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Skipping 203 KB.. Full Log
20:12:25 === RUN   TestRemove/Kubernetes
20:12:25 --- PASS: TestRemove (0.35s)
20:12:25     --- PASS: TestRemove/Swarm (0.35s)
20:12:25     --- SKIP: TestRemove/Kubernetes (0.00s)
20:12:25         remove_test.go:22: !environment.KubernetesEnabled()
20:12:25 PASS
20:12:25 ok	0.639s
20:12:25 === RUN   TestInspectInvalidReference
20:12:25 --- PASS: TestInspectInvalidReference (0.05s)
20:12:25 PASS
20:12:25 ok	0.057s
20:12:27 === RUN   TestRevokeImage
20:12:27 --- PASS: TestRevokeImage (0.45s)
20:12:27 === RUN   TestRevokeRepo
20:12:27 --- PASS: TestRevokeRepo (0.73s)
20:12:27 === RUN   TestSignLocalImage
20:12:27 --- PASS: TestSignLocalImage (0.30s)
20:12:27 === RUN   TestSignWithLocalFlag
20:12:27 --- PASS: TestSignWithLocalFlag (0.58s)
20:12:27 PASS
20:12:27 ok	2.056s
20:12:27 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... 
20:12:27 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... 
20:12:27 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... 
Stopping cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... done
Removing cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... 
20:12:29 Removing cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... 
20:12:29 Removing cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... 
Removing cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... done
Removing network cliendtoendsuite_default
20:12:29 Removing image cliendtoendsuite_notary-server
20:12:30 docker run -e DOCKERD_EXPERIMENTAL=1 --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker-cli-e2eclie2e4
20:12:31 Creating network "cliendtoendsuite_default" with the default driver
20:12:31 Building notary-server
20:12:31 Step 1/3 : ARG NOTARY_VERSION=0.5.0
20:12:31 Step 2/3 : FROM notary:server-${NOTARY_VERSION}
20:12:31  ---> 16b632e954ca
20:12:31 Step 3/3 : COPY ./notary/ /fixtures/
20:12:31  ---> 324bdb51d2a4
20:12:31 Successfully built 324bdb51d2a4
20:12:31 Successfully tagged cliendtoendsuite_notary-server:latest
20:12:31 Creating cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... 
20:12:31 Creating cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... 
20:12:31 Creating cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... 
Creating cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... done

Creating cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... done

Creating cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... done
Waiting for docker daemon to become available at tcp://
20:12:35 Client:
20:12:35  Version:           18.09.0-dev
20:12:35  API version:       1.39
20:12:35  Go version:        go1.11.13
20:12:35  Git commit:        
20:12:35  Built:             Tue Sep 24 20:10:54 2019
20:12:35  OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
20:12:35  Experimental:      false
20:12:35 Server: Docker Engine - Community
20:12:35  Engine:
20:12:35   Version:          19.03.2
20:12:35   API version:      1.40 (minimum version 1.12)
20:12:35   Go version:       go1.12.8
20:12:35   Git commit:       6a30dfca03
20:12:35   Built:            Thu Aug 29 05:32:56 2019
20:12:35   OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
20:12:35   Experimental:     true
20:12:35  containerd:
20:12:35   Version:          v1.2.6
20:12:35   GitCommit:        894b81a4b802e4eb2a91d1ce216b8817763c29fb
20:12:35  runc:
20:12:35   Version:          1.0.0-rc8
20:12:35   GitCommit:        425e105d5a03fabd737a126ad93d62a9eeede87f
20:12:35  docker-init:
20:12:35   Version:          0.18.0
20:12:35   GitCommit:        fec3683
20:12:35 sha256:f006ecbb824d87947d0b51ab8488634bf69fe4094959d935c0c103f4820a417d: Pulling from library/alpine
20:12:35 88286f41530e: Pulling fs layer
20:12:35 88286f41530e: Verifying Checksum
20:12:35 88286f41530e: Download complete
20:12:35 88286f41530e: Pull complete
20:12:35 Digest: sha256:f006ecbb824d87947d0b51ab8488634bf69fe4094959d935c0c103f4820a417d
20:12:35 Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine@sha256:f006ecbb824d87947d0b51ab8488634bf69fe4094959d935c0c103f4820a417d
20:12:35 The push refers to repository [registry:5000/alpine]
20:12:35 5bef08742407: Preparing
20:12:35 5bef08742407: Pushed
20:12:35 3.6: digest: sha256:641b95ddb2ea9dc2af1a0113b6b348ebc20872ba615204fbe12148e98fd6f23d size: 528
20:12:35 sha256:3e8fa85ddfef1af9ca85a5cfb714148956984e02f00bec3f7f49d3925a91e0e7: Pulling from library/busybox
20:12:36 03b1be98f3f9: Pulling fs layer
20:12:36 03b1be98f3f9: Verifying Checksum
20:12:36 03b1be98f3f9: Download complete
20:12:36 03b1be98f3f9: Pull complete
20:12:36 Digest: sha256:3e8fa85ddfef1af9ca85a5cfb714148956984e02f00bec3f7f49d3925a91e0e7
20:12:36 Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox@sha256:3e8fa85ddfef1af9ca85a5cfb714148956984e02f00bec3f7f49d3925a91e0e7
20:12:36 The push refers to repository [registry:5000/busybox]
20:12:36 6a749002dd6a: Preparing
20:12:36 6a749002dd6a: Pushed
20:12:36 1.27.2: digest: sha256:030fcb92e1487b18c974784dcc110a93147c9fc402188370fbfd17efabffc6af size: 527
20:12:36 Swarm initialized: current node (ta92p3d4ix1mqx1j3gvenop3t) is now a manager.
20:12:36 To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
20:12:36     docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-34jyzsob67peytg4r2lgh1q0dujo76d0yd9k0d6z6c01pfrtn5-0wov2u3tsogso8vf992kbjc6u
20:12:36 To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
20:12:46 === RUN   TestAttachExitCode
20:12:46 --- PASS: TestAttachExitCode (1.00s)
20:12:46 === RUN   TestCreateWithContentTrust
20:12:46 --- PASS: TestCreateWithContentTrust (0.79s)
20:12:46 === RUN   TestKillContainer
20:12:46 --- PASS: TestKillContainer (0.99s)
20:12:46 === RUN   TestRunAttachedFromRemoteImageAndRemove
20:12:46 --- PASS: TestRunAttachedFromRemoteImageAndRemove (1.01s)
20:12:46 === RUN   TestRunWithContentTrust
20:12:46 --- PASS: TestRunWithContentTrust (1.59s)
20:12:46 PASS
20:12:46 ok	5.381s
20:12:54 === RUN   TestBuildFromContextDirectoryWithTag
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestBuildFromContextDirectoryWithTag (1.33s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestTrustedBuild
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestTrustedBuild (2.50s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestTrustedBuildUntrustedImage
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestTrustedBuildUntrustedImage (0.13s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestBuildIidFileSquash
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestBuildIidFileSquash (2.68s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestPullWithContentTrust
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestPullWithContentTrust (0.96s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestPullWithContentTrustUsesCacheWhenNotaryUnavailable
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestPullWithContentTrustUsesCacheWhenNotaryUnavailable (1.09s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrust
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrust (0.31s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustUnreachableServer
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustUnreachableServer (0.13s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustExistingTag
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustExistingTag (0.44s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustReleasesDelegationOnly
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustReleasesDelegationOnly (1.00s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustSignsAllFirstLevelRolesWeHaveKeysFor
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustSignsAllFirstLevelRolesWeHaveKeysFor (1.47s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustSignsForRolesWithKeysAndValidPaths
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustSignsForRolesWithKeysAndValidPaths (1.40s)
20:12:54 PASS
20:12:54 ok	13.450s
20:12:54 ?	[no test files]
20:12:54 === RUN   TestInstallWithContentTrust
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestInstallWithContentTrust (3.40s)
20:12:54 === RUN   TestInstallWithContentTrustUntrusted
20:12:54 --- PASS: TestInstallWithContentTrustUntrusted (0.16s)
20:12:54 PASS
20:12:54 ok	3.565s
20:12:54 ?	[no test files]
20:12:55 === RUN   TestDeployWithNamedResources
20:12:55 === RUN   TestDeployWithNamedResources/Swarm
20:12:55 === RUN   TestDeployWithNamedResources/Kubernetes
20:12:55 --- PASS: TestDeployWithNamedResources (0.22s)
20:12:55     --- PASS: TestDeployWithNamedResources/Swarm (0.22s)
20:12:55     --- SKIP: TestDeployWithNamedResources/Kubernetes (0.00s)
20:12:55         deploy_test.go:22: FIXME(chris-crone): currently does not work with compose for kubernetes.
20:12:55 === RUN   TestStackDeployHelp
20:12:55 === RUN   TestStackDeployHelp/Swarm
20:12:55 === RUN   TestStackDeployHelp/Kubernetes
20:12:55 --- PASS: TestStackDeployHelp (0.10s)
20:12:55     --- PASS: TestStackDeployHelp/Swarm (0.04s)
20:12:55     --- PASS: TestStackDeployHelp/Kubernetes (0.05s)
20:12:55 === RUN   TestRemove
20:12:55 === RUN   TestRemove/Swarm
20:12:55 === RUN   TestRemove/Kubernetes
20:12:55 --- PASS: TestRemove (0.31s)
20:12:55     --- PASS: TestRemove/Swarm (0.31s)
20:12:55     --- SKIP: TestRemove/Kubernetes (0.00s)
20:12:55         remove_test.go:22: !environment.KubernetesEnabled()
20:12:55 PASS
20:12:55 ok	0.646s
20:12:55 === RUN   TestInspectInvalidReference
20:12:55 --- PASS: TestInspectInvalidReference (0.06s)
20:12:55 PASS
20:12:55 ok	0.062s
20:12:58 === RUN   TestRevokeImage
20:12:58 --- PASS: TestRevokeImage (0.44s)
20:12:58 === RUN   TestRevokeRepo
20:12:58 --- PASS: TestRevokeRepo (0.79s)
20:12:58 === RUN   TestSignLocalImage
20:12:58 --- PASS: TestSignLocalImage (0.31s)
20:12:58 === RUN   TestSignWithLocalFlag
20:12:58 --- PASS: TestSignWithLocalFlag (0.61s)
20:12:58 PASS
20:12:58 ok	2.164s
20:12:58 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... 
20:12:58 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... 
20:12:58 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... 
Stopping cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... done
Removing cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... 
20:13:00 Removing cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... 
20:13:00 Removing cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... 
Removing cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... done
Removing network cliendtoendsuite_default
20:13:00 Removing image cliendtoendsuite_notary-server
20:13:00 docker run -e TEST_CONNHELPER=ssh -e DOCKERD_EXPERIMENTAL=1 --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker-cli-e2eclie2e4
20:13:02 Creating network "cliendtoendsuite_default" with the default driver
20:13:02 Building engine
20:13:02 Step 1/6 : FROM docker:test-dind
20:13:02 test-dind: Pulling from library/docker
20:13:02 Digest: sha256:615eb3922630a30a52f7c46760f3d08a9eb4a1b0474d038281af8eade8c43f40
20:13:02 Status: Downloaded newer image for docker:test-dind
20:13:02  ---> 5768e15eefd1
20:13:02 Step 2/6 : RUN apk --no-cache add shadow openssh-server &&   groupadd -f docker &&   useradd --create-home --shell /bin/sh --password $(head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64) penguin &&   usermod -aG docker penguin &&   ssh-keygen -A
20:13:02  ---> Running in 67f336832cbf
20:13:03 fetch
20:13:04 fetch
20:13:04 (1/5) Installing openssh-keygen (8.0_p1-r0)
20:13:04 (2/5) Installing openssh-server-common (8.0_p1-r0)
20:13:04 (3/5) Installing openssh-server (8.0_p1-r0)
20:13:04 (4/5) Installing linux-pam (1.3.0-r1)
20:13:04 (5/5) Installing shadow (4.6-r2)
20:13:04 Executing busybox-1.30.1-r2.trigger
20:13:04 OK: 24 MiB in 45 packages
20:13:04 Creating mailbox file: No such file or directory
20:13:05 ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519 
20:13:05 Removing intermediate container 67f336832cbf
20:13:05  ---> 394a661bec67
20:13:05 Step 3/6 : RUN  ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/bin/docker
20:13:05  ---> Running in 8d0f0cf9ae6c
20:13:07 Removing intermediate container 8d0f0cf9ae6c
20:13:07  ---> 459a9687fce9
20:13:07 Step 4/6 : COPY ./connhelper-ssh/ /
20:13:07  ---> 3afe5f52398f
20:13:07 Step 5/6 : EXPOSE 22
20:13:07  ---> Running in d9e05f41b78c
20:13:07 Removing intermediate container d9e05f41b78c
20:13:07  ---> fbbb125ce7cd
20:13:07 Step 6/6 : ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
20:13:07  ---> Running in 3c08eb9d2721
20:13:07 Removing intermediate container 3c08eb9d2721
20:13:07  ---> e016ecbacd8b
20:13:07 Successfully built e016ecbacd8b
20:13:07 Successfully tagged docker:stable-dind
20:13:07 Building notary-server
20:13:07 Step 1/3 : ARG NOTARY_VERSION=0.5.0
20:13:07 Step 2/3 : FROM notary:server-${NOTARY_VERSION}
20:13:07  ---> 16b632e954ca
20:13:07 Step 3/3 : COPY ./notary/ /fixtures/
20:13:07  ---> 8eb84c4a1a79
20:13:07 Successfully built 8eb84c4a1a79
20:13:07 Successfully tagged cliendtoendsuite_notary-server:latest
20:13:07 Creating cliendtoendsuite_registry_1 ... 
20:13:07 Creating cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... 
20:13:07 Creating cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... 
Creating cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... done

Creating cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... done

Creating cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... done
Waiting for docker daemon to become available at ssh://penguin@
20:13:11 Client:
20:13:11  Version:           18.09.0-dev
20:13:11  API version:       1.39
20:13:11  Go version:        go1.11.13
20:13:11  Git commit:        
20:13:11  Built:             Tue Sep 24 20:10:54 2019
20:13:11  OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
20:13:11  Experimental:      false
20:13:11 Server: Docker Engine - Community
20:13:11  Engine:
20:13:11   Version:          19.03.2
20:13:11   API version:      1.40 (minimum version 1.12)
20:13:11   Go version:       go1.12.8
20:13:11   Git commit:       6a30dfca03
20:13:11   Built:            Thu Aug 29 05:32:56 2019
20:13:11   OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
20:13:11   Experimental:     true
20:13:11  containerd:
20:13:11   Version:          v1.2.6
20:13:11   GitCommit:        894b81a4b802e4eb2a91d1ce216b8817763c29fb
20:13:11  runc:
20:13:11   Version:          1.0.0-rc8
20:13:11   GitCommit:        425e105d5a03fabd737a126ad93d62a9eeede87f
20:13:11  docker-init:
20:13:11   Version:          0.18.0
20:13:11   GitCommit:        fec3683
20:13:11 sha256:f006ecbb824d87947d0b51ab8488634bf69fe4094959d935c0c103f4820a417d: Pulling from library/alpine
20:13:11 88286f41530e: Pulling fs layer
20:13:11 88286f41530e: Verifying Checksum
20:13:11 88286f41530e: Download complete
20:13:11 88286f41530e: Pull complete
20:13:11 Digest: sha256:f006ecbb824d87947d0b51ab8488634bf69fe4094959d935c0c103f4820a417d
20:13:11 Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine@sha256:f006ecbb824d87947d0b51ab8488634bf69fe4094959d935c0c103f4820a417d
20:13:12 The push refers to repository [registry:5000/alpine]
20:13:12 5bef08742407: Preparing
20:13:12 5bef08742407: Pushed
20:13:12 3.6: digest: sha256:641b95ddb2ea9dc2af1a0113b6b348ebc20872ba615204fbe12148e98fd6f23d size: 528
20:13:13 sha256:3e8fa85ddfef1af9ca85a5cfb714148956984e02f00bec3f7f49d3925a91e0e7: Pulling from library/busybox
20:13:13 03b1be98f3f9: Pulling fs layer
20:13:13 03b1be98f3f9: Verifying Checksum
20:13:13 03b1be98f3f9: Download complete
20:13:13 03b1be98f3f9: Pull complete
20:13:13 Digest: sha256:3e8fa85ddfef1af9ca85a5cfb714148956984e02f00bec3f7f49d3925a91e0e7
20:13:13 Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox@sha256:3e8fa85ddfef1af9ca85a5cfb714148956984e02f00bec3f7f49d3925a91e0e7
20:13:13 The push refers to repository [registry:5000/busybox]
20:13:13 6a749002dd6a: Preparing
20:13:13 6a749002dd6a: Pushed
20:13:13 1.27.2: digest: sha256:030fcb92e1487b18c974784dcc110a93147c9fc402188370fbfd17efabffc6af size: 527
20:13:14 Swarm initialized: current node (jl6jir5m0lgb44jds5rk4n12s) is now a manager.
20:13:14 To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
20:13:14     docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-0w4pxdpwl86ok1rxosll1td9vnhkt5nhv3g2p00b774d7xj2m2-54t2gl2v7xffm6c5n0ezjw29o
20:13:14 To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
20:13:32 === RUN   TestAttachExitCode
20:13:32 --- PASS: TestAttachExitCode (1.94s)
20:13:32 === RUN   TestCreateWithContentTrust
20:13:32 --- PASS: TestCreateWithContentTrust (2.72s)
20:13:32 === RUN   TestKillContainer
20:13:32 --- PASS: TestKillContainer (1.86s)
20:13:32 === RUN   TestRunAttachedFromRemoteImageAndRemove
20:13:32 --- PASS: TestRunAttachedFromRemoteImageAndRemove (2.29s)
20:13:32 === RUN   TestRunWithContentTrust
20:13:32 --- PASS: TestRunWithContentTrust (3.64s)
20:13:32 PASS
20:13:32 ok	12.452s
20:13:47 === RUN   TestBuildFromContextDirectoryWithTag
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestBuildFromContextDirectoryWithTag (1.83s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestTrustedBuild
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestTrustedBuild (5.66s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestTrustedBuildUntrustedImage
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestTrustedBuildUntrustedImage (0.28s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestBuildIidFileSquash
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestBuildIidFileSquash (3.09s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestPullWithContentTrust
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestPullWithContentTrust (2.82s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestPullWithContentTrustUsesCacheWhenNotaryUnavailable
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestPullWithContentTrustUsesCacheWhenNotaryUnavailable (3.41s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrust
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrust (0.79s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustUnreachableServer
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustUnreachableServer (0.78s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustExistingTag
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustExistingTag (1.69s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustReleasesDelegationOnly
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustReleasesDelegationOnly (1.70s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustSignsAllFirstLevelRolesWeHaveKeysFor
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustSignsAllFirstLevelRolesWeHaveKeysFor (2.10s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestPushWithContentTrustSignsForRolesWithKeysAndValidPaths
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestPushWithContentTrustSignsForRolesWithKeysAndValidPaths (1.83s)
20:13:47 PASS
20:13:47 ok	25.977s
20:13:47 ?	[no test files]
20:13:47 === RUN   TestInstallWithContentTrust
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestInstallWithContentTrust (4.64s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestInstallWithContentTrustUntrusted
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestInstallWithContentTrustUntrusted (0.51s)
20:13:47 PASS
20:13:47 ok	5.157s
20:13:47 ?	[no test files]
20:13:47 === RUN   TestDeployWithNamedResources
20:13:47 === RUN   TestDeployWithNamedResources/Swarm
20:13:47 === RUN   TestDeployWithNamedResources/Kubernetes
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestDeployWithNamedResources (0.54s)
20:13:47     --- PASS: TestDeployWithNamedResources/Swarm (0.54s)
20:13:47     --- SKIP: TestDeployWithNamedResources/Kubernetes (0.00s)
20:13:47         deploy_test.go:22: FIXME(chris-crone): currently does not work with compose for kubernetes.
20:13:47 === RUN   TestStackDeployHelp
20:13:47 === RUN   TestStackDeployHelp/Swarm
20:13:47 === RUN   TestStackDeployHelp/Kubernetes
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestStackDeployHelp (0.09s)
20:13:47     --- PASS: TestStackDeployHelp/Swarm (0.05s)
20:13:47     --- PASS: TestStackDeployHelp/Kubernetes (0.04s)
20:13:47 === RUN   TestRemove
20:13:47 === RUN   TestRemove/Swarm
20:13:47 === RUN   TestRemove/Kubernetes
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestRemove (1.30s)
20:13:47     --- PASS: TestRemove/Swarm (1.30s)
20:13:47     --- SKIP: TestRemove/Kubernetes (0.00s)
20:13:47         remove_test.go:22: !environment.KubernetesEnabled()
20:13:47 PASS
20:13:47 ok	1.929s
20:13:47 === RUN   TestInspectInvalidReference
20:13:47 --- PASS: TestInspectInvalidReference (0.25s)
20:13:47 PASS
20:13:47 ok	0.255s
20:13:49 === RUN   TestRevokeImage
20:13:49 --- PASS: TestRevokeImage (1.43s)
20:13:49 === RUN   TestRevokeRepo
20:13:49 --- PASS: TestRevokeRepo (2.11s)
20:13:49 === RUN   TestSignLocalImage
20:13:49 --- PASS: TestSignLocalImage (0.88s)
20:13:49 === RUN   TestSignWithLocalFlag
20:13:49 --- PASS: TestSignWithLocalFlag (1.63s)
20:13:49 PASS
20:13:49 ok	6.053s
20:13:50 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... 
20:13:50 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... 
20:13:50 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... 
Stopping cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... done
Removing cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... 
20:13:52 Removing cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... 
20:13:52 Removing cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... 
Removing cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1 ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_engine_1        ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_registry_1      ... done
Removing network cliendtoendsuite_default
20:13:52 Removing image cliendtoendsuite_notary-server
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // wrap
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // wrap
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withDockerRegistry
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

Finished: SUCCESS