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Console Output

14:03:51 [2022-04-27T14:03:51.874Z] + docker run --rm -t --privileged -v /home/ubuntu/workspace/moby_PR-43515/bundles:/go/src/ -v /home/ubuntu/workspace/moby_PR-43515/.git:/go/src/ --name docker-pr4 -e DOCKER_EXPERIMENTAL -e DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=dc15b19cb9aedcd06e844095b6e2d502bc51e519 -e DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER -e TEST_FORCE_VALIDATE -e VALIDATE_REPO= -e VALIDATE_BRANCH=master docker:dc15b19cb9aedcd06e844095b6e2d502bc51e519 hack/validate/default
14:03:52 [2022-04-27T14:03:52.440Z] Congratulations!  Packages in "./pkg/..." are safely isolated from internal code.
14:03:52 [2022-04-27T14:03:52.440Z] No api/types/ or api/swagger.yaml changes in diff.
14:03:52 [2022-04-27T14:03:52.440Z] Congratulations!  All TOML source files changed here have valid syntax.
14:03:52 [2022-04-27T14:03:52.440Z] Congratulations!  Changelog is well-formed.
14:03:52 [2022-04-27T14:03:52.440Z] Congratulations!  Changelog dates are in descending order.
14:03:52 [2022-04-27T14:03:52.441Z] Congratulations!  No new tests were added to integration-cli.
14:03:52 [2022-04-27T14:03:52.441Z] 
14:03:52 [2022-04-27T14:03:52.441Z] INFO Start validation with golang-ci-lint
14:03:53 [2022-04-27T14:03:53.378Z] INFO [config_reader] Used config file hack/validate/golangci-lint.yml 
14:03:53 [2022-04-27T14:03:53.378Z] INFO [lintersdb] Active 15 linters: [deadcode depguard goimports golint gosec gosimple govet ineffassign misspell staticcheck structcheck typecheck unconvert unused varcheck] 
14:03:53 [2022-04-27T14:03:53.378Z] INFO [loader] Using build tags: [apparmor seccomp] 
14:06:44 [2022-04-27T14:06:44.890Z] INFO [loader] Go packages loading at mode 575 (deps|name|types_sizes|compiled_files|exports_file|files|imports) took 2m49.79643995s 
14:06:44 [2022-04-27T14:06:44.890Z] WARN [runner] The linter 'golint' is deprecated (since v1.41.0) due to: The repository of the linter has been archived by the owner.  Replaced by revive. 
14:06:44 [2022-04-27T14:06:44.890Z] INFO [runner/filename_unadjuster] Pre-built 0 adjustments in 478.37193ms 
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] INFO [linters context/goanalysis] analyzers took 5m22.579679506s with top 10 stages: buildir: 1m58.565294104s, goimports: 25.481984997s, unconvert: 20.085750386s, gosec: 16.976425097s, S1038: 8.873258626s, golint: 8.082824384s, misspell: 7.393450193s, nilness: 4.865904462s, directives: 4.646346369s, unused: 4.407543881s 
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] INFO [runner] Issues before processing: 3054, after processing: 0 
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] INFO [runner] Processors filtering stat (out/in): autogenerated_exclude: 2054/2438, identifier_marker: 2054/2054, cgo: 2438/3054, filename_unadjuster: 2438/2438, path_prettifier: 2438/2438, skip_files: 2438/2438, nolint: 0/78, skip_dirs: 2438/2438, exclude: 2054/2054, exclude-rules: 78/2054 
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] INFO [runner] processing took 82.61678ms with stages: nolint: 32.653143ms, identifier_marker: 22.129145ms, path_prettifier: 9.240701ms, autogenerated_exclude: 8.617381ms, exclude-rules: 7.79465ms, skip_dirs: 1.738419ms, cgo: 283.034µs, filename_unadjuster: 154.432µs, max_same_issues: 1.282µs, skip_files: 1.09µs, max_from_linter: 627ns, uniq_by_line: 622ns, exclude: 446ns, diff: 322ns, path_shortener: 297ns, source_code: 295ns, max_per_file_from_linter: 270ns, severity-rules: 241ns, sort_results: 213ns, path_prefixer: 170ns 
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] INFO [runner] linters took 1m31.249438793s with stages: goanalysis_metalinter: 1m31.166666048s 
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] INFO File cache stats: 1668 entries of total size 8.5MiB 
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] INFO Memory: 2617 samples, avg is 293.2MB, max is 1203.0MB 
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] INFO Execution took 4m21.536689962s               
14:08:21 [2022-04-27T14:08:21.343Z] Congratulations! The shell scripts are properly formatted.