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12:06:30 + make -e validate
12:06:30 mkdir bundles
12:06:30 docker build -t "dockerbuildbot/libcompose:2a046c0bdbf256adf1d6fe107f5ab64770368af1" .
12:06:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  6.576MB

12:06:30 Step 1/14 : FROM golang:1.12.7
12:06:30  ---> be63d15101cb
12:06:30 Step 2/14 : RUN apt-get update &&     apt-get install -y iptables build-essential --no-install-recommends &&     apt-get install -y python-pip &&     pip install virtualenv
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> ac32a6af0bc1
12:06:30 Step 3/14 : RUN GO111MODULE=off go get &&     GO111MODULE=off go get &&     GO111MODULE=off go get
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> 0197d7e822eb
12:06:30 Step 4/14 : ENV DOCKER_VERSIONS 1.9.1 1.10.3 1.13.1 17.03.2 17.06.0
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> 0c5c284b6af9
12:06:30 Step 5/14 : ENV DEFAULT_DOCKER_VERSION 17.03.2
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> 0d94c7d587b0
12:06:30 Step 6/14 : RUN set -e; set -x;     for v in $(echo ${DOCKER_VERSIONS} | cut -f1); do         if test "${v}" = "1.9.1" || test "${v}" = "1.10.3"; then            mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/docker-${v}/;            curl${v} -o /usr/local/bin/docker-${v}/docker;            chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-${v}/docker;         elif test "${v}" = "1.13.1"; then            curl${v}.tgz -o docker-${v}.tgz;              tar xzf docker-${v}.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/;              mv /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/docker-${v};              rm docker-${v}.tgz;         else              curl${v}-ce.tgz -o docker-${v}.tgz;              tar xzf docker-${v}.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/;              mv /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/docker-${v};              rm docker-${v}.tgz;         fi     done
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> 5de95b94ca80
12:06:30 Step 7/14 : RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-${DEFAULT_DOCKER_VERSION} /usr/local/bin/docker
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> f3720aca4edd
12:06:30 Step 8/14 : WORKDIR /go/src/
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> cc78b7416318
12:06:30 Step 9/14 : ENV COMPOSE_COMMIT 1.9.0
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> 5a43dd4377d3
12:06:30 Step 10/14 : RUN virtualenv venv &&     git clone venv/compose &&     cd venv/compose &&     git checkout -q "$COMPOSE_COMMIT" &&     ../bin/pip install                -r requirements.txt                -r requirements-dev.txt
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> 2e25effa23dd
12:06:30 Step 11/14 : ENV COMPOSE_BINARY /go/src/
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> 74a69ff8454c
12:06:30 Step 12/14 : ENV USER root
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> aae04cb7e5c1
12:06:30 Step 13/14 : ENTRYPOINT ["hack/dind"]
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> 442fdfff171c
12:06:30 Step 14/14 : COPY . /go/src/
12:06:30  ---> Using cache
12:06:30  ---> a855da89c5b5
12:06:30 Successfully built a855da89c5b5
12:06:30 Successfully tagged dockerbuildbot/libcompose:2a046c0bdbf256adf1d6fe107f5ab64770368af1
12:06:30 docker run --rm -i  --privileged -e DAEMON_VERSION=""default"" -e OS_PLATFORM_ARG -e OS_ARCH_ARG -e DOCKER_TEST_HOST -e TESTDIRS -e TESTFLAGS -e SHOWWARNING -e TESTVERBOSE -v "/home/ubuntu/workspace/libcompose_master/bundles:/go/src/" "dockerbuildbot/libcompose:2a046c0bdbf256adf1d6fe107f5ab64770368af1" ./hack/ validate-dco validate-git-marks validate-gofmt validate-lint validate-vet
12:06:30 ---> Making bundle: validate-dco (in .)
12:06:30 0 adds, 0 deletions; nothing to validate! :)
12:06:30 ---> Making bundle: validate-git-marks (in .)
12:06:30 Congratulations!  There is no conflict.
12:06:30 ---> Making bundle: validate-gofmt (in .)
12:06:30 Congratulations!  All Go source files are properly formatted.
12:06:30 ---> Making bundle: validate-lint (in .)
12:06:30 Congratulations!  All Go source files have been linted.
12:06:30 ---> Making bundle: validate-vet (in .)
12:06:30 Congratulations!  All Go source files have been vetted.