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e2e/linux.TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (from e2e_linux)

Failing for the past 5 builds (Since Failed #3 )
Took 12 sec.

Error Message



=== RUN   TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts
    --- FAIL: TestDockerAppLifecycle/withBindMounts (12.02s)
        commands_test.go:204: assertion failed: 
            Command:  /home/ubuntu/workspace/app_PR-705/src/ app run testdata/simple/simple.dockerapp --set web_port=-1 --name TestDockerAppLifecycle_withBindMounts
            ExitCode: 125
            Error:    exit status 125
            Stderr:   unknown flag: --set
            See 'docker app --help'.
            Usage:	docker app COMMAND
            A tool to build and manage Docker Applications.
              bundle      Create a CNAB invocation image and `bundle.json` for the application
              completion  Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
              init        Initialize Docker Application definition
              inspect     Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
              install     Install an application
              list        List the installations and their last known installation result
              merge       Merge a directory format Docker Application definition into a single file
              pull        Pull an application package from a registry
              push        Push an application package to a registry
              render      Render the Compose file for an Application Package
              split       Split a single-file Docker Application definition into the directory format
              status      Get the installation status of an application
              uninstall   Uninstall an application
              upgrade     Upgrade an installed application
              validate    Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
              version     Print version information
            Run 'docker app COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
            ExitCode was 125 expected 1
            Expected stderr to contain "error decoding 'Ports': Invalid hostPort: -1"