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Console Output

Push event to branch ndeloof
21:35:50 Connecting to using docker-jenkins/****** (docker-jenkins GitHub credentials)
Obtained Jenkinsfile from b0510da139d6c3e65a143adc578c12746ca2c67a
Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED
Loading library jps@master
Examining docker/jps
Attempting to resolve master as a branch
Resolved master as branch master at revision 26028d2ce48352c9b2c3f496e963b79a4944a426
using credential jps-reader
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching without tags
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials GitHub credentials for docker/jps
 > git fetch --no-tags --progress -- +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
Checking out Revision 26028d2ce48352c9b2c3f496e963b79a4944a426 (master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 26028d2ce48352c9b2c3f496e963b79a4944a426
Commit message: "[TAR-1227] Run the sonar container as the current user (#17)"
 > git rev-list --no-walk 26028d2ce48352c9b2c3f496e963b79a4944a426 # timeout=10
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timeout
Timeout set to expire in 1 hr 0 min
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (build)
[Pipeline] node
Running on ubuntu-1804-overlay2 (i-00481cbce3a8fb6f0) in /home/ubuntu/workspace/compose_ndeloof
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] checkout
using credential sf-release-bot.github.ssh
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
Fetching without tags
Checking out Revision b0510da139d6c3e65a143adc578c12746ca2c67a (ndeloof)
Commit message: "WiP"
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_SSH to set credentials docker-jenkins user on
 > git fetch --no-tags --progress -- +refs/heads/ndeloof:refs/remotes/origin/ndeloof
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f b0510da139d6c3e65a143adc578c12746ca2c67a
 > git rev-list --no-walk 195b84de4b3ff2d8a7f7242e6ab6696093f78461 # timeout=10
[Pipeline] sh
+ docker build -t compose:debian --target build --build-arg BUILD_PLATFORM=debian .
#2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#2 transferring dockerfile: 38B done
#2 DONE 0.0s

#1 [internal] load .dockerignore
#1 transferring context: 34B 0.0s done
#1 DONE 0.0s

#3 [internal] load metadata for
#3 DONE 0.1s

#4 [internal] load metadata for
#4 DONE 0.1s

#5 [build-debian 1/2] FROM
#5 DONE 0.0s

#9 [docker-cli 1/1] FROM
#9 DONE 0.0s

#7 [internal] load build context
#7 transferring context: 25.83kB 0.0s done
#7 DONE 0.0s

#11 [build 3/15] WORKDIR /code/

#20 [build 12/15] COPY compose compose/

#19 [build 11/15] COPY .

#12 [build 4/15] RUN pip install virtualenv==16.2.0

#14 [build 6/15] COPY requirements.txt .

#10 [build 2/15] COPY --from=docker-cli /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin...

#8 [build 1/15] COPY /usr/local/bin/

#13 [build 5/15] RUN pip install tox==2.9.1

#16 [build 8/15] COPY .pre-commit-config.yaml .

#17 [build 9/15] COPY tox.ini .

#6 [build-debian 2/2] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-re...

#18 [build 10/15] COPY .

#15 [build 7/15] COPY requirements-dev.txt .

#21 [build 13/15] RUN tox --notest

#22 [build 14/15] COPY . .
#22 DONE 0.1s

#23 [build 15/15] RUN script/build/linux-entrypoint
#23 0.605 + CODE_PATH=/code
#23 0.605 + VENV=/code/.tox/py37
#23 0.605 + cd /code
#23 0.605 + mkdir -p dist
#23 0.607 + chmod 777 dist
#23 0.608 + /code/.tox/py37/bin/pip3 install -q -r requirements-build.txt
#23 18.60 + '[' -z unknown ']'
#23 18.60 + echo unknown
#23 18.60 + export PATH=/code/pyinstaller:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
#23 18.60 + PATH=/code/pyinstaller:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
#23 18.60 NOT compiling bootloader!!!
#23 18.60 + '[' '!' -z '' ']'
#23 18.60 + echo 'NOT compiling bootloader!!!'
#23 18.60 + /code/.tox/py37/bin/pyinstaller --exclude-module pycrypto --exclude-module PyInstaller docker-compose.spec
#23 18.75 37 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.5
#23 18.75 37 INFO: Python: 3.7.4
#23 18.75 37 INFO: Platform: Linux-4.15.0-1048-aws-x86_64-with-debian-9.11
#23 18.75 39 INFO: UPX is not available.
#23 18.75 40 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
#23 18.75 ['/code/bin', '/code']
#23 18.75 40 INFO: checking Analysis
#23 18.75 40 INFO: Building Analysis because Analysis-00.toc is non existent
#23 18.75 40 INFO: Initializing module dependency graph...
#23 18.75 42 INFO: Initializing module graph hooks...
#23 18.75 43 INFO: Analyzing ...
#23 21.29 2582 INFO: running Analysis Analysis-00.toc
#23 21.31 2601 INFO: Caching module hooks...
#23 21.32 2606 INFO: Analyzing bin/docker-compose
#23 21.41 2697 INFO: Processing pre-find module path hook   distutils
#23 21.41 2697 INFO: distutils: retargeting to non-venv dir '/usr/local/lib/python3.7/distutils'
#23 21.58 2867 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   urllib3.packages.six.moves
#23 22.42 3713 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   six.moves
#23 24.77 6060 INFO: Loading module hooks...
#23 24.77 6061 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 24.77 6062 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 24.77 6063 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 24.81 6101 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 24.81 6103 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 24.81 6104 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 25.12 6412 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   win32com
#23 25.12 6414 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 25.12 6414 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 25.13 6420 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 25.17 6458 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 25.32 6611 INFO: Looking for ctypes DLLs
#23 25.35 6639 INFO: Analyzing run-time hooks ...
#23 25.36 6648 INFO: Including run-time hook ''
#23 25.36 6649 INFO: Including run-time hook ''
#23 25.37 6658 INFO: Looking for dynamic libraries
#23 25.84 7131 INFO: Looking for eggs
#23 25.84 7131 INFO: Using Python library /usr/local/lib/
#23 25.85 7141 INFO: Warnings written to /code/build/docker-compose/warn-docker-compose.txt
#23 25.90 7193 INFO: Graph cross-reference written to /code/build/docker-compose/xref-docker-compose.html
#23 25.92 7215 INFO: checking PYZ
#23 25.92 7216 INFO: Building PYZ because PYZ-00.toc is non existent
#23 25.92 7216 INFO: Building PYZ (ZlibArchive) /code/build/docker-compose/PYZ-00.pyz
#23 26.63 7917 INFO: Building PYZ (ZlibArchive) /code/build/docker-compose/PYZ-00.pyz completed successfully.
#23 26.64 7929 INFO: checking PKG
#23 26.64 7929 INFO: Building PKG because PKG-00.toc is non existent
#23 26.64 7929 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) PKG-00.pkg
#23 36.36 17654 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) PKG-00.pkg completed successfully.
#23 36.37 17658 INFO: Bootloader /code/.tox/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Linux-64bit/run
#23 36.37 17658 INFO: checking EXE
#23 36.37 17658 INFO: Building EXE because EXE-00.toc is non existent
#23 36.37 17658 INFO: Building EXE from EXE-00.toc
#23 36.37 17658 INFO: Appending archive to ELF section in EXE /code/dist/docker-compose
#23 36.41 17704 INFO: Building EXE from EXE-00.toc completed successfully.
#23 36.47 + ls -la dist/
#23 36.47 total 16648
#23 36.47 drwxrwxrwx 2 root root     4096 Dec  2 21:36 .
#23 36.47 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root     4096 Dec  2 21:36 ..
#23 36.47 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17034832 Dec  2 21:36 docker-compose
#23 36.47 + ldd dist/docker-compose
#23 36.48 (0x00007ffed6542000)
#23 36.48 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fb929d2d000)
#23 36.48 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fb929b13000)
#23 36.48 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fb929774000)
#23 36.48 	/lib64/ (0x00007fb929f31000)
#23 36.48 + mv dist/docker-compose /usr/local/bin
#23 36.48 + docker-compose version
#23 36.97 docker-compose version 1.26.0dev, build unknown
#23 36.97 docker-py version: 4.1.0
#23 36.97 CPython version: 3.7.4
#23 36.97 OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0l  10 Sep 2019
#23 DONE 37.3s

#24 exporting to image
#24 exporting layers
#24 exporting layers 0.7s done
#24 writing image sha256:251e725e4d1d3e632adadf88398e2f34c4dbc6dd0f66a7d3e20a558236787b4e done
#24 naming to done
#24 DONE 0.8s
[Pipeline] sh
+ docker build -t compose:alpine --target build --build-arg BUILD_PLATFORM=alpine .
#2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#2 transferring dockerfile: 38B done
#2 DONE 0.0s

#1 [internal] load .dockerignore
#1 transferring context: 34B done
#1 DONE 0.0s

#4 [internal] load metadata for
#4 DONE 0.1s

#3 [internal] load metadata for
#3 DONE 0.1s

#5 [build-alpine 1/2] FROM
#5 DONE 0.0s

#9 [docker-cli 1/1] FROM
#9 DONE 0.0s

#7 [internal] load build context
#7 transferring context: 23.29kB 0.0s done
#7 DONE 0.0s

#19 [build 11/15] COPY .

#14 [build 6/15] COPY requirements.txt .

#20 [build 12/15] COPY compose compose/

#12 [build 4/15] RUN pip install virtualenv==16.2.0

#11 [build 3/15] WORKDIR /code/

#15 [build 7/15] COPY requirements-dev.txt .

#6 [build-alpine 2/2] RUN apk add --no-cache     bash     build-base     ca...

#8 [build 1/15] COPY /usr/local/bin/

#17 [build 9/15] COPY tox.ini .

#10 [build 2/15] COPY --from=docker-cli /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin...

#13 [build 5/15] RUN pip install tox==2.9.1

#16 [build 8/15] COPY .pre-commit-config.yaml .

#18 [build 10/15] COPY .

#21 [build 13/15] RUN tox --notest

#22 [build 14/15] COPY . .
#22 DONE 0.1s

#23 [build 15/15] RUN script/build/linux-entrypoint
#23 0.623 + CODE_PATH=/code
#23 0.625 + VENV=/code/.tox/py37
#23 0.625 + cd /code
#23 0.625 + mkdir -p dist
#23 0.627 + chmod 777 dist
#23 0.628 + /code/.tox/py37/bin/pip3 install -q -r requirements-build.txt
#23 18.59 + '[' -z unknown ']'
#23 18.59 + echo unknown
#23 18.59 + export PATH=/code/pyinstaller:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
#23 18.60 + PATH=/code/pyinstaller:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
#23 18.60 + '[' '!' -z 1 ']'
#23 18.60 + git clone --single-branch --branch develop /tmp/pyinstaller
#23 18.60 Cloning into '/tmp/pyinstaller'...
#23 22.01 + cd /tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader
#23 22.01 + git checkout v3.5
#23 22.11 Note: checking out 'v3.5'.
#23 22.11 
#23 22.11 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
#23 22.11 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
#23 22.11 state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
#23 22.11 
#23 22.11 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
#23 22.11 do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
#23 22.11 
#23 22.11   git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
#23 22.11 
#23 22.11 HEAD is now at 498e6ee0 Release 3.5.
#23 22.12 + /code/.tox/py37/bin/python3 ./waf configure --no-lsb all
#23 22.31 Setting top to                           : /tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader 
#23 22.31 Setting out to                           : /tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build 
#23 22.31 Python Version                           : 3.7.4 (default, Aug 21 2019, 00:19:59) [GCC 8.3.0] 
#23 22.31 Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : /usr/bin/gcc 
#23 22.39 Checking size of pointer                 : 8 
#23 22.44 Platform                                 : Linux-64bit detected based on compiler 
#23 22.44 Checking for flags -m64                  : yes 
#23 22.46 Checking for program '/usr/bin/strip'    : /usr/bin/strip 
#23 22.47 Checking for program 'strip'             : /usr/bin/strip 
#23 22.47 Checking for library dl                  : yes 
#23 22.50 Checking for library m                   : yes 
#23 22.53 Checking for library z                   : yes 
#23 22.56 Checking for function unsetenv           : yes 
#23 22.59 Checking for function mkdtemp            : yes 
#23 22.62 Checking for flags -Wl,--as-needed       : yes 
#23 22.65 'configure' finished successfully (0.343s)
#23 22.65 'all' finished successfully (0.000s)
#23 22.65 'distclean' finished successfully (0.001s)
#23 22.66 Setting top to                           : /tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader 
#23 22.66 Setting out to                           : /tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build 
#23 22.66 Python Version                           : 3.7.4 (default, Aug 21 2019, 00:19:59) [GCC 8.3.0] 
#23 22.66 Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : /usr/bin/gcc 
#23 22.69 Checking size of pointer                 : 8 
#23 22.74 Platform                                 : Linux-64bit detected based on compiler 
#23 22.74 Checking for flags -m64                  : yes 
#23 22.77 Checking for program '/usr/bin/strip'    : /usr/bin/strip 
#23 22.77 Checking for program 'strip'             : /usr/bin/strip 
#23 22.77 Checking for library dl                  : yes 
#23 22.80 Checking for library m                   : yes 
#23 22.83 Checking for library z                   : yes 
#23 22.86 Checking for function unsetenv           : yes 
#23 22.89 Checking for function mkdtemp            : yes 
#23 22.93 Checking for flags -Wl,--as-needed       : yes 
#23 22.96 'configure' finished successfully (0.300s)
#23 22.96 'make_all' finished successfully (0.003s)
#23 22.96 Waf: Entering directory `/tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build/debug'
#23 22.97 [ 1/13] Compiling src/pyi_python.c
#23 22.97 [ 2/13] Compiling src/pyi_global.c
#23 23.04 [ 3/13] Compiling src/main.c
#23 23.07 [ 4/13] Compiling src/pyi_utils.c
#23 23.09 [ 5/13] Compiling src/pyi_python27_compat.c
#23 23.14 [ 6/13] Compiling src/pyi_win32_utils.c
#23 23.16 [ 7/13] Compiling src/pyi_main.c
#23 23.24 [ 8/13] Compiling src/pyi_pythonlib.c
#23 23.28 [ 9/13] Compiling src/pyi_path.c
#23 23.41 [10/13] Compiling src/pyi_archive.c
#23 23.43 [11/13] Compiling src/pyi_launch.c
#23 23.62 [12/13] Linking build/debug/run_d
#23 23.64 [13/13] Processing build/debug/run_d
#23 23.64 Waf: Leaving directory `/tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build/debug'
#23 23.64 'build_debug' finished successfully (0.682s)
#23 23.64 Waf: Entering directory `/tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build/release'
#23 23.65 [ 1/13] Compiling src/pyi_python.c
#23 23.65 [ 2/13] Compiling src/pyi_global.c
#23 23.75 [ 3/13] Compiling src/main.c
#23 23.76 [ 4/13] Compiling src/pyi_utils.c
#23 23.79 [ 5/13] Compiling src/pyi_launch.c
#23 23.99 [ 6/13] Compiling src/pyi_win32_utils.c
#23 23.99 [ 7/13] Compiling src/pyi_main.c
#23 24.01 [ 8/13] Compiling src/pyi_pythonlib.c
#23 24.07 [ 9/13] Compiling src/pyi_python27_compat.c
#23 24.12 [10/13] Compiling src/pyi_archive.c
#23 24.21 [11/13] Compiling src/pyi_path.c
#23 24.33 [12/13] Linking build/release/run
#23 24.34 [13/13] Processing build/release/run
#23 24.34 Waf: Leaving directory `/tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build/release'
#23 24.34 'build_release' finished successfully (0.701s)
#23 24.35 Waf: Entering directory `/tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build/debug'
#23 24.36 [13/14] Processing build/debug/run_d
#23 24.36 + install /tmp/pyinstaller/PyInstaller/bootloader/Linux-64bit/run_d (from build/debug/run_d)
#23 24.36 Waf: Leaving directory `/tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build/debug'
#23 24.36 'install_debug' finished successfully (0.018s)
#23 24.37 Waf: Entering directory `/tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build/release'
#23 24.37 [13/14] Processing build/release/run
#23 24.37 + install /tmp/pyinstaller/PyInstaller/bootloader/Linux-64bit/run (from build/release/run)
#23 24.37 Waf: Leaving directory `/tmp/pyinstaller/bootloader/build/release'
#23 24.37 'install_release' finished successfully (0.014s)
#23 24.39 + /code/.tox/py37/bin/pip3 install ..
#23 24.64 Processing /tmp/pyinstaller
#23 24.85   Installing build dependencies: started
#23 29.96   Installing build dependencies: finished with status 'done'
#23 29.96   Getting requirements to build wheel: started
#23 30.27   Getting requirements to build wheel: finished with status 'done'
#23 30.27     Preparing wheel metadata: started
#23 30.53     Preparing wheel metadata: finished with status 'done'
#23 30.54 Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /code/.tox/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from PyInstaller==3.5) (42.0.2)
#23 30.54 Requirement already satisfied: altgraph in /code/.tox/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from PyInstaller==3.5) (0.16.1)
#23 30.55 Building wheels for collected packages: PyInstaller
#23 30.55   Building wheel for PyInstaller (PEP 517): started
#23 31.36   Building wheel for PyInstaller (PEP 517): finished with status 'done'
#23 31.37   Created wheel for PyInstaller: filename=PyInstaller-3.5-cp37-none-any.whl size=2879088 sha256=8e247224eac1831ff621a2d13b97de3c9902015d2487228438337ec8fa982f23
#23 31.37   Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-7wic7_xn/wheels/87/26/52/6e71dbb2b6d73f545e70263c3d348435a974f03b1e9c578887
#23 31.52 Successfully built PyInstaller
#23 31.65 Installing collected packages: PyInstaller
#23 31.65   Found existing installation: PyInstaller 3.5
#23 31.81     Uninstalling PyInstaller-3.5:
#23 31.82       Successfully uninstalled PyInstaller-3.5
#23 32.16 Successfully installed PyInstaller-3.5
#23 32.22 + cd /code
#23 32.22 + rm -Rf /tmp/pyinstaller
#23 32.27 + /code/.tox/py37/bin/pyinstaller --exclude-module pycrypto --exclude-module PyInstaller docker-compose.spec
#23 32.43 35 INFO: PyInstaller: 3.5
#23 32.43 36 INFO: Python: 3.7.4
#23 32.43 39 INFO: Platform: Linux-4.15.0-1048-aws-x86_64-with
#23 32.43 40 INFO: UPX is not available.
#23 32.43 41 INFO: Extending PYTHONPATH with paths
#23 32.43 ['/code/bin', '/code']
#23 32.43 41 INFO: checking Analysis
#23 32.43 41 INFO: Building Analysis because Analysis-00.toc is non existent
#23 32.43 41 INFO: Initializing module dependency graph...
#23 32.43 43 INFO: Initializing module graph hooks...
#23 32.43 44 INFO: Analyzing ...
#23 34.87 2485 INFO: running Analysis Analysis-00.toc
#23 34.89 2496 INFO: Caching module hooks...
#23 34.89 2500 INFO: Analyzing bin/docker-compose
#23 34.97 2579 INFO: Processing pre-find module path hook   distutils
#23 34.97 2579 INFO: distutils: retargeting to non-venv dir '/usr/local/lib/python3.7/distutils'
#23 35.14 2747 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   urllib3.packages.six.moves
#23 35.97 3585 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   six.moves
#23 38.27 5875 INFO: Loading module hooks...
#23 38.27 5876 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.27 5877 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.27 5878 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.31 5916 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.31 5918 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.31 5920 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.45 6057 INFO: Processing pre-safe import module hook   win32com
#23 38.63 6238 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.63 6239 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.64 6245 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.67 6281 INFO: Loading module hook ""...
#23 38.83 6435 INFO: Looking for ctypes DLLs
#23 38.85 Illegal option -p
#23 38.85 6464 INFO: Analyzing run-time hooks ...
#23 38.86 6472 INFO: Including run-time hook ''
#23 38.86 6473 INFO: Including run-time hook ''
#23 38.87 6482 INFO: Looking for dynamic libraries
#23 39.08 6687 INFO: Looking for eggs
#23 39.08 6687 INFO: Using Python library /usr/local/lib/
#23 39.09 6697 INFO: Warnings written to /code/build/docker-compose/warn-docker-compose.txt
#23 39.14 6748 INFO: Graph cross-reference written to /code/build/docker-compose/xref-docker-compose.html
#23 39.16 6770 INFO: checking PYZ
#23 39.16 6770 INFO: Building PYZ because PYZ-00.toc is non existent
#23 39.16 6770 INFO: Building PYZ (ZlibArchive) /code/build/docker-compose/PYZ-00.pyz
#23 39.87 7484 INFO: Building PYZ (ZlibArchive) /code/build/docker-compose/PYZ-00.pyz completed successfully.
#23 39.88 7495 INFO: checking PKG
#23 39.89 7495 INFO: Building PKG because PKG-00.toc is non existent
#23 39.89 7495 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) PKG-00.pkg
#23 50.94 18553 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) PKG-00.pkg completed successfully.
#23 50.95 18557 INFO: Bootloader /code/.tox/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyInstaller/bootloader/Linux-64bit/run
#23 50.95 18557 INFO: checking EXE
#23 50.95 18557 INFO: Building EXE because EXE-00.toc is non existent
#23 50.95 18557 INFO: Building EXE from EXE-00.toc
#23 50.95 18557 INFO: Appending archive to ELF section in EXE /code/dist/docker-compose
#23 51.14 18747 INFO: Building EXE from EXE-00.toc completed successfully.
#23 51.20 + ls -la dist/
#23 51.20 total 17124
#23 51.20 drwxrwxrwx    2 root     root          4096 Dec  2 21:37 .
#23 51.20 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          4096 Dec  2 21:37 ..
#23 51.20 -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      17521520 Dec  2 21:37 docker-compose
#23 51.20 + ldd dist/docker-compose
#23 51.20 	/lib/ (0x7f464d8f5000)
#23 51.20 => /lib/ (0x7f464d8bf000)
#23 51.20 => /lib/ (0x7f464d8f5000)
#23 51.20 + mv dist/docker-compose /usr/local/bin
#23 51.20 + docker-compose version
#23 51.72 docker-compose version 1.26.0dev, build unknown
#23 51.72 docker-py version: 4.1.0
#23 51.72 CPython version: 3.7.4
#23 51.72 OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019
#23 DONE 52.0s

#24 exporting to image
#24 exporting layers
#24 exporting layers 0.4s done
#24 writing image sha256:f402344625a16783caf245ff123720958a6b1287270ce10c30b0f9e70a7b199d done
#24 naming to done
#24 DONE 0.5s
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ jq -r .[].name
+ curl
+ grep ^v[0-9\.]*$
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 13723  100 13723    0     0   169k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  169k
+ cut -f1 -d. /tmp/versions.txt
+ uniq
+ grep -m 1 v19 /tmp/versions.txt
+ grep -m 1 v18 /tmp/versions.txt
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (test)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (alpine v py27)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'agent' found among steps [SumoPipelineLogCollection, addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration, ansiColor, archive, awaitDeploymentCompletion, awsIdentity, bat, build, catchError, cfInvalidate, cfnCreateChangeSet, cfnDelete, cfnDeleteStackSet, cfnDescribe, cfnExecuteChangeSet, cfnExports, cfnUpdate, cfnUpdateStackSet, cfnValidate, checkout, container, containerLog, deleteDir, deployAPI, dir, dockerFingerprintFrom, dockerFingerprintRun, ec2, ec2ShareAmi, echo, ecrDeleteImage, ecrListImages, ecrLogin, emailext, emailextrecipients, envVarsForTool, error, fileExists, findFiles, getContext, git, githubNotify, input, invokeLambda, isUnix, jiraComment, jiraIssueSelector, jiraSearch, junit, library, libraryResource, listAWSAccounts, load, mail, milestone, node, nodesByLabel, parallel, podTemplate, powershell, properties, publishHTML, pwd, readCSV, readFile, readJSON, readManifest, readMavenPom, readProperties, readTrusted, readYaml, resolveScm, retry, s3Copy, s3Delete, s3DoesObjectExist, s3Download, s3FindFiles, s3PresignURL, s3Upload, script, setAccountAlias, sh, sha1, slackSend, sleep, snsPublish, sshagent, stage, stash, step, svn, tee, timeout, timestamps, tm, tool, touch, triggerRemoteJob, unarchive, unstable, unstash, unzip, updateIdP, updateTrustPolicy, validateDeclarativePipeline, waitUntil, warnError, withAWS, withContext, withCredentials, withDockerContainer, withDockerRegistry, withDockerServer, withEnv, wrap, writeCSV, writeFile, writeJSON, writeMavenPom, writeYaml, ws, zip] or symbols [CredentialsAuth, NoneAuth, NullAuth, TokenAuth, all, allOf, always, any, anyOf, apiToken, architecture, archiveArtifacts, artifactManager, authorizationMatrix, aws, awsCredentials, azureServicePrincipal, azureVMCloudRetentionStrategy, batchFile, bitbucket, booleanParam, branch, brokenBuildSuspects, brokenTestsSuspects, buildButton, buildDiscarder, buildingTag, caseInsensitive, caseSensitive, certificate, changeRequest, changelog, changeset, checkoutToSubdirectory, choice, choiceParam, clock, cloud, command, configMapVolume, containerEnvVar, containerLivenessProbe, containerTemplate, credentials, cron, crumb, culprits, default, defaultView, demand, developers, disableConcurrentBuilds, disableResume, docker, dockerCert, dockerfile, downloadSettings, downstream, dumb, durabilityHint, emptyDirVolume, emptyDirWorkspaceVolume, envVar, envVars, environment, equals, expression, extendedChoice, file, fileParam, filePath, fingerprint, frameOptions, freeStyle, freeStyleJob, fromScm, fromSource, git, gitHubBranchDiscovery, gitHubBranchHeadAuthority, gitHubForkDiscovery, gitHubSshCheckout, gitHubTagDiscovery, gitHubTrustContributors, gitHubTrustEveryone, gitHubTrustNobody, gitHubTrustPermissions, github, githubAccessToken, githubPush, headRegexFilter, headWildcardFilter, hostPathVolume, hostPathWorkspaceVolume, hyperlink, hyperlinkToModels, inheriting, inheritingGlobal, installSource, isRestartedRun, jclouds, jdk, jdkInstaller, jgit, jgitapache, jnlp, jobDsl, jobName, kubernetes, label, lastDuration, lastFailure, lastGrantedAuthorities, lastStable, lastSuccess, legacy, legacySCM, list, local, location, logRotator, loggedInUsersCanDoAnything, masterBuild, maven, maven3Mojos, mavenErrors, mavenMojos, mavenWarnings, merge, modernSCM, myView, never, newContainerPerStage, nfsVolume, nfsWorkspaceVolume, node, nodeProperties, nonInheriting, none, not, onFailure, override, overrideIndexTriggers, paneStatus, parallelsAlwaysFailFast, parameters, password, pattern, permanent, persistentVolumeClaim, persistentVolumeClaimWorkspaceVolume, pipeline-model, pipelineTriggers, plainText, plugin, podAnnotation, podEnvVar, podLabel, pollSCM, portMapping, preserveStashes, projectNamingStrategy, proxy, queueItemAuthenticator, quietPeriod, rateLimitBuilds, recipients, requestor, run, runParam, s3, sSHLauncher, schedule, scmRetryCount, script, scriptApproval, scriptApprovalLink, search, secretEnvVar, secretVolume, security, shell, skipDefaultCheckout, skipStagesAfterUnstable, slackNotifier, slave, sourceRegexFilter, sourceWildcardFilter, ssh, sshUserPrivateKey, stackTrace, standard, status, string, stringParam, swapSpace, tag, text, textParam, tmpSpace, toolLocation, triggeredBy, unsecured, upstream, upstreamDevelopers, url, userSeed, usernameColonPassword, usernamePassword, viewsTabBar, weather, zfs, zip] or globals [codecov, currentBuild, docker, dockerImageTagToDigest, documentationChecker, env, getCommitSha, getNodeNamesByPrefix, getRepoUrl, gitCommit, golangTester, matrixTest, params, petMinder, pipeline, s3Archive, s3Fetch, scm, sonarScan, testSummary, withChownWorkspace, withGithubStatus, withTool, withVpn, wrappedNode]
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL.invokeMethod(
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsScript.invokeMethod(
	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor612.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod.invoke(
	at groovy.lang.MetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(
	at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
	at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
	at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
	at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.GroovyInterceptor.onMethodCall(
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onMethodCall(
	at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$
	at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
	at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedCall(
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.sandbox.SandboxInvoker.methodCall(
	at WorkflowScript.runTests(WorkflowScript:57)
	at ___cps.transform___(Native Method)
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.ContinuationGroup.methodCall(
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.FunctionCallBlock$ContinuationImpl.dispatchOrArg(
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.FunctionCallBlock$ContinuationImpl.fixArg(
	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor515.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.ContinuationPtr$ContinuationImpl.receive(
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.ClosureBlock.eval(
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.Next.step(
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.Continuable$
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.Continuable$
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GroovyCategorySupport$ThreadCategoryInfo.use(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GroovyCategorySupport.use(
	at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.Continuable.run0(
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.SandboxContinuable.access$001(
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.SandboxContinuable.run0(
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThread.runNextChunk(
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThreadGroup.access$200(
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThreadGroup$
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThreadGroup$
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsVmExecutorService$
	at hudson.remoting.SingleLaneExecutorService$
	at jenkins.util.ContextResettingExecutorService$
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Finished: FAILURE