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  1. ci: Require changelog description (details)
Commit 1d473549e865ef6b90ee936c280f4bda677de39b by Paweł Gronowski
ci: Require changelog description

Any PR that is labeled with any `impact/*` label should have a
description for the changelog and an `area/*` label.

Signed-off-by: Paweł Gronowski <>
The file was added.github/workflows/validate-pr.yml
The file was modified .github/ (diff)


  1. ci: Require changelog description (details)
Commit 1d473549e865ef6b90ee936c280f4bda677de39b by Paweł Gronowski
ci: Require changelog description

Any PR that is labeled with any `impact/*` label should have a
description for the changelog and an `area/*` label.

Signed-off-by: Paweł Gronowski <>
The file was modified .github/ (diff)
The file was added.github/workflows/validate-pr.yml