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Console Output

12:28:32 [2019-09-27T12:28:32.340Z] + docker run --rm -t --privileged -v /home/ubuntu/workspace/moby_PR-39997/bundles:/go/src/ -v /home/ubuntu/workspace/moby_PR-39997/.git:/go/src/ --name docker-pr2 -e DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=b5dcdbde1cece60b0cb4f623eb2adc4a9f24384c -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER docker:b5dcdbde1cece60b0cb4f623eb2adc4a9f24384c hack/validate/default
12:28:33 [2019-09-27T12:28:33.265Z] Congratulations!  All commits are properly signed with the DCO!
12:28:33 [2019-09-27T12:28:33.520Z] INFO [config_reader] Used config file hack/validate/golangci-lint.yml 
12:28:33 [2019-09-27T12:28:33.520Z] INFO [lintersdb] Active 15 linters: [deadcode gofmt goimports golint gosec gosimple govet ineffassign misspell staticcheck structcheck typecheck unconvert unused varcheck] 
12:28:33 [2019-09-27T12:28:33.520Z] INFO [lintersdb] Optimized sublinters [staticcheck gosimple unused] into metalinter megacheck 
12:28:59 [2019-09-27T12:28:59.999Z] INFO [loader] Go packages loading at mode load types and syntax took 25.650915555s 
12:29:04 [2019-09-27T12:29:04.161Z] INFO [loader] SSA repr building timing: packages building 273.970551ms, total 5.003669061s 
12:30:25 [2019-09-27T12:30:25.520Z] WARN [runner/golint] Golint: can't lint 4 files: no file name for file &{Doc:<nil> Package:23308406 Name:quota Decls:[0xc02d2886c0 0xc02d288740 0xc02d2887c0 0xc02d288840 0xc02d284e10 0xc02d284f60] Scope:scope 0xc02d245f40 {
12:30:25 [2019-09-27T12:30:25.520Z] 	var ErrQuotaNotSupported
12:30:25 [2019-09-27T12:30:25.520Z] 	type errQuotaNotSupported
12:30:25 [2019-09-27T12:30:25.520Z] }
12:30:25 [2019-09-27T12:30:25.520Z]  Imports:[0xc02d284c90] Unresolved:[errdefs nil string] Comments:[0xc02d28a3e0 0xc02d28a560]} 
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] INFO [runner] worker.2 took 1m39.577651652s with stages: golint: 1m15.688556309s, gosec: 13.208468905s, gofmt: 4.615905216s, ineffassign: 2.635989306s, misspell: 2.073897074s, varcheck: 564.972322ms, deadcode: 342.769643ms, structcheck: 276.106754ms, unconvert: 170.918218ms, typecheck: 4.648µs 
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] INFO [runner] worker.1 took 1m41.397903458s with stages: megacheck: 47.528809523s, govet: 26.976103473s, goimports: 26.892970379s 
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] INFO [runner] Workers idle times: #2: 1.782584784s 
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] INFO [runner] Issues before processing: 1971, after processing: 0 
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] INFO [runner] processing took 535.039162ms with stages: exclude: 183.978289ms, identifier_marker: 152.094765ms, skip_dirs: 81.203208ms, autogenerated_exclude: 76.493362ms, nolint: 23.157812ms, path_prettifier: 7.199599ms, cgo: 5.107741ms, filename_unadjuster: 4.472413ms, exclude-rules: 1.304786ms, diff: 4.602µs, max_per_file_from_linter: 4.142µs, source_code: 3.759µs, max_same_issues: 3.612µs, path_shortener: 3.058µs, skip_files: 2.909µs, uniq_by_line: 2.726µs, max_from_linter: 2.379µs 
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] INFO File cache stats: 1436 entries of total size 6.8MiB 
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] INFO Memory: 178 samples, avg is 1403.9MB, max is 5243.0MB 
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] INFO Execution took 2m12.611019532s               
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] Congratulations!  "./pkg/..." is safely isolated from internal code.
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] No api/types/ or api/swagger.yaml changes in diff.
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] Congratulations!  All toml source files changed here have valid syntax.
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] Congratulations!  Changelog is well-formed.
12:30:47 [2019-09-27T12:30:47.391Z] Congratulations!  Changelog dates are in descending order.