND
        +Usage:	docker app COMMAND
         A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
        -      --version   Print version information
        -Management Commands:
        -  image       Manage application images
        -  build       Build service images for the application
        +  bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
        +  completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
           init        Initialize Docker Application definition
        -  ls          List the installations and their last known installation result
        +  inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
        +  install     Install an application
        +  list        List the installations and their last known installation result
        +  merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
           pull        Pull an application package from a registry
           push        Push an application package to a registry
        -  rm          Remove an application
        -  run         Run an application
        -  update      Update a running application
        +  render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
        +  split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
        +  status      Get the installation status of an application
        +  uninstall   Uninstall an application
        +  upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
           validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
        +  version     Print version information
         Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestPushArchs/default (4.74s)
    --- FAIL: TestPushArchs/default (4.74s)
        pushpull_test.go:101: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
            ExitCode: 1
            Error:    exit status 1
            Stdout:   Handling image
            Failure: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
            Stderr:   fixing up "" for push: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
            ExitCode was 1 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestPushArchs/all-platforms (0.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestPushArchs/all-platforms (0.06s)
        pushpull_test.go:101: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag --all-platforms testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --all-platforms
            See 'docker app push --help'.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 0
            Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestPushArchs (17.14s)

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestPushInsecureRegistry (17.36s)
    pushpull_test.go:136: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stdout:   Handling image
        Failure: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        Stderr:   fixing up "" for push: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestPushInstall (16.40s)
    pushpull_test.go:145: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stdout:   Handling image
        Failure: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        Stderr:   fixing up "" for push: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestPushPullInstall (22.09s)
    pushpull_test.go:160: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app push --tag testdata/push-pull/push-pull.dockerapp
        ExitCode: 1
        Error:    exit status 1
        Stdout:   Handling image
        Failure: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        Stderr:   fixing up "" for push: failed to resolve "", push the image to the registry before pushing the bundle: failed to do request: Head http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
        ExitCode was 1 expected 0
        Expected no error

=== FAIL: e2e/linux TestPushInstallBundle (12.63s)
    pushpull_test.go:200: assertion failed: 
        Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app build --tag a-simple-app:1.0.0 testdata/push-pull
        ExitCode: 125
        Error:    exit status 125
        Stderr:   unknown flag: --tag
        See 'docker app --help'.
        Usage:	docker app COMMAND
        A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
          bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
          completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
          init        Initialize Docker Application definition
          inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
          install     Install an application
          list        List the installations and their last known installation result
          merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
          pull        Pull an application package from a registry
          push        Push an application package to a registry
          render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
          split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
          status      Get the installation status of an application
          uninstall   Uninstall an application
          upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
          validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
          version     Print version information
        Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
        ExitCode was 125 expected 0
        Expected no error

DONE 40 tests, 35 failures in 287.829s
time="2019-10-22T10:27:15Z" level=warning msg="failed to lookup go version for junit xml" error="exec: \"go\": executable file not found in $PATH"
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // ansiColor
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
Post stage
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
Uploaded 1 artifact(s) to
[Pipeline] junit
Recording test results
[Pipeline] sh
+ docker rmi docker/cnab-app-base:jenkins-app-PR-705-6
Untagged: docker/cnab-app-base:jenkins-app-PR-705-6
Deleted: sha256:f5b25b5ea83cac2d075d30836965dbc9628113a74c328924774c2af10304eb6a
Deleted: sha256:6ff7fc64ba160c03a9fff20dd7d96b222a93b95d969540ffda5eb895b6682863
Deleted: sha256:d6d39cd2669b147fe3aa506136bf9bacaae8f5088676063baadd03f8940b4ee4
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch Test Linux
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

ERROR: script returned exit code 2
Finished: FAILURE