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Skipping 328 KB.. Full Log
13:34:52 === Skipped
13:34:52 === SKIP: e2e/cli-plugins TestCLIPluginDialStdio (0.00s)
13:34:52     dial_test.go:16: skipping plugin dial-stdio test since DOCKER_CLI_PLUGIN_USE_DIAL_STDIO is not set
13:34:52 === SKIP: e2e/stack TestDeployWithNamedResources/Kubernetes (0.00s)
13:34:52     --- SKIP: TestDeployWithNamedResources/Kubernetes (0.00s)
13:34:52         deploy_test.go:22: FIXME(chris-crone): currently does not work with compose for kubernetes.
13:34:52 === SKIP: e2e/stack TestRemove/Kubernetes (0.00s)
13:34:52     --- SKIP: TestRemove/Kubernetes (0.00s)
13:34:52         remove_test.go:22: !environment.KubernetesEnabled()
13:34:52 === Failed
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/cli-plugins TestGlobalArgsOnlyParsedOnce/builtin (0.25s)
13:34:52     --- FAIL: TestGlobalArgsOnlyParsedOnce/builtin (0.25s)
13:34:52         flags_test.go:115: assertion failed: 
13:34:52             Command:  docker --config /tmp/plugin-test-699700922 -H ssh://penguin@ version -f {{.Client.Version}}
13:34:52             ExitCode: 0
13:34:52             Stdout:   20.03.0-dev
13:34:52             Stderr:   initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52             Failures:
13:34:52             Expected stderr to contain "[NOTHING]"
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/cli-plugins TestGlobalArgsOnlyParsedOnce (0.57s)
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/cli-plugins TestGlobalHelp (0.25s)
13:34:52     help_test.go:23: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         --- ←
13:34:52         +++ →
13:34:52         @@ -1,2 +1 @@
13:34:52         -initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/cli-plugins TestRunNonexisting (0.19s)
13:34:52     run_test.go:24: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         --- expected
13:34:52         +++ actual
13:34:52         @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
13:34:52         +initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52          docker: 'nonexistent' is not a docker command.
13:34:52          See 'docker --help'
13:34:52         You can run 'go test . -test.update-golden' to automatically update testdata/docker-nonexistent-err.golden to the new expected value.'
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/cli-plugins TestNonexistingHelp (0.25s)
13:34:52     run_test.go:47: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         Command:  docker --config /tmp/plugin-test-427487984 nonexistent --help
13:34:52         ExitCode: 0
13:34:52         Stdout:   
13:34:52         Usage:	docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND
13:34:52         A self-sufficient runtime for containers
13:34:52         Options:
13:34:52               --config string      Location of client config files (default
13:34:52                                    "/root/.docker")
13:34:52           -c, --context string     Name of the context to use to connect to the
13:34:52                                    daemon (overrides DOCKER_HOST env var and
13:34:52                                    default context set with "docker context use")
13:34:52           -D, --debug              Enable debug mode
13:34:52           -H, --host list          Daemon socket(s) to connect to
13:34:52           -l, --log-level string   Set the logging level
13:34:52                                    ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal")
13:34:52                                    (default "info")
13:34:52               --tls                Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
13:34:52               --tlscacert string   Trust certs signed only by this CA (default
13:34:52                                    "/root/.docker/ca.pem")
13:34:52               --tlscert string     Path to TLS certificate file (default
13:34:52                                    "/root/.docker/cert.pem")
13:34:52               --tlskey string      Path to TLS key file (default
13:34:52                                    "/root/.docker/key.pem")
13:34:52               --tlsverify          Use TLS and verify the remote
13:34:52           -v, --version            Print version information and quit
13:34:52         Management Commands:
13:34:52           builder            Manage builds
13:34:52           checkpoint         Manage checkpoints
13:34:52           config             Manage Docker configs
13:34:52           container          Manage containers
13:34:52           context            Manage contexts
13:34:52           helloworld*        A basic Hello World plugin for tests (Docker Inc., testing)
13:34:52           image              Manage images
13:34:52           network            Manage networks
13:34:52           node               Manage Swarm nodes
13:34:52           nopersistentprerun*Testing without PersistentPreRun hooks (Docker Inc., testing)
13:34:52           plugin             Manage plugins
13:34:52           secret             Manage Docker secrets
13:34:52           service            Manage services
13:34:52           stack              Manage Docker stacks
13:34:52           swarm              Manage Swarm
13:34:52           system             Manage Docker
13:34:52           trust              Manage trust on Docker images
13:34:52           volume             Manage volumes
13:34:52         Commands:
13:34:52           attach             Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
13:34:52           build              Build an image from a Dockerfile
13:34:52           commit             Create a new image from a container's changes
13:34:52           cp                 Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
13:34:52           create             Create a new container
13:34:52           diff               Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem
13:34:52           events             Get real time events from the server
13:34:52           exec               Run a command in a running container
13:34:52           export             Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive
13:34:52           history            Show the history of an image
13:34:52           images             List images
13:34:52           import             Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
13:34:52           info               Display system-wide information
13:34:52           inspect            Return low-level information on Docker objects
13:34:52           kill               Kill one or more running containers
13:34:52           load               Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
13:34:52           login              Log in to a Docker registry
13:34:52           logout             Log out from a Docker registry
13:34:52           logs               Fetch the logs of a container
13:34:52           pause              Pause all processes within one or more containers
13:34:52           port               List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
13:34:52           ps                 List containers
13:34:52           pull               Pull an image or a repository from a registry
13:34:52           push               Push an image or a repository to a registry
13:34:52           rename             Rename a container
13:34:52           restart            Restart one or more containers
13:34:52           rm                 Remove one or more containers
13:34:52           rmi                Remove one or more images
13:34:52           run                Run a command in a new container
13:34:52           save               Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
13:34:52           search             Search the Docker Hub for images
13:34:52           start              Start one or more stopped containers
13:34:52           stats              Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
13:34:52           stop               Stop one or more running containers
13:34:52           tag                Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
13:34:52           top                Display the running processes of a container
13:34:52           unpause            Unpause all processes within one or more containers
13:34:52           update             Update configuration of one or more containers
13:34:52           version            Show the Docker version information
13:34:52           wait               Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes
13:34:52         Invalid Plugins:
13:34:52           badmeta            invalid metadata: invalid character 'i' looking for beginning of object key string
13:34:52         Run 'docker COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
13:34:52         Stderr:   initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52         Failures:
13:34:52         Expected stderr to contain "[NOTHING]"
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/cli-plugins TestRunBad (0.25s)
13:34:52     run_test.go:76: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         --- expected
13:34:52         +++ actual
13:34:52         @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
13:34:52         +initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52          docker: 'badmeta' is not a docker command.
13:34:52          See 'docker --help'
13:34:52         You can run 'go test . -test.update-golden' to automatically update testdata/docker-badmeta-err.golden to the new expected value.'
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/cli-plugins TestBadHelp (0.27s)
13:34:52     run_test.go:99: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         Command:  docker --config /tmp/plugin-test-476845209 badmeta --help
13:34:52         ExitCode: 0
13:34:52         Stdout:   
13:34:52         Usage:	docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND
13:34:52         A self-sufficient runtime for containers
13:34:52         Options:
13:34:52               --config string      Location of client config files (default
13:34:52                                    "/root/.docker")
13:34:52           -c, --context string     Name of the context to use to connect to the
13:34:52                                    daemon (overrides DOCKER_HOST env var and
13:34:52                                    default context set with "docker context use")
13:34:52           -D, --debug              Enable debug mode
13:34:52           -H, --host list          Daemon socket(s) to connect to
13:34:52           -l, --log-level string   Set the logging level
13:34:52                                    ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal")
13:34:52                                    (default "info")
13:34:52               --tls                Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
13:34:52               --tlscacert string   Trust certs signed only by this CA (default
13:34:52                                    "/root/.docker/ca.pem")
13:34:52               --tlscert string     Path to TLS certificate file (default
13:34:52                                    "/root/.docker/cert.pem")
13:34:52               --tlskey string      Path to TLS key file (default
13:34:52                                    "/root/.docker/key.pem")
13:34:52               --tlsverify          Use TLS and verify the remote
13:34:52           -v, --version            Print version information and quit
13:34:52         Management Commands:
13:34:52           builder            Manage builds
13:34:52           checkpoint         Manage checkpoints
13:34:52           config             Manage Docker configs
13:34:52           container          Manage containers
13:34:52           context            Manage contexts
13:34:52           helloworld*        A basic Hello World plugin for tests (Docker Inc., testing)
13:34:52           image              Manage images
13:34:52           network            Manage networks
13:34:52           node               Manage Swarm nodes
13:34:52           nopersistentprerun*Testing without PersistentPreRun hooks (Docker Inc., testing)
13:34:52           plugin             Manage plugins
13:34:52           secret             Manage Docker secrets
13:34:52           service            Manage services
13:34:52           stack              Manage Docker stacks
13:34:52           swarm              Manage Swarm
13:34:52           system             Manage Docker
13:34:52           trust              Manage trust on Docker images
13:34:52           volume             Manage volumes
13:34:52         Commands:
13:34:52           attach             Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
13:34:52           build              Build an image from a Dockerfile
13:34:52           commit             Create a new image from a container's changes
13:34:52           cp                 Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
13:34:52           create             Create a new container
13:34:52           diff               Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem
13:34:52           events             Get real time events from the server
13:34:52           exec               Run a command in a running container
13:34:52           export             Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive
13:34:52           history            Show the history of an image
13:34:52           images             List images
13:34:52           import             Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
13:34:52           info               Display system-wide information
13:34:52           inspect            Return low-level information on Docker objects
13:34:52           kill               Kill one or more running containers
13:34:52           load               Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
13:34:52           login              Log in to a Docker registry
13:34:52           logout             Log out from a Docker registry
13:34:52           logs               Fetch the logs of a container
13:34:52           pause              Pause all processes within one or more containers
13:34:52           port               List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
13:34:52           ps                 List containers
13:34:52           pull               Pull an image or a repository from a registry
13:34:52           push               Push an image or a repository to a registry
13:34:52           rename             Rename a container
13:34:52           restart            Restart one or more containers
13:34:52           rm                 Remove one or more containers
13:34:52           rmi                Remove one or more images
13:34:52           run                Run a command in a new container
13:34:52           save               Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
13:34:52           search             Search the Docker Hub for images
13:34:52           start              Start one or more stopped containers
13:34:52           stats              Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
13:34:52           stop               Stop one or more running containers
13:34:52           tag                Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
13:34:52           top                Display the running processes of a container
13:34:52           unpause            Unpause all processes within one or more containers
13:34:52           update             Update configuration of one or more containers
13:34:52           version            Show the Docker version information
13:34:52           wait               Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes
13:34:52         Invalid Plugins:
13:34:52           badmeta            invalid metadata: invalid character 'i' looking for beginning of object key string
13:34:52         Run 'docker COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
13:34:52         Stderr:   initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52         Failures:
13:34:52         Expected stderr to contain "[NOTHING]"
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/container TestRunAttachedFromRemoteImageAndRemove (2.28s)
13:34:52     run_test.go:28: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         --- expected
13:34:52         +++ actual
13:34:52         @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
13:34:52         +initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52          Unable to find image 'registry:5000/alpine:test-run-pulls' locally
13:34:52          test-run-pulls: Pulling from alpine
13:34:52         You can run 'go test . -test.update-golden' to automatically update testdata/run-attached-from-remote-and-remove.golden to the new expected value.'
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/container TestRunWithCgroupNamespace (0.23s)
13:34:52     run_test.go:140: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         Command:  docker info --format {{.OSType}}
13:34:52         ExitCode: 0
13:34:52         Stdout:   linux
13:34:52         Stderr:   initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52         Failures:
13:34:52         Expected stderr to contain "[NOTHING]"
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/image TestBuildFromContextDirectoryWithTag (1.77s)
13:34:52     build_test.go:37: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         Command:  docker build -t myimage .
13:34:52         ExitCode: 0
13:34:52         Stdout:   Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.608kB

13:34:52         Step 1/4 : FROM registry:5000/alpine:3.6
13:34:52          ---> 76da55c8019d
13:34:52         Step 2/4 : COPY run /usr/bin/run
13:34:52          ---> 7223e6fa8456
13:34:52         Step 3/4 : RUN run
13:34:52          ---> Running in 5eeea3fdbe47
13:34:52         running
13:34:52         Removing intermediate container 5eeea3fdbe47
13:34:52          ---> 6a614a61e243
13:34:52         Step 4/4 : COPY data /data
13:34:52          ---> 4236ef65f6ac
13:34:52         Successfully built 4236ef65f6ac
13:34:52         Successfully tagged myimage:latest
13:34:52         Stderr:   initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52         Failures:
13:34:52         Expected stderr to contain "[NOTHING]"
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/image TestBuildIidFileSquash (0.24s)
13:34:52     build_test.go:112: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         Command:  docker info --format {{.ExperimentalBuild}}
13:34:52         ExitCode: 0
13:34:52         Stdout:   true
13:34:52         Stderr:   initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52         Failures:
13:34:52         Expected stderr to contain "[NOTHING]"
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/image TestPullQuiet (0.22s)
13:34:52     pull_test.go:41: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         --- ←
13:34:52         +++ →
13:34:52         @@ -1,2 +1 @@
13:34:52         -initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/image TestPushAllTags (1.33s)
13:34:52     push_test.go:40: assertion failed: 
13:34:52         --- expected
13:34:52         +++ actual
13:34:52         @@ -1 +1,2 @@
13:34:52         +initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52         You can run 'go test . -test.update-golden' to automatically update testdata/push-with-content-trust-err.golden to the new expected value.'
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/stack TestRemove/Swarm (1.18s)
13:34:52     --- FAIL: TestRemove/Swarm (1.18s)
13:34:52         remove_test.go:34: assertion failed: 
13:34:52             Command:  docker stack rm test-stack-remove-swarm --orchestrator swarm
13:34:52             ExitCode: 0
13:34:52             Stdout:   Removing service test-stack-remove-swarm_one
13:34:52             Removing service test-stack-remove-swarm_two
13:34:52             Removing network test-stack-remove-swarm_default
13:34:52             Stderr:   initializeFromClient(): endpoint host is ssh://penguin@
13:34:52             Failures:
13:34:52             Expected stderr to contain "[NOTHING]"
13:34:52 === FAIL: e2e/stack TestRemove (1.18s)
13:34:52 DONE 91 tests, 3 skipped, 15 failures in 51.400s
13:34:53 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_registry_1           ... 
13:34:53 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_engine_1             ... 
13:34:53 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1      ... 
13:34:53 Stopping cliendtoendsuite_evil-notary-server_1 ... 
Stopping cliendtoendsuite_registry_1           ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1      ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_evil-notary-server_1 ... done

Stopping cliendtoendsuite_engine_1             ... done
Removing cliendtoendsuite_registry_1           ... 
13:34:55 Removing cliendtoendsuite_engine_1             ... 
13:34:55 Removing cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1      ... 
13:34:55 Removing cliendtoendsuite_evil-notary-server_1 ... 
Removing cliendtoendsuite_evil-notary-server_1 ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_notary-server_1      ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_registry_1           ... done

Removing cliendtoendsuite_engine_1             ... done
Removing network cliendtoendsuite_default
13:34:55 Removing image cliendtoendsuite_notary-server
13:34:55 Removing image cliendtoendsuite_evil-notary-server
13:34:55 docker.Makefile:156: recipe for target 'test-e2e-connhelper-ssh' failed
13:34:55 make: *** [test-e2e-connhelper-ssh] Error 1
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // wrap
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // wrap
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withDockerRegistry
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

ERROR: script returned exit code 2
Finished: FAILURE