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Console Output

09:07:06 [2022-04-07T09:07:06.819Z] + docker run --rm -t --privileged -v /home/ubuntu/workspace/moby_PR-43470/bundles:/go/src/ -v /home/ubuntu/workspace/moby_PR-43470/.git:/go/src/ --name docker-pr1 -e DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=4e81bcf380360dbc1a7c123e8e981df92ba2195c -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER -e TEST_FORCE_VALIDATE -e VALIDATE_REPO= -e VALIDATE_BRANCH=20.10 docker:4e81bcf380360dbc1a7c123e8e981df92ba2195c hack/validate/default
09:07:07 [2022-04-07T09:07:07.382Z] Congratulations!  All commits are properly signed with the DCO!
09:07:08 [2022-04-07T09:07:08.315Z] Congratulations!  Seccomp profile generation is done correctly.
09:07:08 [2022-04-07T09:07:08.315Z] Congratulations!  Packages in "./pkg/..." are safely isolated from internal code.
09:07:16 [2022-04-07T09:07:16.414Z] Congratulations!  The swagger spec at "api/swagger.yaml" is valid against swagger specification 2.0
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] Congratulations!  All API changes are done the right way.
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] Congratulations!  All TOML source files changed here have valid syntax.
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] Congratulations!  Changelog is well-formed.
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] Congratulations!  Changelog dates are in descending order.
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] Congratulations!  No new tests were added to integration-cli.
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] 
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] INFO Start validation with golang-ci-lint
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] INFO [config_reader] Used config file hack/validate/golangci-lint.yml 
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] INFO [lintersdb] Active 14 linters: [deadcode goimports golint gosec gosimple govet ineffassign misspell staticcheck structcheck typecheck unconvert unused varcheck] 
09:07:18 [2022-04-07T09:07:18.312Z] INFO [lintersdb] Active 14 linters: [deadcode goimports golint gosec gosimple govet ineffassign misspell staticcheck structcheck typecheck unconvert unused varcheck] 
09:09:24 [2022-04-07T09:09:24.742Z] INFO [loader] Go packages loading at mode 575 (deps|exports_file|files|types_sizes|compiled_files|imports|name) took 2m3.405093365s 
09:09:24 [2022-04-07T09:09:24.742Z] INFO [runner/filename_unadjuster] Pre-built 0 adjustments in 440.673789ms 
09:09:42 [2022-04-07T09:09:42.803Z] INFO [runner/unused/goanalysis] analyzers took 26.597189802s with top 10 stages: buildssa: 23.106343257s, U1000: 3.490846545s 
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] INFO [runner/goanalysis_metalinter/goanalysis] analyzers took 3m7.41889135s with top 10 stages: buildssa: 1m37.547094356s, goimports: 21.481631825s, unconvert: 10.892983714s, gosec: 10.000095249s, golint: 5.517340201s, misspell: 4.315871943s, ineffassign: 4.254022242s, inspect: 3.982617942s, vrp: 2.813545465s, printf: 1.739034329s 
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] INFO [runner] Issues before processing: 2258, after processing: 0 
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] INFO [runner] Processors filtering stat (out/in): path_prettifier: 1682/1682, exclude: 1577/1577, nolint: 0/64, cgo: 1682/2258, filename_unadjuster: 1682/1682, skip_files: 1682/1682, identifier_marker: 1577/1577, autogenerated_exclude: 1577/1682, skip_dirs: 1682/1682, exclude-rules: 64/1577 
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] INFO [runner] processing took 59.053563ms with stages: nolint: 21.02762ms, identifier_marker: 15.559903ms, path_prettifier: 11.365653ms, autogenerated_exclude: 5.389415ms, exclude-rules: 2.995163ms, skip_dirs: 2.395218ms, cgo: 207.092µs, filename_unadjuster: 108.866µs, max_same_issues: 1.18µs, uniq_by_line: 805ns, diff: 645ns, max_from_linter: 505ns, path_shortener: 345ns, skip_files: 329ns, exclude: 312ns, source_code: 274ns, max_per_file_from_linter: 238ns 
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] INFO [runner] linters took 1m38.046166042s with stages: goanalysis_metalinter: 1m18.08207228s, unused: 19.904922677s 
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] INFO File cache stats: 1455 entries of total size 6.9MiB 
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] INFO Memory: 2220 samples, avg is 1702.2MB, max is 4369.2MB 
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] INFO Execution took 3m41.900052162s               
09:11:04 [2022-04-07T09:11:04.205Z] Congratulations! The shell scripts are properly formatted.