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Start of Pipeline - (13 min in block)
withEnv - (13 min in block)DOCKER_BUILDKIT
withEnv block - (13 min in block)
timeout - (13 min in block)
timeout block - (13 min in block)
timestamps - (13 min in block)
timestamps block - (13 min in block)
stage - (59 sec in block)Build test images
stage block (Build test images) - (59 sec in block)
parallel - (59 sec in block)
parallel block (Branch: alpine) - (3 ms in block)
stage - (59 sec in block)alpine
stage block (alpine) - (59 sec in block)
node - (59 sec in block)ubuntu-2004 && amd64 && !zfs && cgroup1
node block - (59 sec in block)
checkout - (7.1 sec in self)
withDockerRegistry - (51 sec in block)
withDockerRegistry block - (51 sec in block)
isUnix - (4 ms in self)
sh - (0.28 sec in self)docker pull dockerpinata/compose:alpine-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a
ansiColor - (51 sec in block)xterm
ansiColor block - (51 sec in block)
sh - (45 sec in self)docker build -t dockerpinata/compose:alpine-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a \ --target build \ --build-arg DISTRO="alpine" \ --build-arg GIT_COMMIT="5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a" \ .\
sh - (5.7 sec in self)docker push dockerpinata/compose:alpine-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a
echo - (<1 ms in self)dockerpinata/compose:alpine-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a
parallel block (Branch: debian) - (3 sec in block)
stage - (3 sec in block)debian
stage block (debian) - (3 sec in block)
node - (3 sec in block)ubuntu-2004 && amd64 && !zfs && cgroup1
node block - (3 sec in block)
checkout - (0.92 sec in self)
withDockerRegistry - (2.1 sec in block)
withDockerRegistry block - (1.9 sec in block)
isUnix - (3 ms in self)
sh - (1.9 sec in self)docker pull dockerpinata/compose:debian-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a
stage - (12 min in block)Test
stage block (Test) - (12 min in block)
script - (12 min in block)
script block - (12 min in block)
parallel - (12 min in block)
parallel block (Branch: alpine_19.03.13_py37) - (4 ms in block)
stage - (12 min in block)python=py37 docker=19.03.13 alpine
stage block (python=py37 docker=19.03.13 alpine) - (12 min in block)
node - (12 min in block)ubuntu && amd64 && !zfs
node block - (12 min in block)
checkout - (2.4 sec in self)
sh - (0.88 sec in self)docker info -f '{{.Driver}}'
echo - (2 ms in self)Using local system's storage driver: overlay2
withDockerRegistry - (12 min in block)
withDockerRegistry block - (12 min in block)
sh - (12 min in self)docker run \ -t \ --rm \ --privileged \ --volume="$(pwd)/.git:/code/.git" \ --volume="/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \ --volume="${DOCKER_CONFIG}/config.json:/code/.docker/config.json" \ -e "DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=" \ -e "TAG=dockerpinata/compose:alpine-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a" \ -e "STORAGE_DRIVER=overlay2" \ -e "DOCKER_VERSIONS=19.03.13" \ -e "BUILD_NUMBER=2" \ -e "PY_TEST_VERSIONS=py37" \ --entrypoint="script/test/ci" \ dockerpinata/compose:alpine-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a \ --verbose
parallel block (Branch: debian_19.03.13_py37) - (11 min in block)
stage - (11 min in block)python=py37 docker=19.03.13 debian
stage block (python=py37 docker=19.03.13 debian) - (11 min in block)
node - (11 min in block)ubuntu && amd64 && !zfs
node block - (11 min in block)
checkout - (2 sec in self)
sh - (0.54 sec in self)docker info -f '{{.Driver}}'
echo - (2 ms in self)Using local system's storage driver: overlay2
withDockerRegistry - (11 min in block)
withDockerRegistry block - (11 min in block)
sh - (11 min in self)docker run \ -t \ --rm \ --privileged \ --volume="$(pwd)/.git:/code/.git" \ --volume="/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \ --volume="${DOCKER_CONFIG}/config.json:/code/.docker/config.json" \ -e "DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=" \ -e "TAG=dockerpinata/compose:debian-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a" \ -e "STORAGE_DRIVER=overlay2" \ -e "DOCKER_VERSIONS=19.03.13" \ -e "BUILD_NUMBER=2" \ -e "PY_TEST_VERSIONS=py37" \ --entrypoint="script/test/ci" \ dockerpinata/compose:debian-5b983ac6536d273e309df6fd80e0c697d25c1b7a \ --verbose